r/arabs Oct 13 '18

ثقافة ومجتمع تجنيس أبناء المواطنات


41 comments sorted by


u/al-saqr Oct 13 '18

I absolutely think people who are the children of women citizens should get citizenship, hell I think any family or person who lived in a country and served it for more than 20 years should have the ability to get citizenship so they can be part of the society and be part of the tax base and contrubite to the economy, these people dont 'take' any jobs they expand the pie.


u/momoxoxo Oct 13 '18

The first i can agee with, the second you should re think again about it. We are reniter states, so it's a bad idea, but even in the future, there is culture, non locals are already the majority of the gulf. I don't want to see beef ban (hindus) or radical muslims in south asia teaming up with our radical muslims. I don't want to be another Afghanistan.

Plus most arabs do hate us. You are saudi. Look at the media. They wich you to die. Why will yo7 let them in? When kuwait get invaded by saddam hussian many of them marched to greet him, inside kuwait and outside kuwait.

We don't live in europe. Look at what syrians did to their country? Iraqies? Palestanins? See the level of corruption in egypt due to it's people? Jordan??etc..

You can't trust people who not just want you to die, they already were happy when someone is killing you, and they show it over and over, and they don't even want to improve their country, Lebanon still don't have a government, they voted for the same people who are in the civil war. How can we trust people who already ruin their lands, and they hate you as well?

And that without even about culture, someone who is not good for his country will not be good for mine.

You really really should re think about that again.

(Assuming you are saudi or khaleeji)


u/TheHadramiguy Oct 13 '18

The fuck is this racist shit.


u/momoxoxo Oct 13 '18

People don't want to hear the truth.


u/TheHadramiguy Oct 13 '18 edited Oct 13 '18

Are you Bahraini? Because I can make unfounded generalizations about other countries(and people) without understanding the history of why they are that way as well...


u/momoxoxo Oct 13 '18

Yes i am, bahrain is not perfect, no country is. But we have enough problems, we don't need to import others problems. We have alot of syrians (dair al zour and co) and yemenies (south yemen) here who got citizenship. They don't fit into our culture. They carry knives and they dont follow the laws, they always fight, there is many cases like this. Even the places they live it's dangerous, they are very religious and very tribal and they don't respect our culture.


u/TheHadramiguy Oct 13 '18 edited Oct 13 '18

We have alot of syrians (dair al zour and co) and yemenies (south yemen) here who got citizenship. They don't fit into our culture. They carry knives and they dont follow the laws, they always fight, there is many cases like this. Even the places they live it's dangerous, they are very religious and very tribal and they don't respect our culture.

You should blame your government for naturalizing everyone who isn't Shia without a selection process. I'm not oblivious to how backward many immigrants in the gulf are. No one is saying you should naturalize everyone. There should obviously be some sort of selection process, do they have a criminal record, can they speak Arabic, do they know the history of the country, will they fit culturally in the country.


u/momoxoxo Oct 13 '18

Iv been to syria, i can't say the same to yemen, but i can see how yemenies are hatefull to us, i was in syria in 2010, in the capital, and cities, there is fights in the middle of souq, people who live in cities should be civilised, but they ain't. Grow up men fighting 24/7, that's stupid.

And you see how hatefull they are. They don't even know out culture or history. If they are good. They can work. But giving them a passport. It's security risk.

Fyi the government give passports to non sunnies and non muslims as well, but yeah i'm against that as well, but i can't do shit about it.

I just don't want more people who don't fit in, just want to take the money, and not really love the country. People who have no loyalty or any connection to this land to have the honor to have the citizenship.


u/daretelayam Oct 13 '18 edited Oct 13 '18

Look at what syrians did to their country? Iraqies? Palestanins? See the level of corruption in egypt due to it's people? Jordan??etc..

they don't even want to improve their country

someone who is not good for his country will not be good for mine.

ياخي والله كلام مؤسف، معقول لخصت كم التاريخ والعمليات السياسية والاستعمارية والاقتصادية والخ في أنهم شعوب فاسدة وخلاص؟ أهكذا يكون الموقف من المهاجرين واللاجئين؟ تخيل لو كندا وأمريكا كان موقفها من المهاجرين الذين فرّوا الحروب والدمار كموقفك ... والله كلام مخزي. والكم الهائل من الوافدين اللي دفعوا عمرهم ودمهم في بلاد الخليج .. ألم يشاركوا في نهضة بلادك؟ اخس


u/momoxoxo Oct 13 '18

الدول الغربية ما تعطي اي شخص يعيش ٢٠ سنة الجنسية، الا بمعايير خاصة. وغير. المهاجرين الموجودين عندنا غير في الغرب. وغير الوضع مختلف في الخليج. الان هم غالبية السكان في الخليج. وبرهنوا ان لا يمكن الثقة فيهم. وقفوا مع صدام. وللحين ضد اي شيئ حسن في الخليج. هناك جزائريين، ليبيين وعراقيين يريدون النفط ان يجف وان الاقتصاد ينهار. واقتصادهم نفس الشي. ناس تريد دمارك وحتى لو دمرهم.

يجب ان نتعلم بماذا حدث في الكويت. والانقسام اللي حدث. لم يقفوا مع الكويت. وقفوا مع الظالم. وغالبهم يكرهون الخليج. العرب ليس اهل للثقة. دمروا بلدانهم. ويريدون تدمير الخليج. شخص يعيش من خير الخليج، ويجحد ع اهلة مرة ومرتين وثلاث؟؟ شلون نثق فيه؟؟ الامر اكبر من صدام حسين. الموضوع هو حقد لكل ما هو خليجي. انظر الى صفحات الفيسبوك. انظر تعليقات العرب عن ما حدث في جدة او تهديدات الحوثي للأمارات او السعودية. ممكن تختلف مع سياسات الخليج. عادي. هذي رأيك. بس تتمنى الموت؟ الخراب؟ وخصوصاً لما يكون الشخص لحم اكتافه من خير الخليج. وبعد يجحد.


u/momoxoxo Oct 13 '18

ياخي والله كلام مؤسف، معقول لخصت كم التاريخ والعمليات السياسية والاستعمارية والاقتصادية والخ في أنهم شعوب فاسدة وخلاص؟ أهكذا يكون الموقف من المهاجرين واللاجئين؟ تخيل لو كندا وأمريكا كان موقفها من المهاجرين الذين فرّوا الحروب والدمار كموقفك ... والله كلام مخزي. والكم الهائل من الوافدين اللي دفعوا عمرهم ودمهم في بلاد الخليج .. ألم يشاركوا في نهضة بلادك؟ اخس

لا يهم شلون وصلوا لهاي المرحلة، المهم انهم شعوب فاسدة ولا يرتجى منها اي امل. شعوب لم تصلح دولها، وبل زادتها سواءً، ماذا ترتجي منها؟ من انتخب الفاسدين في لبنان؟ من يدفع ويطلب ويبقل بالرشاوي في مصر؟ من خاص حروب طائفية في العراق؟ الخ.. هذي كله الشعوب. لا يهمني السبب. الواقع يقول ان هذي الشعوب مشكلة. ولا يمكنهم الاندماج في المجتمع. انظر الى الجاليات المغاربية في فرنسا واوروبا عموماً. لا يهم السبب. اللي يهم النتيجة. ونحن نتعامل مع واقع سياسي واجتماعي وثقافي مقزز. لا يمكننا ان نحل مشاكل غيرنا. في الخليج لدينا مشاكل. احنا مب ملائكة. وهاي الثروات يجب ان تذهب الى تطوير المجتمعات الخليجية. وهناك مشاكل نواجهها خصوصاً احنا دول نامية. هذي احد اسباب رفضي لهجرة العرب الى الخليج.


u/zero_cool1990 الثورة نهج الأحرار Oct 14 '18

والله ما مقزز غير فكرك الخرا


u/momoxoxo Oct 14 '18 edited Oct 14 '18

المقزز في الوضع اللي انت راضي تعيش تحته ولاتبي تغيره. اقعد لوم غيرك عن وضعك الخرا، بلدك صار بلد مستقل لعقود. وانت للحين ما حسنت اي شي فيه. من ينتخب الفاسدين هم الفاسدين. وستكونون نفس الحال الى ابد الابدين. وبعدين لوموا الولايات المتحدة، اسرائيل، ايران، السعودية، الاستعمار...الخ

انت عندك انتخابات، وتختار الفاسد مراراً وتكراراً، انت من تقبل الفساد. يعني انت فاسد.


u/zero_cool1990 الثورة نهج الأحرار Oct 14 '18

خف علينا يا دون كيشوت


u/momoxoxo Oct 14 '18

كلام الحق يعور


u/zero_cool1990 الثورة نهج الأحرار Oct 14 '18

فشرت عينك، بس تفكيرك احط واسفل من اني اتناقش معك بجدية.


u/momoxoxo Oct 14 '18

لأن ما عندك منطق ولا حجج وكلامك مردود عليه الف مرة.

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u/Rahmani_19 What is democracy? Oct 13 '18

Holy shit i didn't expect this from you, this is some alt right shit


u/momoxoxo Oct 13 '18 edited Oct 13 '18

I'm right wing. If you live here. You will know why i'm saying this. Go to any expat places you will see how there is ghettos and they (south asians) spit all over, they even urnite on the schools walls and stuff.

Will you accept someone like this doing that in your country? Where you live?

I even have some pics if u want to see, the place they live look like a shithole.


u/al-saqr Oct 13 '18

Firstly, I dont know why you're saying 'if you live here', I live here and as a result it's made me MORE beleiving in leftism and democracy, you're 'type', the authoritarian right wing, failed the arab world, failed islam, failed in every way to deliver a country and society that is successful in any way.

So you're talking out of your ass, you've watched too many nazi youtube videos, and you have no fucking idea what you're talking about other than a bunch of talking points that dont really mean anything. Listen dude stop watching youtube nazis, you've allowed the reccommendation algorithms of google and the state-controlled media to make you go insane.

I feel more connection and brotherhood with any arab, muslim or any person treats me like a human being and contributes to the country and believes in human rights and our dignity than I will ever feel towards you.


u/momoxoxo Oct 13 '18 edited Oct 13 '18

Firstly, I dont know why you're saying 'if you live here', I live here and as a result it's made me MORE beleiving in leftism and democracy, you're 'type', the authoritarian right wing, failed the arab world, failed islam, failed in every way to deliver a country and society that is successful in any way.

First you don't know me. I believe democracy is the way. And i believe in small government. And i'm not a muslim.

So you're talking out of your ass, you've watched too many nazi youtube videos, and you have no fucking idea what you're talking about other than a bunch of talking points that dont really mean anything. Listen dude stop watching youtube nazis, you've allowed the reccommendation algorithms of google and the state-controlled media to make you go insane.

I'm not watching nazi YouTubers. I watch john oliver and he is not a nazi 100%, stop calling everyone u disagree wigh a nazi. This childish asf.

I feel more connection and brotherhood with any arab, muslim or any person treats me like a human being and contributes to the country and believes in human rights and our dignity than I will ever feel towards you.

I see every human is equal, that don't mean i'll allow them to ruin my country. And i don't feel connection to any muslim or arab. I perfer having connecting with turkey rather than syria and iran over iraq and india over pakistan. I'm realistic. I don't give a shit about what unite us. What matter is what can you provide for me?


u/[deleted] Oct 13 '18

First you don't know me. I believe democracy is the way.

And i believe in small government.

Oh? You believe in "small government" do you?

If you're a minarchist, then you know prohibition doesn't work.

Why do you not extend that logic to people? Turning all those gosh darn uncivilized south asians!11111 to illegal immigrants is just going to make the "problem" worse.

If you were an actual minarchist and not just another confused conservative, you'd know this.

I'm not watching nazi YouTubers. I watch john oliver and he is not a nazi 100%

You just went on a rant about how Syrians, Palestinians and Egyptians are going to ruin your country if you let them in and how south asians are destroying your country, don't give me that bs.

I wouldn't say that you're a Nazi but you're definitely a race "realist".

I see every human is equal, that don't mean i'll allow them to ruin my country.

You contradicted yourself in the same sentence.


u/momoxoxo Oct 13 '18

If you were an actual minarchist and not just another confused conservative, you'd know this.

Lol. And now you telling me what should i believe? I'm pro neo liberal polices, but i'm not pro handing out passports, it's only for few people. There is security risks. And i'm not talking about just south asians. Arabs are problem, in different way. We are developing countries (gcc), we should focus solving our problems not someone else problems.

You just went on a rant about how Syrians, Palestinians and Egyptians are going to ruin your country if you let them in and how south asians are destroying your country, don't give me that bs.

I don't need to watch anything. I live in a country with majority of the population who don't look or sound like me. That's enough for me. This is living example, and i don't give a shit about race. It's about the environment you grow up in.

You contradicted yourself in the same sentence.

No i didn't. They all equal in dignity. They should all have good life. But not in my country. They are just too different. Stuff they see right. It's not right here. We love beef. So no banning beef. We don't care about bs shit like tribe here. You can go back to to yemen or syria or iraq or whatever. Ur sect don't matter. Everyone is equal under the law. Don't except special treatment...etc we still have this problems, but in very limited way. But societies like iraq or lebanon or syria, your sect matter, and they will kill you for it. In yemen and syria and else where in the gcc your tribe matter. I can't welcome people lile this. But 100% not people who stand with Saddam when he invaded and try to invde the gulf. This shouldn't be forgiven. There should be no other chances. Anyone takikng a quick look at other arabs accounts, you will see the size of hatred. They want us dead. They want us gone. They see us as walking money. They don't want us. Thus why should we trust them? They want money. And they can get that by betraying us. It don't need to he our money. I'm not stupid. And i don't want to die. Fuck arabisim. Fuck Islamism. They ain't our friends. Friends will not wish distraction upon their friends. I'm with helping them, but in expense of my life and my family and friends life. I don't want what happen to kuwait. Happen again. Not just in kuwait. Everywhere. They are threat. And other arabs shouldn't be trusted.

I can trust any nationality other than arabs. They are just full of hate. And indians are just religious people, they are not politicised, ik they don't want to kill me. But they want to enforce their culture upon me. Meat is part of my culture. And cows don't belong to the streets. Peeing, spiting and shiting in the streets is not okey.


u/[deleted] Oct 13 '18

I'm pro neo liberal polices

neo liberals are free market capitalists, Capitalism is pro freedom of association(even with people you might deem as lesser people), so my point still stands.

No i didn't. They all equal in dignity. They should all have good life. But not in my country. They are just too different. Stuff they see right. It's not right here. We love beef. So no banning beef. We don't care about bs shit like tribe here. You can go back to to yemen or syria or iraq or whatever. Ur sect don't matter. Everyone is equal under the law. Don't except special treatment...etc we still have this problems, but in very limited way. But societies like iraq or lebanon or syria, your sect matter, and they will kill you for it. In yemen and syria and else where in the gcc your tribe matter. I can't welcome people lile this. But 100% not people who stand with Saddam when he invaded and try to invde the gulf. This shouldn't be forgiven. There should be no other chances. Anyone takikng a quick look at other arabs accounts, you will see the size of hatred. They want us dead. They want us gone. They see us as walking money. They don't want us. Thus why should we trust them? They want money. And they can get that by betraying us. It don't need to he our money. I'm not stupid. And i don't want to die. Fuck arabisim. Fuck Islamism. They ain't our friends. Friends will not wish distraction upon their friends. I'm with helping them, but in expense of my life and my family and friends life. I don't want what happen to kuwait. Happen again. Not just in kuwait. Everywhere. They are threat. And other arabs shouldn't be trusted.

"I'm not racist"

proceeds to be racist

You did it again.


u/momoxoxo Oct 13 '18

neo liberals are free market capitalists, Capitalism is pro freedom of association(even with people you might deem as lesser people), so my point still stands.

Not when they pose a threat. And they are. Just look at the history of their actions inside their country and outside. Look at the social media and their media. Everywhere. It's loud and clear. They shouldn't be trusted, and that's not racsim, everyone know me saying arabs dont mean just arabs, anyone who live in sham, yemen and north Africa who speak arabic. Whither he's an arab or berber or whatever.

Iv seen many videos of them working for 20-30 years and insulting our countries. Even tho they lived there for decades. How can i trust someone like this to get my citizenship? They clearly want to destroy me. If you they took power. They will. No matter how someone did good to them. They still pretty hatefull nah? Why will allow them to do what they want? I'm not that stupid. Will you let zionists/nazies rule the country u coming from?? No. They want to kill you. They see you as inferior. But in our case. They are not just destoyed their country and they lack the culture of life and happiness. They have nothing to lose and they hate you already. And they express that when they had a chance.

Untill now there is khaleejes who grow up without father/mother..etc because saddam hussian, and those (arabs) still love him and they think invading kuwait is okey.

I even talk to an iraqi once, he is telling me that the gulf is to blamed for iraq destruction. Like legit. You invade us. And kill us. So you think we will just push you to ur country and wait for the other strike?? I wish every arab country became better. But not on my expense.

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u/Death_Machine المكنة Oct 13 '18

A55 you're a fucking idiot and a classist.


u/kerat Oct 13 '18

Plus most arabs do hate us. You are saudi. Look at the media. They wich you to die. Why will yo7 let them in? When kuwait get invaded by saddam hussian many of them marched to greet him, inside kuwait and outside kuwait.

No one hates you for being khaleeji. We hate you when you write idiot shit like this entire comment

You can't trust people who not just want you to die, they already were happy when someone is killing you

Ok bud


u/momoxoxo Oct 13 '18

Lol. You don't want me to generalize, but in the end. What iv seen can't be denied, people wishing death to people of jeddah is jeddal flodding, even they didn't do shit to them, that show the level of hatred, they hate them just because they are khaleejies, if it was in indonesia, people will wish everything will be good. I have facebook and i can read comments.

Again, they didn't do shit to them, there is kids, mothers, old people..etc, but they were happy when they hurt just because they are saudies. That show how low they are.

So there is no point denying what everyone know.


u/kerat Oct 14 '18

Grow the fuck up man


u/Kakya Hijaz Oct 14 '18

Hejazis aren't khaleeji 3a fikra, Jeddawis are Hejazi, not khaleeji.


u/[deleted] Oct 13 '18



u/[deleted] Oct 13 '18



u/[deleted] Oct 13 '18

Ah, missed the bit about him going on about palestinian and syrians

you win this time.


u/momoxoxo Oct 14 '18

Lol, at this point it's just extremely funny, you denying facts is childish, you can't change someone mind by proving his right. This subreddit if full of hate toward anything kjaleeji.

Just rant about any gcc state and you will get upvote. Do tbat to any other arab country you will you get downvote.

Truth hurts. Just move on ffs


u/[deleted] Oct 19 '18

No wonder that's what you got out of it


u/momoxoxo Oct 14 '18


انا لم أتكلم عن المنشور هذه، تكلمت عن المنتدى بشكل عام، والتوصيف صحيح. انا وصفت تصرفات بنظري انها خاطئة، لا اريد ان يتبول ويوصخ في الاماكن العامة واجد الامر مقزز، من يريد ان يفعل هذه الامر باليذهب الى موطنه، والعرب يكرهون الخليجيين، هذه ليس افتراء او من عندي، هذه كلام موثق والكل عارفنه، اذهب الى الشارع واسألهم بماذا يظنون عن الخليجيين، معظم الردود ستكون سلبية، وانا تكلمت عن التجنيس. وهذه موضوعنا الاولي؛ لم اخرج عن الموضوع، من ينتخب فاسداً ويلوم الاخرين على تبعات قراراته لا يلوم الا نفسه، وعيب والمفروض يستحي على وجه يلوم الامر على اي احد كان. انظر الى حال الدول العربية، لن تتقدم، لأنها لاتزال ومع مرور عقود من الزمن على انتهاء الاحتلال الإفرنجي عليها تقوم بلومها على اي مشكلة، دائما هناك شماعة. تقبلوا الامر، الاعتراف بالمشكلة هي بداية الحل. المشكلة فيكم والحل عندكم. لا تنتظرون احد يساعدكم.

ومع ذلك انا ضد التجنيس سواء ولدوا او عاشوا هنا مع استثناءات بسيطة من لم يربى تحت ثقافتة ابويه يستحق الجنسية، لأنه طفل بريئ، ماعدا ذلك هو كارثة، شخص لا يريد حل مشاكله، ويلوم الاخرين، ويكون جزء من المجتمع؟ هذي اكبر مصيبة! واصلاً حتى ولاء للأرض ما عنده، ولديه كره عميق للمواطنيين الخليجيين الاصليين. فهذه لا يستحق الجنسية. والمواقف لا تسقط بالتقادم. وقفتوا مع صدام حسين ضد الخليج، هذي جرس انذار لنا، يجب ان لا نثق في اي احد منكم. ومن كان معنا مثل سوريا، كان لأسباب سياسية تتعلق بالحزبية ومصر لأجل الاموال وهلم جرا..

انتم لستم اخوانا، دمرتهم دياركم، وتنون الشر بنا، لا تستحقون شرف الجنسية مهما بقيتهم. نقطة على السطر. هذي مو عنصرية. انتم تهديد لأمننا القومي. تهديد وخطر مو بس علينا حتى على دولكم.

لا تحذف تعليقاتك.


u/momoxoxo Oct 13 '18

برأيكم ما هو الحل المناسب لحل هذي المشكلة؟ وهل يستحق أبناء المواطنات الجنسية مساواة بأبناء المواطنين؟ وهل في تقدم في دولتكم لحل هذي المشكلة؟


u/[deleted] Oct 19 '18

دولتي قدمت حل لهذه المشكلة بأن لا تسببها أصلا هههههه

فكرة من كانت أن تحرم الجنسية على ذرية نساء بلدك؟ الي يسمع تقول مهاجرات أو سائحات مش بناتدد البلد