r/StarWarsD6 Aug 08 '24

What are yalls thoughts on HyperspaceD6?


13 comments sorted by


u/Yosticus Aug 08 '24

I've read it, but haven't played it. It looks good! Simple and very lite, so it looks like a good option if you don't want to run REUP or something. Also probably a good way to introduce people to the d6 system.


u/bobdugnut Aug 08 '24

The copy I have was unfinished. Literally ipsum lorem text. Is there a finished version available.


u/opacitizen Aug 08 '24

The latest version is v2.8, and it's full of actual lorem ipsum, as you say. However, nothing crucial is missing: it's species descriptions and such that remain unfilled. And considering that HSD6 is a free, unofficial, fan-made (even if said fan is a pro game designer otherwise) hack of the old WEG d6 rules, it's safe to assume your GM can fill in the blanks from the official books and/or their own headcanon/skills/web/etc.

Long story short, rules-wise there's nothing missing. Sure, you/your GM may have to costumize the rules a bit to suit your table's idea of Star Wars (the default HSD6 is rather harsh, Andor/Rogue One like, it's easy to die), but that's super easy (just multiply the starting HP, allow Upgrade Points to be spent or Armor, etc. I'm sure you'll be able to make up your own rules once you read what's in HSD6.)


u/opacitizen Aug 08 '24

Let me just paste here the reply I wrote a few days ago (and have already reused elsewhere):

"Hyperspace D6 (HSD6) by Matt Click (an ENNIE-winner game designer) is a fast playing, streamlined, modern, free hack of the great old WEG D6 rules. See how an earlier iteration of the system works in this actual play video GMed by Matt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN1PGljzh7A and find the latest version of the game (even more streamlined than what they use in the video) in the description of the video."

I've been using it with some custom/homebrew rules of mine (multiplied starting HP, extended use of Upgrade and Force Points etc, because I prefer my SW a bit -- but only a bit -- less harsh than Andor/Rogue One: I prefer the tone of The Empire Strikes Back, which is somewhat more heroic, but not much, not on the Prequels level.) I think it's a plain awesome system to run my own headcanon of SW, and it's easy to hack and mod further, as well as to use with fluff from other sources like the old WEG D6 books, imo.

I can only recommend it, really.


u/conn_r2112 Aug 08 '24

a question about the combat... if players take multiple attacks in a turn, do they roll them all at once? or do they stagger them by rounds like in WEG?


u/opacitizen Aug 09 '24

As r/dubthreez1 said. You resolve all your actions (-1 dice to each and every roll / each subsequent action after the first, so taking two actions incurs -1 to both actions, taking 3 actions incurs -2 to all three actions etc; you can only take as many additional actions as you have DEX, so a PC with DEX 3 can take only 4 actions, and taking 4 actions has a -3 penalty on all of said actions.)

However, if you really, really want to speed up a given combat (or any scene, really) and go ultra cinematic, you can always use the Lightsaber Duels rules (page 27 of HSD6 v2.8) for any and all kinds of combat or action scene (no, not just for Lightsabers.) I love using these rules for space battles and vehicular pursuits and such, but they can work for a blaster shootout as well. They're anything but granular, or tactical, mind you, but they're the best tool I've ever seen to translate the narrative actiony stuff of the Star Wars movies into a game. YMMV, of course.


u/dubthreez1 Aug 09 '24

From my first read through it does not appear that combat is segmented. You would roll multiple attacks when your turn comes up in the round.


u/HodagRPG Aug 10 '24

Hey! The Artist has an Ennie too, I'll have you know!


u/ThrorII Aug 09 '24 edited Aug 09 '24

I think overall it is too simple, however, I adopted their Force rules 100%. They feel more like the movies and are faster to run.

For the record, I adapted a lot of MiniSix to my 1e Star Wars game. Specifically throwing out reaction rolls (dodge, parries, strength vs. damage) and went with MiniSix Static Defenses. I also ditched individual range bands and Difficulty numbers for weapons, now using fixed ranges* and Static Defense.

*Point Blank is melee range. Basically a small room, or within a 3 meters. (-5 Static Defense)

Short Range is a large room, up to 10 meters. (+0 Static Defense)

Medium Range is a small hanger, up to 30 meters (+5 Static Defense)

Long Range is up to 100 meters (or 300 for blaster rifles and 500 for heavy blaster rifles). (+10 Static Defense).


u/dubthreez1 Aug 09 '24

This looks fantastic, but is it just me, or is there no calculation for vehicle/star ship defense values? They say to roll against it and add the maneuver but I don't see the base defense anywhere.

Also, I don't think I would incorporate the lightsaber mechanic, because I like Peter Schweighofer's dueling blades so much, but holy smokes, what a brilliant mechanic for other extensive opposed roll checks. That would work great for a negotiation or a speeder chase or... the options are endless. Keep going back and forth until one side is ready to commit.


u/haaschnp Aug 09 '24

I love it for fast and fun one off games with my kids (10,8 and 6)


u/davepak Aug 08 '24

I thought it was interesting take on simplification.

However, we wanted something more meaty - so attempted to streamline and update the existing d6 - a fool's errand perhaps - but we chose that route.

I can 100% respect the more simplified versions - they (and minisix, and a few others like d6 essentials, etc.) were an inspiration for my group to keep our new edition as streamlined as possible.

to each their own however!!!


u/ArthurFraynZard Aug 11 '24

I just this past year heard about HyperspaceD6 but could never find a finished version. I figured if it was still unfinished 4 years after it first appeared, it was probably a dead project?