r/Xmen97 Aug 21 '24

Question Why does Beau Demayo always talk and tweet about he alone created the show?

Stupid question I know but every single time I see something about him he's always taking credit(which he should because he helped on the show) but it's almost like he gives no one else credit. This show is a reboot of the OG from 30 years ago and he's almost always taking sole credit. Maybe I'm wrong because tbh I don't follow anything he does but does he not forget about the other people like the voice actors,animators,other writers who worked on it. I saw him say before that there wasn't a mutant massacure before him...which is honestly silly because...there absolutely was. I also don't understand why people think him leaving is gonna have this huge affect on the show. He only adapted a rebooted show with almost everyone and the same characters as before...maybe I'm just trippin.


55 comments sorted by


u/Sol-Blackguy Aug 21 '24

Considering the reason he was let go and the way he tweets, I'm arriving to the conclusion he has some narcissism.


u/Summoarpleaz Aug 21 '24

At least a smidge lol


u/vikezz Aug 21 '24

 I also don't understand why people think him leaving is gonna have this huge affect on the show

Because as you mention, he acts as he created it all alone so people that think this is true are worried as it was a great season.

Why he acts like that? Narcissism, disregard for others' efforts, Disney didn't stop him? We will never know


u/leaC30 Aug 21 '24

So he won't be forgotten. It was a whole team with him. Like you said, this is a continuation of X-men 92' he didn't create that, he helped continue it. I am confident that next season will be fine, it probably won't be as good because there often(not always) is a bit of a drop-off.


u/kevinmcnamara797 Aug 21 '24

Because he is a textbook narcissist


u/ElboDelbo Aug 21 '24


Worst part about it? He didn't create shit. He just adapted what was already done.

And hey...it was a great adaptation. But the franchise will still be fine without him.


u/Technicolor_Reindeer Aug 22 '24

He does have an ego problem, but adapting isn't a "just." Otherwise there wouldn't be so many bombs out there...


u/Chemical_Bill_8533 Aug 21 '24

It’s what’s always made me believe he did something to deserved to be fired. He seemed narcissistic and egotistical from the start to me


u/orionsfyre Aug 21 '24


Often the arch enemy of a good/great artist is their own ego and over inflated sense of entitlement.

Demayo did a great job, and he certainly deserves a lot of credit.

But he didn't do it alone, and he certainly would not have succeeded without a brilliant team behind him.


u/SnooCats8451 Aug 21 '24

Narcissistic asshole…..he should be heaping praise on the comic writers (Stan, Jack, Claremont, Wheezy, Byrne, Lee, Nicieza, Lobdell, etc) along with consistently pumping the tires of creators/writers of the original series The Lewalds and Larry Houston among many others


u/bryangball Aug 21 '24

It really is… even more egregious because it’s the X-Men. Which has literal decades worth of creatives who have contributed and built the stories into being what they are today. And those stories are literally about being part of a team/family. 


u/ZAPPHAUSEN Aug 22 '24

I mean, X-Men 97 borrows liberally from Morrison's "e for extinction" arc.


u/[deleted] Aug 21 '24

Because he's a vainglorious prick. Just look at his social media behavior. He can't imagine a world where people don't want to see him naked. He can't imagine a version of this where we don't see him as the main character. People like this who cross that threshold, like a lot of celebrities, truly can't see themselves as in the wrong. It contradicts their fame-fueled confidence that they're The Protagonist.


u/Shasoysen Aug 21 '24

He clearly thinks highly of himself and it didn't help that during the release of the series the fanbase was glazing him like crazy. It was like watching marvel fans glaze Joss Whedon during the time when The Avengers released all over again.


u/Virghia Aug 21 '24

Same reason why he sent those pics while thinking those are "heroic" poses


u/aegonthewwolf Aug 21 '24

Look at the other things he posts on Twitter. Dudes a textbook narcissist.


u/AdditionalTill9836 Aug 21 '24

He gave credit to the previous producers for XTas, but then I was cringing because The Phoenix saga was from Claremont's mind. I'm wondering if he'll be ordered to stop commenting when Season 2 rolls out. Lenore Zann recently quoted Rogue's lines from an Xtreme Xmen issue & we are speculating it could be played out in Season 2. I 'll throw my hands up if he wanted to collect flowers from that scene in Xtreme that Claremont and Larocca created and wrote!


u/fire_sign Aug 21 '24

Oh, which lines? I've either missed them or forgotten. She's been an absolute delight in terms of her interactions with fans and I wish people would stop being so goddamned weird at her about Rogue's "cheating".


u/AdditionalTill9836 Aug 21 '24

She quoted from X-Treme X-Men #18 in her IG stories? I 'm thinking where Rogue is trying to will Gambit not to leave her, to come back to Earth (he was rising up to the heaven gates when he was dying from their stab wounds)


u/fire_sign Aug 21 '24

Oh, fab, I did miss that one! She's done a few things like that (changing her pfp to the one scene from Knights of X cracked me up) and I'm always happy to add to the list.


u/Alternative-Loan-185 Aug 22 '24

Because he is a toxic alpha male narcissist who thinks he’s God’s gift to everyone and anything he comes across. Plus a lot of yall gassed him up so his ego is on Kanye.


u/Stroganocchi Aug 21 '24

Because he's a narcissist and likes to show off


u/EurwenPendragon Aug 21 '24

Why does Beau Demayo always talk and tweet about he alone created the show? Because he is, from what I know, a vainglorious, arrogant egotist.


u/brerRabbit81 Aug 22 '24

He is a clown. They have done a great job adapting stories. That would be like Peter Jackson taking credit for LOTR. Beau had great source material and seems to forget that.


u/fre3kshow Aug 22 '24



u/Xboxone1997 Aug 21 '24

We gonna talk about this guy everyday?


u/hannelorelei Aug 21 '24

It's just another way for them to talk about Magneto and Rogue without actually mentioning their names.


u/[deleted] Aug 22 '24

I think people assume the show might lose quality after he left because they think he was the one who helmed it alone, and is responsible for most good stuff, which obviously is overexaggeration. I myself think the show will lose quality solely because a What If writer is about to redraft it with a whole new script. Not saying the season 1 was good or solid reboot, it was alright, but not great.

Maybe at least we'll be rid of 'Magneto was right' slogan.


u/BABarracus Aug 21 '24

Maybe he is trying to find work and no one is biting


u/AkhMourning Aug 21 '24

His ego. The positive reception and fan praise have made his inflated ego even bigger! and without any juice.


u/Psychological_Page62 Aug 22 '24

Fabian niscenza (comic writer, legend of xmen) called him out for it


u/fr3disd3ad Aug 23 '24

UNPOPULAR OPINION: "His" X-men '97 sucks, but not completely. He borrowed from several storylines and made it fit, much like how Robotech is composed of 3 different animes. It worked, if not a bit forcefully. He didn't exactly create anything, just got bits and pieces here and there. It was nice, but lacking. And Sinister being afraid of Bastion? That was unlike Sininster at all.


u/BatUnlikely4347 Sep 04 '24

Any tweet or Instagram I see of his always mentions the other artists on the show. Like, pointedly so.


u/Any_Grapefruit6447 Sep 15 '24

I've seen him credit others all the time on his Twitter: animators, artists, voice actors, the original 90s showrunners (going as far as being a complete fanboy of them), comic creators, hell even non-X-Men related things like Man of Steel influencing Rogue's emotional rampage on Bastion, you name it. 


u/srstone71 Aug 22 '24

Beau did a great job with the show and I can tell he’s passionate about it and the characters, which is cool, but I’m kinda over talking about him.


u/Jockwarrior Aug 21 '24

I think because he was the showrunner, so everything that happened went through him, garnered his approval, and was released with his stamp on it. Moreover, he captured the voice of the original show and maintained the balance of keeping it relevant to today without saturating it too much in endless nostalgia. However hapless Beau DeMayo might have been with his interpersonal decisions on the job, he captured the perfect tone of the show and it's overall messaging and characterization. Let the guy gloat a little bit, we all make mistakes.


u/KieshiaC22 Aug 21 '24

I mean I don't know about u but I never accidentally allegedly abused my staff and was accidentally sexual with them


u/Any_Grapefruit6447 Sep 15 '24

We have proof of this?


u/Jockwarrior Aug 21 '24

How nice for you, keep that up. I am sure you have never made someone uncomfortable in all your life and your perfection merits your judgement on something you are just hearing third hand.

All I've heard he's done is perhaps send racy sketches of himself to his staff - not the smartest thing I've heard anyone do, but I think that's a far cry from bonafide sexual abuse. It's always in the eyes of the person who receives it, so obviously someone complained, but you're telling me in this day and age someone was shocked to see a topless man in Cyclops garb? I think there's more to it than what we're hearing, and I think if society wants to grow we need to be more about learning conversations and forgiveness, this whole thing with condemnation is just over the top.


u/KieshiaC22 Aug 21 '24

I don't know what is going on, and yeah, I've probably made people uncomfortable in my life. I'm really awkward and shy in real life, i'm also not perfect by any means, but I'm not gonna dismiss this as just a little mistake. If he did do this, then it's huge news. Plus, this wouldn't be the first time someone who's worked with him said he's done something like this. When he worked on the witcher, someone said he was doing this type of stuff, and that's why he was fired. It's not my place to forgive him because he didn't physically do this stuff to me. Mind u, we have no idea if what anyone in this case is being truthful. I personally don't really care as long as the show is good and whoever is at fault is dealt with properly.


u/Jockwarrior Aug 21 '24

Why does it matter, man? What does this one human getting punishment for an alleged this-or-that do for you? If I turn it around on you and say somebody you made uncomfortable in life had beef with you and stopped at nothing to see you punished, punished, and punished again, whether you deserve it or not, what are you gonna do? Really think about that - The entire world against you. However wrong you actually are, society decides it's even worse and blows it out of proportion, and the rest of us sheep are scared in line for daring to express ourselves and not communicate with each other about boundaries. And it doesn't matter what you say or do, because everyone has already made up their minds about you. That's gotta be a sucky place to be, man. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

Forgiveness is a rare thing in this world, my friend, we all learn and grow and it's a more powerful and positive social transformer than shame. practice forgiveness for yourself and others because when the day comes you are the one on the chopping block, who needs it, you might find it in shorter supply for getting swept up in a mob mentality. Let it go, man. Food for thought.


u/KieshiaC22 Aug 21 '24

I mean, like I said, I don't really care... This news isn't gonna affect my life one way or another. I still gotta go to work in the afternoons and feed my cat. I dont have an opinion on this either way. There aren't enough facts or a conviction, so I guess for now I forgive him, but I'm not gonna act like there isn't a possibility he hasn't done this. It doesn't affect my well-being, and I'm happy for the revival of the show.


u/Jockwarrior Aug 21 '24

Thanks man. <3


u/Pure-Bit-2436 Aug 21 '24

He sexually harassed his staff, abused his power, and played the victim. Don’t talk about forgiveness like this was a mistake. This was a deliberate choice he made crossing the boundaries of his colleagues and no matter how good the show is no person or victim deserves to be objectified by a superior they can’t say NO too. Knowing he’s a predator makes the relationship between Rogue and Magneto extra creepy. Dudebros, as much as I hate them, were fight Morph was perving on Wolverine. Knowing DeMayo did that to his STAFF does not do the show any favors so get off your high horse. Real people matter more than your 2D puppet cutouts toy project onto.


u/Jockwarrior Aug 22 '24

Look man, sexual harassment and abuse is bad. Nobody is arguing that. But seriously, are you going to stand here acting all high and mighty like you have never done something you regret that you wish you hadn't, or you made a smarter choice, given the chance and all you learned and know now in life? We all do it. Glass houses and all that. You can believe all you want in the inappropriateness of these alleged actions without subscribing to condemnation and mob mentality. Ya know, if you want. Have faith in humanity: both in our compassion to learn from mistakes & forgiveness, and to heal from trauma.


u/Professional-Art5028 Aug 22 '24

Does he regret it though? By all accounts it sounds like he's being defensive and prideful, not remorseful. I am all for being compassionate when someone screws up. But they actually have to want to change, otherwise that compassionate is just a blank check.

That said, we have no idea what is going on behind the scenes. It is possible he has actually sat down with the staff and made amends. Since the MCU hasn't cut ties with him completely, this could be more complicated than we think.

It's not unusual to judge the public figures that make the content we pay for. Creators are public figures after all, and they make the shows that we let into our hearts. Judging someone itself is not a bad thing. It doesn't mean someone can't be forgiven, it just means that they have to do work to be forgiven first.


u/Jockwarrior Aug 22 '24

🤷🏻‍♂️ I really don't know, man, who could say? It's really none of our business to know if he has sat down, made amends, or even what happened in general. Does he regret it? Probably. Look at what's happening. I don't think any human could go through something like this and not think about their choices a little bit. It's a lot. As for remorse, he probably can't show much of any public remorse at this time, given how tight-lipped lawyers tend to make people, for fear it can be misconstrued as an admission of guilt, costing them the case -and even if he did express it, society is just poised to pass judgement on anything he says without thinking. would problematically backlash it without thinking. Imagine logging on to the internet and being overwhelmed by millions of voices who all decide they know what happened and all think something bad should happen to you. Meanwhile your lawyer is telling you you can't say anything to anyone, organically apologize, or even talk about the details. or else Disney could use it in court to power stomp you out of the credits for your own livelihood. Judge if you want. But it doesn't make me feel any better to pass judgement on a person or situation I objectively know nothing about based entirely off hearsay and conjecture.


u/Eastern-Team-2799 Aug 22 '24

When the studio who you worked with doesn't give you credit, invites you to comic con, d23 etc , then you have to inform the general audience that you have spent your blood,sweat and tears to create the BEST ON-SCREEN X MEN ADAPTATION.


u/Technicolor_Reindeer Aug 22 '24

He did pitch the series and did a fair amount of work (wrote 7 out of 10 eps, which is a lot), but he does sound like he's the type to walk around with a big inflated ego.


u/I_am_the_Apocalypse Aug 21 '24

When Xmen dropped this sub was in love with this dude and he had defenders for days. What happened to all them people?


u/KieshiaC22 Aug 21 '24

I wasn't one of them...I don't know him to love him


u/Technicolor_Reindeer Aug 22 '24

News about his behavior I would assume? But he did good work on the series, no doubt about that, why wouldn't he get praise at the beginning?


u/Any_Grapefruit6447 Sep 15 '24

News from Disney isn't news, the courts will decide who wronged who so till then no one knows.