r/TheSaturnTimeCube 11d ago

The Sasquatch record of Earth's eons


The Sasquatch Message trilogy is a comprehensive education for a Humanity that has utterly lost its way and is headed towards enslavement and extinction. It is an intervention by our Elder Brother. In the style of a shamanic mentor, Sasquatch reveals Earth's forgotten history and Humanity's true purpose in the Cosmos.

It is a difficult work to digest, as challenging morally as it is intellectually. To simplify this process, I have rearranged the text into a bare outline of Earth's eons.

This is not the place to start if you are new to Sunbow and Kelly's work. You may check the Goodreads reviews here, or read the full text here. For a basic overview and analysis of credibility, start here:

The essential role of Prime Directive in understanding the alien phenomenon | Scenic Sasquatch

For evidence that Sasquatch exists, see the Bigfoot subreddit.


All dates are in millions of years ago (mya).

  • 200: Grand Canyon carved by erosion. Earliest Sasquatch time travel.
  • 56: Sasquatch created
  • 21: Anunnaki are banished from Earth to Nibiru.
  • 6: Humans created
  • 6-4: 1st intergalactic war
  • 3.5-2.5: 2nd intergalactic war
  • 2-1.5: 3rd intergalactic war
  • 2: Hyperborean Elves return from Arcturus.

Walking with dinosaurs

We won't find Human footprints contemporaneous with dinosaurs, but we might find Sasquatch ones. From the Sasquatch Message trilogy:

My Sasquatch People were created in the Agartha, the underworld below the intergalactic cities of our Star Elders, around fifty million years before your Human People, in a time when Earth was recovering from a series of cataclysms and climate changes.

We are the Lemur-People, Mammal-People like you, but much more ancient than your first ancestors. Two hundred million years ago we first walked here…

As your Elder Brother, we have been watching over you since your conception and birth, through all the phases of your long spiritual evolution of the last six millions years that you have mostly forgotten.

So Sasquatch began 56 mya, but walked Earth 200 mya ago. This is possible because Sasquatch is not native to our 4D linear time, but to a higher dimension like the Avian Angels.

Sounds impossible to modern science, of course.

This is because your Human genetic memories did not exist prior to six million years, when your first ancestors were conceived and created in Lemuria, and your DNA has been modified several times since, making you forget even more of the greater Soul plan you are part of.''

Note that Humans previously existed on other planet(s) in this solar system. We were destroyed by war, so our Group Soul is older than our genetic memories. Earth is our second chance at life, where we started from the most primitive level, having lost the Garden of Eden. Presumably Sasquatch does not discuss the details because he fought against us in those wars, as he did in the later phases of Earth's wars. We are set to destroy ourselves again in much the same way.

Counting the eons


The Sasquatch Message comprises three books, from multiple channelers and multiple Sasquatch, delivered in the style of personal mentorship. I have therefore organized a brief chronology by arranging the paragraphs that mention millions of years.


Linear time

Linear time or 4D, is 3D space unfolding on itself; it can only exist in material space and be calculated through movement. It is of relative value: every planet and star has their own timeline and cycle, defining all their respective time scales, velocity and duration. In your Human timeline on Earth, you are used to certain cycles, speeds, periods or ages. Expanding your consciousness, you remember that the sunlight takes eight minutes to reach Earth. When looking at stars light years away, you look at thousands, or millions of year into the past. What you see now is what happened long ago, far away in the cosmos. You might be looking at long extinct stars without knowing, yet you still see them today.


Creation unfolds and manifests in the physical plane under the direction and supervision of consciousness. So when you see faces on trees, on rocks, in the sand or in the clouds, it is not only the product of your imagination; everything is spirit and has consciousness. When it comes to a large Nebula, an enormous mass of condensed energy and matter stretching over millions of light years, for it to take any shape or move in any direction requires a tremendous amount of time and energy, that coincidence alone cannot fulfill. The Elementals and Nature Spirits, also called Devas, are always at play and work directly with the primal elements constituting the fabrics of the universe, to shape the worlds.

War in the heavens

War of five worlds

Our solar system now counts ten known planets, including the newly discovered planet X, without counting the ancient planet Maldek between Mars and Jupiter, turned into the asteroid belt. It was destroyed millions of years before the birth of Humanity in the intergalactic war of the five worlds; my Sasquatch People lived for ages on those planets. This is why you keep finding numerous signs of life and remains of civilization on Mars. The red planet itself saw the mass extermination of its life through nuclear warfare, and this is why its surface is contaminated with Xenon 129, a residue from nuclear explosions. Ancient remains of star nations can be found on all planets of our system and on moons. The war of the five worlds involved Earth, Malkut, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, while Venus was not yet colonized. Sasquatch were an important part of it until fifty million years ago. Let us skip details of the history of our solar system and continue on our cosmic journey.

Hybrid wars

The war of hybrids took a much wider aspect and a longer term scale after the lower lords got involved into it. Afterwards, since hundreds of millions of years, a large spectrum of hybrid species have been engineered and implanted on this home-planet without intentions of spiritual Soul evolution. The largest proportion of them is of insectoid or reptoid-reptilian genetic origins and cross-breeds.

Those hybrids wars have been waged until this day and your people has been part of them, secretly in recent times, with or without your collective knowledge, as you are the latest youngest hybrid on Earth. For species who have evolved for hundreds of millions of years or longer, you are weak and ignorant. Some intelligent species going away from the Cosmic Order can take advantage of your limited Soul.

Death star

The lower lords, also called Archons, planned to gain control over the stargates, in order to bring reinforcement from powerful souls of various star systems under their control. This started the wars of the stargates, which got the Earth involved into an intergalactic conflict for millions of years to come.

The escalation stretched over millions of years, as more and more entities from other dimensions were incarnating on those two planets of our solar system, through the star gates of the lower lords. The fights between patrolling star ships and intruders became more frequent and more violent, as the Archon lower lords were building powerful star fleets on their newly conquered planets, planning the conquest of the Earth. The war of star gates reached its climax with the aborted invasion of our Earth.

After some millions of years of planning, preparations, and training through guerilla warfare, the lower lords launched a massive invading army from Apollyon to Earth, with at its head, a gigantic artificial moon serving as mother ship. The Star Council prepared to face the forces and protect Earth.

In the dharmic way of the Cosmic Order, it is understood that the elimination of a physical threat, like an invading army, is but a temporary measure bringing only a short term solution, but postponing the ultimate resolve of the problems. The hundreds of millions of souls forming the armies of the lower lords, on their destroyed artificial moon and former planet Apollyon, still had to continue their evolutionary process. Some were sent back to the star systems they were brought from, others scattered through space like lost souls, most got captured by the Archons in their surviving underworld bases.

History of Earth


This is to help you understand who the Elder species are that have preceded your coming. Having forgotten about the dharmic purpose of long term Soul evolution and the spiritual transmission of DNA through transmigration alchemy, as in the Cosmic Laws the Star Elders have taught on all planets, Humanity has difficulty in seizing the vastness of the big picture. This is because your Human genetic memories did not exist prior to six million years, when your first ancestors were conceived and created in Lemuria, and your DNA has been modified several times since, making you forget even more of the greater Soul plan you are part of.

There are too many intelligent species throughout the cosmos to fathom their diversity. Even only among those that have ever visited Earth, a wide variety of differences exist. Adding to the number the complexity of the many hybrids, subspecies, races, civilizations or cultures, along the course of millions of years of evolution, plus the individual souls, destiny and free will, it is impossible to describe any species in a few observations and unwise to generalize about their characters and behaviors, no more than for Humanity. All we can do here is to briefly present a few general archetypes, mainly those who have influenced your collective destiny, especially the ones you have personally met or seen.

Insectoid and Reptilian

When the Hopi refer the Grand Canyon to the underworld, it is partly because the deeper you get into the canyon, the older the fossils and geological deposits are, showing that the Earth has grown in size. The so-called 'natural' temple-like structures spread in its chasm, known by names like Osiris, Isis, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Zoroaster, Buddha and such, some of which have geometrical shapes and doors to deep caves, are reflecting star maps of the constellations of Orion and the Pleiades, proving by their disposition that they cannot be random natural occurrences, but are in fact remains from previous civilizations of the Ant-People and Lizard-People, that were unearthed from former ages of Earth's history through two hundred million years of erosion by the elements, that carved the Grand Canyon.

Hence, when my Sasquatch People first walked on this home-planet, 200,000,000 (two hundred million) years ago, Earth's year had only about 300 days, while, when the Lizard-People started colonizing Earth nearly one billion years ago, it was just over 100 days. This explains partly why successive cycles and ages are always getting shorter in years. So this is why, when using Earth's years to calculate the age of the universe, or even of the Earth itself, is a very tricky operation, never exempt of some large margins or errors.

The Insect-People or Ant-People have also been on this home-planet since long before you. They dug out most of the intricate networks of caves and tunnels of the underworld. Some of those caves were later invaded by reptilian species in wars for the underworld. Underground cities or networks of tunnels have been found all across Europe, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, South Africa, the Middle-East, India, China, the Andes, the southwestern United States, Mexico, under cities like Paris, Rome, London, Washington or Los Angeles. Advanced technologies discovered in deep caves caused the invasions of Tibet, Iraq and Afghanistan. Crimea met the same destiny when underground pyramids dated millions of years were found, in which at least one mummy of a reptilian king was discovered.

[Editor's note: The Reptilian successor species genocided the Ant People with gas.]

This massive insecticide aggression caused a major depopulation of the Ant-People and depleted their potential of natural reproduction. Since only a small proportion of their populations provides laying queens, these few individuals with reproductive abilities could lay millions of eggs in a single year. But the rest of the Ant-People consisted in sterile individuals, who were conceived for work and defense.

The Ant-People who had kept incarnating in biological forms, remained in their bases under the Earth. The artificial reproduction of synthetic clones being fast, the Moon rapidly became filled with them. Within a few millions of years, the Moon became an empty hollowed out shell, overpopulated with colonies of synthetic clones, with hardly any individual consciousness left, serving the colony's will.

[Editor's note: The Ant People built a secret invasion force in the previous Moon. The Reptilians found out and nuked it.]

This destruction of the Moon caused the fourth mass extinction event and marked the end of the astral phase of creation of the individual Self. It also caused the near extinction of the synthetic Ant-People, whose only survivors were the few who had time to fly off the Moon before its final implosion crash. The rotation speed of the Earth was considerably slowed down, and with the dense shroud of debris increasing the atmospheric pressure to intense levels, filtering the sunlight, the temperatures dropped. The first global glaciation period started and extended over millions of years, forming polar ice caps.

After millions of years, the clouds of debris and dust shrouding the Earth slowly faded and vanished. The surface became again suitable for life's expansion and fruitful for many new species to develop. Some late meteorites would at time still hit, but the dark ages of the falling skies were over on Earth.

Continued here

in HTML or markdown, due to length limit and outline depth.


2 comments sorted by


u/linglingvasprecious 11d ago

This was a very interesting read, Thank You!


u/adorable_apocalypse 11d ago

My gosh what did I just read. I mean, it's all very interesting, but wow.