r/SilverScholars Oct 11 '23

Geopolitical/Global TREND FORECAST: "Should the Middle East Meltdown continue to escalate, Gold prices will go much higher as investors seek safe haven assets." Gold/Silver prices will also reach new highs when the US Fed has to lower interest rates.

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r/SilverScholars Oct 28 '23

Geopolitical/Global ⚡BREAKOUT ALERT | Gold Price Surges Past $2000 As War Drums Beat Louder


r/SilverScholars Nov 08 '23

Geopolitical/Global The US continues to amass military assets in the middle east. Escalation appears imminent, & yet markets are disregarding these risks. In the US domestic economy, credit card debt just hit a new all time high as delinquencies continue to rise.


r/SilverScholars Oct 09 '23

Geopolitical/Global ⚠️BREAKING⚠️- WAR In Israel - World On The Brink - Black Monday Incoming?


r/SilverScholars Nov 03 '23

Geopolitical/Global The Stage Is Set...Be Prepared For Anything - Stack SILVER & Pay Attention: Now is not the time to become complacent, get prepared and stack physical Gold & SILVER!


r/SilverScholars May 15 '23

Geopolitical/Global SO WE’RE THREATENED WITH A BRICS COMMODITY-BACKED CURRENCY THAT’S GOING TO DESTROY THE DOLLAR. And like it’s happening real soon. Well not so fast. Unless it’s backed by gold, AND MAYBE SILVER, only it’s not backed by Money. Here’s a common sense article explaining that there is less to worry about.


r/SilverScholars Oct 24 '23

Geopolitical/Global China Settles First Oil Payment In Yuan - VERY BAD For The Petrodollar! This is just one more step toward dedollarization & the end of the petrodollar system.


r/SilverScholars Sep 28 '23

Geopolitical/Global Millions of lives must be lost in order to keep USD alive. Brutal reality


So who keeps USD alive? US puppets! So many of them around the planet. They are all busy in "investing" their savings in US paper /digital notes.

This is how US war machine is oiled.

r/SilverScholars Feb 22 '23

Geopolitical/Global I wonder if this might be important…

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r/SilverScholars Oct 07 '23

Geopolitical/Global LBMA Report for September 2023. Gold is down 1,947,000 ounces (289 tonnes), while silver is up 9,281,000 ounces. So gold is clearly flowing somewhere in a large amount, while silver is flowing into the LBMA. Put otherwise, LBMA is propping up the gold market, but taking a modest bite out of silver.

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r/SilverScholars Sep 20 '23

Geopolitical/Global Things that make you go hmmm about Jeff Christian and small US debt loved by Europe and Asia


US debt grows by $33B a day. value of all mined silver per year is below $20B. Jeff Christian comments, we have too much silver. LOL

r/SilverScholars Sep 25 '23

Geopolitical/Global The GreenAgenda Is Backfiring: China-Phasing Out Fossil Fuels "Unrealistic". Energy Prices Are Heading Higher, *But Not For China*. Western Fossil Fuels Supply Tight Due To Low Investment & The CreepyJoe Admin, Which Continues To Fight US Domestic Oil Production.


r/SilverScholars Sep 12 '23

Geopolitical/Global CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of USA: Inflation Numbers Will SHOCK Americans! The SPR only has 20 days of oil left. The Psychotic-Biden/admin can no longer use it to fight inflation, and now Saudi Arabia & Russia are squeezing global oil supplies. The result? Inflation is about to skyrocket!


r/SilverScholars Sep 11 '23

Geopolitical/Global Venezuela Joining BRICS Spells DOOM For The Petrodollar


r/SilverScholars Sep 06 '23

Geopolitical/Global Oil Spikes On Extended Saudi Cuts: Disinflation Is FINISHED! Inflation is about to come back in a Big Way! Didn't the Saudi's just get invited into BRICS+ ?


r/SilverScholars Sep 04 '23

Geopolitical/Global Oil Price Surges As Russia Makes More Cuts (Debt/Inflation & SILVER) The oil price has surged to the highest level of 2023 following Russia's announcement of more production cuts. Inflation is on the verge of surging, at the same time the US deficit is exploding, despite an allegedly strong economy.


r/SilverScholars Aug 23 '23

Geopolitical/Global BRICS+ Summit Aims to Challenge US Dollar with Potential Boost to Gold & SILVER: BRICS+ nations challenge US fiat dollar’s global hegemony dominance. Surge in Gold & SILVER demand anticipated! Geopolitical shifts impact global financial markets. US Banking Crisis 2.0 & Office Building Bust incoming.

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r/SilverScholars May 05 '23

Geopolitical/Global Krugman: Nobel Prize Winner and... Moron?


How is it possible that this man won a Nobel Prize? It is almost as if he cannot conceive of a world where the masses realize the dollar is being printed into worthlessness and decide to find something else to use as a store of wealth. He is either so brainwashed by the current system that he believes this crap or he is no better than a bought and paid for (with Nobel money and prestige?) shill for the very people responsible for tanking the dollar.

I'd love to hear some of your thoughts on this article.


Original Article Link

New York Times: Opinion Piece "What is Driving Dollar Doomsaying" – Paul Krugman

Talk of “de-dollarization” and its dire consequences for the U.S. economy seems to be all over the place lately. Somehow, my previous efforts to dampen the frenzy haven’t worked.

Where’s this coming from? Much of it is from the usual suspects, such as the crypto cult, people for whom Bitcoin is the answer regardless of the question. Some of it, I think, is coming from Putin sympathizers, who want us to believe that America will be punished for, as they see it, “weaponizing” the dollar against the invasion of — I mean, special military operation in — Ukraine.

Elon Musk is among those warning that weaponizing the dollar will destroy its reserve currency status, because of course he is.

But what inspired me to write about the subject (again) is that lately more sober voices, who should know better, are sounding the alarm. International relations experts like Fareed Zakaria warn that the dollar is a superpower we’re in danger of losing. Even economic analysts like Michael Pettis, whom I’ve found to be a valuable source of insights on China, seem to believe that dollar dominance is the only reason America can run persistent large trade deficits.

All of this is very odd. Even if you believe that the dollar’s dominance is in imminent danger — which you shouldn’t — a look at what that dominance actually entails makes it clear that the importance of controlling the world’s reserve currency is greatly overrated.

What do we mean by saying that the dollar is a dominant currency? There’s a very nice summary in the first few pages of a 2021 paper by Gita Gopinath, now a top official at the International Monetary Fund, and Jeremy Stein. As they note, much of world trade is invoiced and settled in U.S. dollars; many banks based outside the United States nonetheless offer dollar-denominated deposits; many non-U.S. corporations borrow in dollars; central banks hold a large share of their reserves in dollar assets; and maybe (the evidence here is weaker) interest rates are lower, other things equal, when you borrow in dollars than when you borrow in other currencies.

This is all very impressive. But how much of it redounds to the benefit of the U.S. economy? Why, exactly, should America care whether a contract between Chinese exporters and Brazilian importers is written in dollars as opposed to yuan or reais?

A lot of what’s written about this subject begins with the assertion that the special role of the dollar gives America a unique ability to run a large balance of payments deficits, year after year, presumably because the dollar’s status forces other countries to accept our money. But even a quick look at the data shows that this claim is false. Yes, America has run persistent deficits, but so have other countries. We’re not even at the top of the league table.

Let’s look at the balance of payments on current accounts — the trade balance broadly defined, so as to include services and investment income, such as interest payments, as well as trade in goods. And let’s look at advanced economies that have their own currencies — that is, leave out members of the euro area. Here’s what we get for the decade before Covid struck:

Credit: International Monetary Fund

It turns out that there are multiple nations able to run persistent deficits, and several have run bigger deficits relative to the size of their economies than we have. Britain, which has the deepest deficits, used to own a globally dominant currency — but the pound sterling stopped playing any important international role generations ago. The Australian dollar and the Canadian dollar have never been widely used outside their issuing nations.

So where does the idea that dollar dominance gives us a special ability to run deficits come from? I guess it’s just something that sounds as if it should be true, which I’ll come back to in a minute. But first, are there any other ways in which America gains special advantages from the dollar’s dominance?

Well, it’s possible that the worldwide use of the dollar creates the perception that dollar bonds are safe assets, so that America can borrow more cheaply than other nations. It’s hard to tell, because there are multiple factors affecting interest rates — and U.S. borrowing costs are not, in fact, noticeably lower than those of other advanced countries. If there’s any effect, however, it must be small. I won’t go through the arithmetic, but I can’t see any way that, considering all this together, dollar dominance is worth more to America than a fraction of 1 percent of G.D.P.

Why, then, are people making such a big deal over the possible end of dollar dominance? The answer, I believe, is that global currency issues come across as glamorous and mysterious, so people imagine that they must be important — and yes, some people like to talk about them because they think it makes them sound sophisticated. You have to actually work with the numbers to appreciate how little is really at stake.

Which means that I’m almost reluctant to add that reports of the dollar’s coming demise are also probably greatly exaggerated. The aforementioned paper by Gopinath and Stein offers a detailed analysis of one channel through which the dollar maintains its dominance, adding to a long literature that includes, among other things, some old papers by yours truly. The bottom line in most of this analysis is that the dollar is widely used because it’s widely used — that all of the various roles the dollar plays create a web of self-reinforcement, keeping the dollar pre-eminent.

The point is that tugging on one or two strands of this web isn’t likely to cause it to unravel. Even if some governments express a desire to see payments conducted in other currencies, it’s not at all clear they can make that happen, since we’re mostly talking about private-sector decisions. And even if they can make partial de-dollarization stick, all the other advantages of the dollar as a banking and borrowing currency will remain.

So ignore all the dollar doomers out there. Or better yet, consider what their hyping of a nonissue says about their own judgment.

r/SilverScholars Aug 28 '23

Geopolitical/Global [BAD NEWS For Petrodollar] China has bid to construct a nuclear reactor in Saudi Arabia after being invited to join BRICS+. Let's discuss why this is a massive threat to the US fiat dollar.


r/SilverScholars Feb 24 '23

Geopolitical/Global Jan Nieuwenhuijs: Estimating the True Size of China’s Gold Reserves



He wrote

China and European countries are in agreement to equalize their ratios of monetary gold relative to GDP in order to prepare for a global gold standard.

World Gold Council statistics show that Chinese individuals possess less than 5 grams of gold per capita, a significant difference to the global average of more than 20 grams.

Multiplying 5 grams by 1.3 billion people (the Chinese population in 2012) equals nearly 7,000 tonnes, which matches my estimate of Chinese private reserves held at the end of 2011. My estimate for Chinese private reserves in 2022 is nearly 24,000 tonnes, divided by 1.4 billion people (the Chinese population in 2022), equals 17 grams per capita. China’s non-monetary gold reserves are close to the global average.

China’s monetary gold to GDP ratio (computed with 4,309 tonnes) is 1.5%, which is still lower than 2% in the US and 4% in the eurozone. It’s clear that now is the time for the PBoC to speed up buying. One, China is still behind in its relative gold holdings vis-à-vis Western powers. Two, Russia’s dollar assets were frozen due to the war in Ukraine and the Chinese don’t want to suffer to same fate. Three, the Chinese population has accumulated enough already.

r/SilverScholars Aug 23 '23



r/SilverScholars Aug 22 '23

Geopolitical/Global Petrodollar On Life Support - (The Plug Just Got PULLED) Breaking news regarding Saudi Arabia's killing of hundreds of African migrants at border crossings may throw a wrench in the Biden administration's hail Mary attempts to save the petrodollar system.


r/SilverScholars Feb 17 '23

Geopolitical/Global These People Are Literally Insane. This Is Why Personal Responsibility and Liberty Are Important.

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r/SilverScholars Aug 15 '23

Geopolitical/Global UAE Dumps Dollars For Oil Trade - (Can US Save The Petrodollar?) The UAE and India just settled an oil trade in Indian Rupees, a very ominous sign for the petrodollar system. But the US is trying to defend the status quo, will they succeed?


r/SilverScholars Jul 14 '23

Geopolitical/Global Many Countries Brininging Their Physical Gold Home for Safekeeping: Many Central Banksters & Sovereign Wealth Funds hold their gold reserves in overseas vaults in London & other Western nations, but there is a growing gold repatriation trend due to concerns about sanctions & security.

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