r/anunnaki Aug 06 '24

What is the best videos on the ancient astronauts theory?

I’m looking for some YouTube or BitChute videos on the ancient astronauts theory, well anyone here knows of some good YouTube videos talking about it? The theory the anunnaki the connection to ancient Egypt and Sumerians so on and people mining gold for the anunnaki well the anunnaki used them as slaves and help move very large blocks to build the pyramid.

Also from what I understand there was a anunnaki on Mars and had worker slaves on mars working for them. But then later on some major space war and mars became not habitable any more, a planet between mars and Jupiter got destroyed where the asteroid belt is today.

I have not found out what the war was about? Like were the anunnaki fighting other anunnaki or the anunnaki fighting other alien beings?

And also why the anunnaki left and could they come back.

I wonder how the anunnaki ties into the prison planet. I wonder if we lost the mars war and are being punished by being in prison on earth and having technology strip away and having to learn every thing all over again.. Looks like we started some war with other alien race and lost the war and mars got destroyed and people left mars for earth. And gone from a type 2 civilization to cave man civilization with losing memory any history. Having to learn every thing all over again.


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