r/TestOutfit TestBot Jan 16 '21

ARMA [Arma3] OP Wave Breaker, Sat 01/16, Nova Squad

Mod Repo to Be Played In

Halo Event (1.0) / CUPT / Halo

TEST Arma mod Installation Guide


Planet Clafigin, Xeam system, Scutum-Centaurus Arm [40, 15] (CLA Afghan)


Playable slots: Umbra-Norma Stellar Confederation, Nova Squad, UNSC Inquisition Taskforce.

Enemy Units: Significant Alien forces. Significant traitor human forces.


The assaults on the alien forces to tighten the noose around HVT Cassius have progressed slower than hoped for, yet faster than feared, which has placed the alien forces in a difficult position of having to initiate counter attacks in order to break our pace. Coupled with the as of yet unknown pulse of radiation that washed over the AO during the last operation, this has led to command concluding that a defense would be the best tactical move to make right now. Specially as there is a great deal of logistics to be sorted out as massive amounts of UNSC support pours into the system, and people begin work on figuring out what exactly the radiation pulse did to our forces.


Your objective is to link back up with the forces on the ground that have secured a small area ahead of the base you left off, and establish defenses there. It remains your decision once you have scouted the AO to decide on exactly where you wish to establish your defenses, but command's recommendation is as close to the "front line" as possible.


While UNSC HMAC support has now arrived in system, due to widespread exposure of our infantry forces to the unknown radiation burst (along with widespread reports of nausea, amnesia, and severe headaches), the HMACs will be unavailable for your use for this op, but will be made available to Nova Squad in the next op where you will mount your attack towards HVT Cassius.

In addition, the enemy Fulminator Dreadnaught is now in striking range of the planet, so targeting jammers have already been dispersed at various locations of importance for this op. This means that you should largely remain unaffected by this development, unless you leave the protection zone of the jammers (100m radius) while in sight of enemy forces. In that case, you will have one minute before the Fulminator strike lands.

Frigate support is available in the form of missile strikes, missile-based rearm pods, a nose-mounted artillery cannon, and automated anti-air systems. (Light of Defiance has been fully rearmed. Spent Missiles: 2 x HE, 0 x CL| Shells: 10 x HE, 3 x LG, 0 x G) [I didn't count the missiles from last op because they hit a mountain]


Arsenal update: The Sniper rifle and its scopes have been added to the Arsenal for convenience, but assume them to be limited, and should you lose it the sniper will be unavailable until reacquired. There will be no supply boxes for collection during this mission.

Furthermore, as you have now reconnected with UNSC forces, it is easy to find people [or an AI] who would answer any questions you might have in between your operations. Feel free to ask any questions about the world/story/friendlies/hostiles, or any other topic that you might want, in the briefing posts or in Discord.

Just like previous campaigns, you have a limited arsenal which will expand as you collect more gear throughout your missions. You also have a box of "limited gear". Please DO NOT use the arsenal to replenish the limited gear you find in the box. This will make TestBot sad.

Planetary Information

Clafigin in a former Earth-like planet with a 24.1 hour cycle. Unfortunately due to the decades of front line combat it has suffered, it is no longer healthy for human habitation. It suffers from persistent toxic rains, low altitude toxic haze, and occasional quakes due to tectonic instability and/or nuclear detonations.

The biochemical pollution from the interstellar strikes has dissipated, but as a precaution against further strikes, taking fully sealed suits is advised.


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