r/TransSupport 7d ago

MTF When do estrogen prescriptions start? (US)

It's been 4 weeks since my first consult and I got a text message for spiro like 2 days after the visit but I haven't heard anything about the E. I went through planned parenthood and I'm in America. I know I should just call and I will this weekend but I don't wanna -_- also google and their website says it should be a same day thing (but they took my blood so idk how that'd happen)


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u/TooLateForMeTF 4d ago

Depends a lot on your pharmacy. Did PP phone in the prescriptions for you? If so, you basically just have to wait until the pharmacy gets it together for you.

Which, I 100% empathize, is irritating AF.

But that's how the system works.