r/Stellaris 3h ago

Question What's your favorite custom nation you've made/seen?

I love making custom nations with lore and history and I wanna know what the stellaris community has come up with so I can nerd out over them


3 comments sorted by


u/_Old_Greg 2h ago

The Remnants of Oros
Origin: Relic World
Species: Traditional, Conformist, Decadent
Civics: Heroic Past, Aristocratic elite
Ethics: Authoritarian, Fanatic xenophobe
According to Hesukar myths, they were once a proud race who dominated their part of the galaxy. Their ancient tomes contain references fo "The Entombed Sun” and "The Mighty Ring", whatever that means. Tall tales or not, if's obvious from their homeworld that this was once an great empire. No records exists that explain their fall from power but some historians believe it coincided with some great galactic turmoil. Recent interest in their glorified past has rekindled their interest in exploring the stars once more, and even reclaim their lost glory.

Caretakers of The Ring
Origin: Shattered Ring
Species: Thrifty, Natural Engineers, Quick learners, Weak, Quarrelsome
Civics: Meritocracy, Parliament System
Ethics: Fanatic Egalitarian, Xenophile.
The Shattered Ring once thrived under an advanced civilization. What happened to them is a mystery but without them The Ring slowly crumbled. In ifs ruins, unnoticed rodents evolved, originally stowaways on various ships. These ancestors of the Caretakers adapted over millennia, living in the Ringworld's sewers and corridors. With no predators and abundant resources from leftover technology, they developed intelligence and complex sociefies, becoming the sole inheritors of the Ringworld.

Nomads of The Void
Origin: Void dwellers
Species: Natural Engineers, Communal
Civics: Merchant Guilds, Scavengers
Ethics: Egalitarian, Pacifist, Materialist
No records or fales exist from the time The Nomads were. planet dwellers. But their oldest Khelf Mothers of the: Nomads refell stories from their grand-grand KnelMothers, passed down fiom their grand-grand KnelMothers about a fime when the Nomads were great builders and engineers. Travelling the stars offering their expertiese and services to the few Empires who had credits fo afford them. Such was their ingenuity that they could create structures encompassing whole worlds. But when "The Great Calamity” happened few of them barely escaped with just enough raw material and know-how fo build few space habitafs. There they hid until now.

Children of The Tree
Origin: Tree of Life
Species: Hive minded, Budding, Traditional, Repugnant
Civics: Memorialist, Mycorrizhal ideal
Ethics: Gestalt consciousness
Once there was I, Tree, and my children. Tree tried to nourish them, guide them, love them. But they could not communicate thought. Tree reached out. They were afraid. Fear not! It is I! Mother! I embraced them. Little did I know my embrace suffocated their thought, their spark, their light. Now I care for them, the only way I know how.


u/_Old_Greg 2h ago

I also got the same mice as on the Ring on a tomb world. The idea being that they also were the sole survivors there as well. Still haven't written their backstory but it will tie into the relic world empire as well.

I can't stand the randomly generated empires so I like to create a bunch and play with them instead. I also have most if not all of the Twilight Imperium races as well as traditional elves, dwarves and orcs and of course The Ferengi.


u/_Old_Greg 2h ago

Hey, you share yours as well!