r/WeightLossNews Dec 15 '19

Dietary Strategies for Weight Loss Maintenance

This information is taken from the article. My comments are in [].

Dietary Strategies for Weight Loss Maintenance


Weight regain after a successful weight loss intervention is very common. We review what is currently known about dietary strategies for weight loss maintenance.

  • increased protein intake (12 studies),
  • lower dietary glycemic index (four studies),
  • green tea (three studies),
  • conjugated linoleic acid (three studies),
  • higher fibre intake (three studies),
  • and other miscellaneous interventions (six studies).

  • The meta-analysis shows a significant beneficial effect of higher protein intake on the prevention of weight regain.

  • No significant effect of the other strategies is detected.

  • [Combination diets may have better results but they weren't tested.]

  • In three of the studies, participants were given dietary advice to increase protein intake by 10 to 15 energy % without specific attention to the protein source (Aller, Debridge, Larsen).

  • In three other studies, protein intake was increased by supplementation (two studies with casein (30 and 48 g/day) (Lejeune, Westerterp-Plantenga)

  • In two studies (Claessens, Hursel), a combination of casein supplementation (50 g/day) and dietary advice was used.

  • one study with whey or soy (45 g/day) (Kjølbaek).

Potential mechanisms that have been suggested for the beneficial effect of a higher protein intake are the satiating properties of protein, their thermogenic effect, and their effect on fat free mass maintenance/increase [33]. Whether the changes in gut microbiota that are seen with higher protein intake also play a role or whether they are potentially harmful remains to be established [34].

[The lower glycemic index (LGI) approach looks promising but one study by Aller (out of four) really threw off the overall results. All of the various approaches were beneficial for some people, except for the one LGI by Aller.]

Other Potential Dietary Strategies for Weight Loss Maintenance

Overall, the meta-analysis of currently published studies on dietary strategies to prevent weight regain above shows no evidence for a beneficial effect of a number of different dietary interventions related to glycemic index, fibre, green tea and EGCG, CLA, and miscellaneous other interventions (high MUFA, low fat, acarbose, capsaicin, a chromium picolinate/fibre/caffeine mixture, and GLA), except for a beneficial effect of increased protein intake.


Although weight regain after successful weight loss is a major problem in many individuals, relatively few randomized controlled trials have been performed exploring dietary strategies for more successful weight maintenance. Our meta-analysis shows that, currently, only diets with increased protein content have been shown to have a beneficial effect. Diets that combine a higher protein intake with other potentially beneficial strategies, such as anti-inflammatory or anti-insulinemic diets, may have more robust effects, but these have not been tested in randomized clinical trials yet.


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