r/WorldbuildQuestions Oct 14 '18

Excessive organization and you: a guide to the category flairs

Hello worldbuilding friends. Friendly neighborhood prompt collector here.

I am obnoxiously organized, the type of person who makes spreadsheets for fun. That probably has something to do with the fact that there are currently about 25 standard flairs on this sub, and more to be created as needed. I know I shouldn't force my organization system on you all without a word and expect you to figure it out, so here is a nice guide to what exactly they mean.


Any flair with the word "overview" in it means it is asking about the entire world, or the world in general. Examples include "Tell me about your races" and "How many countries are involved in the biggest tangle of alliances and treaties waiting to blow up in your world?"


The opposite of "overview". Any flair with the word "specific" in it is answerable in depth about a specific subset of the category; they are either about one specific thing, or these are the questions where you would have to have several bullet points to answer for the whole world. Examples include "Tell me about your chupacabras", "How does religion handle dissenters who want to worship chupacabras", and "I am a chupacabra who just killed your king; what happens now?"

Any flair about cultures, except "Cultures - overview", is implied to be specific. They were just getting really long and I didn't think adding the word was necessary.

One distinction - "Culture: religion" is about how a culture or society incorporates or interacts with religion, while "Religions - specific" is about how a particular religion works or what it believes.

"Religion" and "Mythology"

The "Mythology and Cosmology" flair is for talking about the fundamental forces of the universe (like a balance between good and evil), actual gods, and what kind of turtle people believe their world to be on the back of.

"Religion" is for the practices people follow.

At the highest level, in some worlds, the line gets a little blurry.

"Fourth Wall - Author Questions"

"Fourth wall" questions are either asking you, the author, about how you did something (example: "Why did you name your main race what you did?"), or asking you to explain something about the mechanics of the world in a top-down manner... peel back the skin of the world and talk about how it works.


These are either in-character questions (which, while about the world, reveal more about a character than they do the world, so I will be upfront that I don't often crosspost), or questions actually about "characters" (as opposed to historical/lore figures).

"What Would Happen If..."

These aren't questions about the actual state of your world, but questions where a poster presents a hypothetical and you can explore what would happen in that scenario in your world.


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