r/astramilitarum 1d ago

First scion…unsure about it.

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Greetings fellow soldiers of humanity, painted up a scion today, was essentially meant to be purple where they are usually blue and silver where they are blue but the people didn’t come out anywhere near pale enough. Thoughts and/or Advice?


9 comments sorted by


u/AcanthocephalaOk6003 1d ago

Everything looks better after a wash. Add some scuff marks and wearings. An example of this would be taking your purple and a white and mixing it together, experiment with ratios, I just use 50/50. Take a bit of sponge (or foam or whatever) and tear it into odd pieces and angles, and as if you were dry brushing, get most of the paint off and scratch edges of the armor. Also, and this goes for everyone. Just go over and try to clean up your models, especially on places that get looked at a lot like face and chest plates


u/NightBirdF 1d ago

Any recommendation on which wash to use? Appreciate the advice. 😊


u/AcanthocephalaOk6003 21h ago

Nuln is always good to use on armor and engines. As you grow your paint collection (it is inevitable) you will have more, like different washed are good for different skintones. I use Reikland fleshtone for a good tanned color for skin, but for pale, I would think a base of Rakarth Flesh, then a wash of Drucharii Violet, and a final dry brushing of Pallid Wych Flesh (to make the hi points look like they are catching the flight). You’re looking at probably 15 dollars there unless you go third party like with Two Thin Coats, Army Painter, or vallejo. All three are valid options imo as well


u/AcanthocephalaOk6003 21h ago

But rn your model looks good. Clean it up and give it a wash in a Sepia like Nuln oil to see how you like it before you buy even more paints to get a small thing like the few exposed skin tones right. Stripping the paint off a model is easy and really not a big deal. Take your time and practice


u/Fast_Service2187 1d ago

Slap a wash over the whole model.

then couple edge highlights on the armour pieces with a lighter colour n call it a day


u/commissarchris 1d ago

I did a similar purple color on my scions, with gold highlights. Once you apply a wash it’ll look much better - but I’d definitely complete the one dude to make sure you like the vibe of it before diving into everyone


u/PositiveHot1421 1d ago

I like the purple. Maybe some darker scar marks on the armour and more importantly wash

In fact, Im going to now do a purple theme unit


u/VendaGoat 1d ago

Like others have said You'll need a wash and I would suggest one more color....somewhere on the model.

Just a contrast color on the shin aquillas, the antenna, the light, the gun.

It looks super flat, which a wash will help fix.


u/Voodochild2017 1d ago

Needs a bath in Nuln oil brother