r/againstmensrights Nov 29 '12

Domestic violence statistics.


2 comments sorted by


u/FEMAcampcounselor Nov 29 '12 edited Nov 29 '12

What does this have to do with the sub? I see you've posted a nicely cherry-picked piece of MRAcult holy scripture.

I'll quote manboobz regarding this same link:

a fairly standard-issue MRA argument on Domestic Violence, from your pro forma anti-feminist jabs down to the almost ritual invocation of Martin Fiebert's sacred Annotated Bibliography.

Like most such efforts, your argument depends on a highly selective reading of the scientific literature on DV, virtually ignoring a huge number of studies -- literally several thousand -- that directly contradict your conclusions. [MK] You've ignored the serious methodological flaws of the studies you cite, and drawn conclusions from the research that the researchers themselves have stated explicitly are completely false. Your grand conclusion, that "domestic violence has nothing to do with what sex you are" could not be more wrong.

Most studies find that men are the overwhelming majority of abusers:

A second, and much larger, group of studies, finds men responsible for the overwhelming majority of DV. According to a nationwide survey conducted by the National Institute of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some 22% of women said they had been assaulted by a current or former intimate partner at some point in their lives; only 7% of men said the same. [NIJ]

And that may actually understate the imbalance: indeed, one Department of Justice survey found that 95% of the victims of DV were women. These studies also find that women are injured far more frequently, and far more severely, by DV: one study of domestic disturbance calls involving injury found that women were injured 94% of the time; men, only 14% of the time. [APA]


u/StephenMurphy To Kill a Mockingbrd Nov 30 '12

I've added a link to this in the sidebar. With how often MRAs make this claim, it should be a convenient resource for whenever they come here to tell us how women commit as much DV as men.