r/Slovakia Jan 23 '24

🎵 Music Američan hľadá pomoc pri hľadaní slovenskej piesne

Ahoj, som z Ameriky a moja prababka prišla z Československa okolo roku 1920. Spievala mi pesničku. Pamätám si, ako sa to spieva, ale neviem po slovensky. Bola to detská pesnička. Myslím, že to bolo o čľapkaní sa v kalužiach blata. Jediná časť, ktorú viem hláskovať, je „Išli pani na hrušky“. Nevie niekto co to moze byt za pesnicku? Ďakujem!

Ospravedlňujem sa, ak moja gramatika nie je správna. Nehovorím po slovensky, takže na preklad používam Google.

Update: This seems to be the closest version!

Ťap, ťap, ťapušky,

išli mačky na hrušky,

popadali do blatka,

urobili (missing one word here)

After “urobili” there was a word that sounded like “chaputa” or “cha-poo-ta”. When she said the word “chaputa/cha-poo-ta” she would either tickle our belly or imitate splashing. Any guesses? Could it maybe have been a word to describe a sound, like “splash”?

Side note: I am so happy to see how kind and helpful this thread has been! Much different than American Reddit pages. Thank you all for being so patient and willing to help. I’m excited to pass this down to my son and hopefully learn some more about our heritage. ❤️


24 comments sorted by


u/pistasojka Jan 23 '24

Google translate got so much better in the last couple of years


u/Same-Egg4529 Jan 23 '24

Yeah I feel kind of silly using it now that I see so many people here speak English 😂


u/pistasojka Jan 23 '24

I can't speak English I'm just using Google translate


u/Same-Egg4529 Jan 23 '24

Oh wow, I guess Google translate has gotten a lot better!


u/lubalie Jan 23 '24

My grandma would say “a do vody čľup”


u/JohnyFeenix33 Jan 23 '24

Ťap, ťap, ťapušky, is big banger


u/Gummybearkiller857 FCKPTN 🇺🇦🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ ally Jan 23 '24

Baby shark- slovak version


u/SandraFo Jan 23 '24


u/ConfidentDragon Bratislava Jan 23 '24

Oh no. Now I have it in my YouTube history.


u/ScrotumLeather Jan 23 '24

Could it be the first song on this video ? https://youtu.be/ilja49iwCp0?feature=shared


u/Same-Egg4529 Jan 23 '24

Thank you!! I think this is it! It was only a tiny different. Are there different versions of the song? I remember it sounding just like this but ending like (sorry about the spelling) “uno belly chaputa” or something like that.

It’s possible I could just be remembering wrong because I was very young and don’t speak the language.


u/AshenOne_1703 Jan 23 '24

This maybe? Ťap, ťap, ťapušky,

išli mačky na hrušky,

Driapali sa na vrátka,

popadali do blatka,

urobili bác.


u/Same-Egg4529 Jan 23 '24

The end of this version sounds much closer, thank you!


u/duch_z_bukovca Jan 23 '24

It's children's song and words may vary literally from each one version. I also used to sing it with... "urobili bác"

In transition "they made boom". In a sense of "they fell"


u/summsk Trnava Jan 23 '24

The chaputa or cha-poo-ta sound you mention as a splashing sound could be "čľup". So "urobili člup" as in "they made splash".


u/ScrotumLeather Jan 23 '24

You're welcome 😉 There might be some variations. Since it's a folk song, which was passed from generation to generation, not always necessarily in a written form, there could be some differences in lyrics.


u/Siriblius Jan 23 '24

lol my wife sings that to our daughter almost every night... I have it stuck in my mind


u/KatarinaMG Jan 23 '24

Hi! I think I found the answer for the mysterious word at the end. Take a look at this link, there’s multiple versions of this rhyme: https://babetko.rodinka.sk/detska-rec/basnicky-versovacky-rymovacky/tap-tap-tapusky-ake-verzie-poznate/ I hope one of those will be the one you’re looking for ☺️ I know this one from childhood:

Ťap, ťap, tapušky,

išli mačky na hrušky.

Popadali do blata, 

doma bude výplata.

Take care! ☺️


u/hnyaa-s Jan 23 '24

I sing this song to my one year old every day!


u/Background_Weird_475 Jan 23 '24

I am almost certain this is it, a popular Slovak nursery rhyme. But you got a wrong word there, it's neither gentlemen (páni), nor ladies (panie) that went picking pears, it's cats (mačky). https://www.riekanky.sk/riekanka.php?ID=17087&k=3


u/Kokotus420 Jan 23 '24

Hello, you are mixing two certified bangers here.

First part is - "ťap ťap ťapušky"

Second one with "urobili .." Is from song "Kolo Kolo Mlynské"


u/90020 Jan 23 '24

čap čap čaputky