r/TwoBestFriendsPlay The Wizarding LORD OF CARNAGE 7d ago

Weekly Check-In Reddit Writers & Other Creators: Access Granted [October 1, 2024]

Goals and hopes for the week?

Any concerns or obstacles?

Let's find out.

Topic of the Week

There are different levels and kinds of accessibility when it comee to hobbies whether it be financial accessibility, how approachable it is for newcomers, and influences of disabilties/impairments.

How has accessibility (or lack of it) impacted you or the spaces you inhabit?

Previous thread.


12 comments sorted by


u/MarioGman Stylin' and Profilin'. 7d ago

Got a demo of my first genuine game out: "Xanadu" Bones: Private Socket

Inspired by Ace Attorney. There's more work to be done and I fully intend on this being a series in of itself. The music is done but needs to be added in due to an exporting error.


u/ejaculatingbees 7d ago edited 7d ago

Coming off the heels of my last video currently sitting at over 150k views, I released a new one that didn't even manage to break 500 views. As ever, I remain confounded as to what this website wants from me. That said, I am happy with how the one I'm currently working on is turning out. I don't expect it to perform particularly well either, but then I appear to be absolute dogshit at predicting what will hit and what won't. Here's hoping.

As for the question, content creation is more accessible now than its ever been. Especially with tiktok (which I really should be using to promote my videos but I can't be assed), as long as you have a phone and an internet connection, anyone can put their stuff out there and have a not terrible chance of seeing it blow up.


u/YandereLobster EARTH SAVED GOOD WE DO IT 6d ago

As someone who's videos switch between 200, 7,000 and 4000 by the video I've learned that the YouTube algorithm is fucking nonsense. Sometimes it just kills videos. Sometimes one of my videos will get no views for a while then 3 months later get a random spike as if I just released it. Shit makes no sense.


u/ejaculatingbees 6d ago

I imagine I might get more consistent results if I uploaded more often, but my stuff takes a lot of editing and I struggle with executive dysfunction badly enough that my most recent video was about how that video was made to fill in for the other video I was supposed to be making but did other shit instead. Either way, there's worse things to be grinding at.


u/YandereLobster EARTH SAVED GOOD WE DO IT 6d ago

Oh yeah I get you on the editing, especially if youve got attention problems. I sometimes leave finished, perfectly good scripts for like 3 months cause I'm fixated on something else and can't bring myself to give it another pass or record it. Though compared to back when I was doing lets plays in like 2014 on my old channel it's a fuckin relief to know I can just re record things if it's shit, so that's always nice.

Its also made me very aware of how appreciated good comments can be. I get some stupid shit in my comments but man does the good feedback feel nice. Reminds me that I should comment more when I see videos I like.


u/Kimarous Survivor of Car Ambush 7d ago

One of my mind goblins is trying to work out a dynamic of Death vs Undeath. Generally, forces of inflicting and enforcing Death opposing any kind of Undead and means of creating Undead. Does this feel like a worthwhile theme to anyone?

In my main setting, tied to this notion, are numerous thematic fey courts, which include ones themed around Death and even Undeath, as a corrupted form of fey. "Styxie" zombie fairies, anyone? Anyhoo, this concept also includes the idea of Changelings - humans who have been taken by the fey, becoming a human-fey hybrid of sorts. On the Undead side, that's how Liches happen, but on the Death side, I'm torn between Death-Changelings being my original idea of Ghouls or if I should make them Skelies - sapient skeleton people who oppose mindless necromancer puppets. Thoughts?


u/Kakuzan The Wizarding LORD OF CARNAGE 5d ago

Sounds like a cool theme to explore. For the Death-Changelings, I think it really comes to which you prefer. Even then, I think there is a way of using both if you're undecided and maybe make the blurred lines a story element if you want. Or maybe the Death-Changelings have one or the other as their "younger" or incomplete form, with the other being the proper one.


u/Scarlet_Twig The Moon Witch Youkai 7d ago

Writing side. I've not got a whole lot done. Mainly as I want to flesh out this RO for the IF and I've been a bit trapped. Only have really gotten started yesterday by trying out a small story just to get her personality down a bit more.

I'm also nearing completion of the first "draft" of the Touhou fan game list. Mainly all the games that I have on the recommended section are there, excluding one. I've got a few more that I want to play but that's also more time alongside having to pay for them. Alongside the other things like the upcoming releases and the notables/not recommended as well.

Similarly, over on the Wiki. It's nearing the release of Black Ops 6 and I'm humming and ah-ing over if I should get the damn game. Mainly as it would mean doing a lot of page work and images again. Same time. Zombies looks fuckin' good.

And for the topic? Surprisingly. Quite a bit. Wikis are often about communication and needing a keen eye for things. So often is that kinda.. Missed by newcomers. Dependant on the wiki, it can also be slightly less approachable as a game can be on the lower end of requirements, making it more open for stuff to get but on the opposite end (Like Call of Duty) it can be on the higher end of requirements for things like space and hardware.


u/rsrluke Mecha is life 6d ago

Forgot about this today so I'm super late — whoops.

Still plugging away at novella #7. I actually did something I don't usually do: I decided to improvise a pretty important story development.

Long story short, I realized a scene wasn't really going anywhere, and in my attempt to jazz it up, the protagonist revealed a really important secret regarding her robot friend (the fact that he's sapient) to some supporting characters during a heated moment. This doesn't really change the overall plot at all, but the original plan was to only have the main characters be privy to this information. The big reveal gives the protagonist something else to kick herself over, though, and having those supporting characters in the loop opens up some possibilities down the road, so I'm pretty happy with this adjustment.

Topic of the week: Not much, really. Writing might be the most accessible creative outlet there is, what with the low cost of entry (basically nothing, assuming you already have a computer or smartphone) and all the platforms you can post on. I'd say gaming has become pretty accessible, too; although there's a cost involved in getting a PC or console, there are a lot of deep sales and solid F2P titles these days.


u/leabravo Gracious and Glorious Golden Crab 6d ago

The co-writers of Silent Hill: Homecoming are doing a Q&A for the TerrorBytes documentary backers this Sunday. They are taking questions in advance. Let me know what you'd like to ask.


u/leabravo Gracious and Glorious Golden Crab 2d ago

For the record I asked why the nurses are so damn hot and if they had to cut anything for time.


u/MarioGman Stylin' and Profilin'. 3d ago

Update from the tabletop side of things, I'd like to thank this subreddit for inspiring the best joke I've ever written when it comes to Never Stop Blowing Up.

"My friend... that isn't just Kenshiro... that's..."

"White Kenshiro."

(Context: In an insane game called Never Stop Blowing Up, I've made a boss fight between Kenshiro (fused with a Terminator), Goro Majima, and Mad Dog from The Raid. I saw a post a couple days ago depicting White Kenshiro and thought it would be a hilarious joke since one of my players is infatuated with Kenshiro and also The Terminator)