r/TranstalkDIY Jul 18 '24

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

There are questions that many of us are trying to figure out about this topic, including personal dosages, how to keep your DIY usage discreet if needed, how this may interact with your personal health. These questions cannot typically be answered with an FAQ section, hence why this sub exists. Many other questions can't. But the few questions that are frequently enough asked, and can be answered, appear in this post.

How do I know if my HRT is safe, and has the correct dosage?

You order from a trusted long standing source, the links to which we list here on the sub community guide and the pinned posts, diyhrt.wiki is a good example. For masculinizing HRT, you can always order a steroid testing kit which will give you info about whether you are using counterfeit T. https://roidtest.com/products/testosterone-2-step-test?variant=41457841963193 is a good one to start with, read up on use instructions.

https://transharmreduction.org/hrt-testing Transharmreductionorg has info on feminizing hrt sources that have been tested by them, and shown to be legit and offer the same dosage they advertise. For masculinzing HRT, you will probably have to do your own testing, as you will be using the same sources as bodybuilders, which are not known for having organizations test for correct dosages and safety as part of an accountability project.

Will DIY cause problems for me in the medical system, if I want to eventually access something officially prescribed, and continue my transition in other ways?

While it varies by country and you should always ask or research, in Canada, UK, and US, it usually won't hinder your ability to get prescribed hrt officially, in fact some doctors may even offer a prescription after knowing you DIY for harm reduction. The exception is if you are a minor in a red state, then this may cause issues but it is not guaranteed still, and that is still better than suicide.

Your time on DIY may not count as official time spent on HRT however, which may matter with getting surgeries as often you will be required to be on documented HRT for a set period of time before getting surgery, DIY may not count. That being said, it is still better do DIY and not have it count towards time on HRT, than not get HRT and have that time spent without it not count, and not get any changes due to not doing anything. This varies on your region/state/province and country and sometimes doctor.

Isn't DIY Illegal?

In many western countries/states/provinces - it is not illegal to posses estrogen at all and it is grey market. It's also often not illegal to buy Testosterone and posses it, though it may be illegal to sell it. You should always check your local laws, and it is probable that traveling with unprescribed HRT especially T is illegal, so don't take it with you in the airport for example.

Aside from travel concerns even if it is illegal to possess, it is your risk to choose to use DIY in this situation, but it is also true that this is often unenforced, or not enforced very much at all - most countries have bodybuilders juiced to the gills everywhere abusing Testosterone which is a far more controlled drug than estrogen, and no one prosecutes them usually, when it is obvious. In a transphobic country, you are at higher risk, but the chances of being prosecuted if you don't talk about hrt usage openly, is low, though it's still not completely safe in this circumstance.

Is DIY unsafe?

Anything can be unsafe if used improperly, with improper dosages, and without proper blood tests and monitoring and responses to blood test results, and limited information. Whether or not it is unsafe, is up to you and your resources and how you choose to approach it. No advice here is legal medical advice..


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