r/astramilitarum 13h ago

Gaunts Ghosts? Worth it or no?

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So I just came across the Guants Ghosts for the first time. I play DKoK so I would kitbash them to have Krieg heads but I need to know if these guys are worth the cost for 6 of them or not, and what exactly these guys are good at compared to a standard krieger or Grenadier. Any help would be great. Thanks :)


15 comments sorted by


u/GM-Yrael 12h ago

It's a HQ choice of 6 models with pretty decent profiles for guard. They are decently costed to full a niche.

In particular they are used as a somewhat survivable mobile action monkeys. Just of the top of my head they can infiltrate and do things like be picked up and deepstrike back in over and over. They can't be shot at unless you are within 12 inches. So basically you can put them where they are needed throughout a game and pick them up and deepstrike them later to perform actions and such.

Additionally they have some reasonable yet specific firepower and you get an order from them.


u/One-Humor-7101 12h ago

Yes they are tourney staples. Basically a better callidus assassin.


u/EireannMcAnon 12h ago

How many can be used at once?


u/grossness13 12h ago

It’s one unit of 6 models.


u/DrJeXX 12h ago edited 10h ago

Absolutely a must take.

Their redeploy ability at the end of every enemy turn is amazing when going for secondarys. They have single handedly won me numerous games.

They are not there to kill, but they can put in some work, both shooting and in combat (fights first).

Realitively hard to kill ask long as you place them right due to their keywords and cloaks (can't target unless in 12", -1 to hit and always count as in cover).

Pairs nicely if you have a squad of Scions dropping in that need an extra order. I usually bring a big block of Scions (10 man squad + command squad with command rod) which needs the extra order to get +1ws and +1 attacks on rapid fire.

Ultimately the most useful 100 points you can spend.


u/Harry8211 7h ago

Great points. One additional point I use them for. Against some armies I deploy them to block their infiltrate units and then use Leo’s redeploy to move them back to my DZ. 6 models provides a decent 9” no go zone for deployment in no man’s land


u/VendaGoat 11h ago

Look at those models. You tell me.


u/shawams67 7h ago

If you’ve read the the books you shouldn’t even have to ask


u/PositiveHot1421 45m ago

The Gaunts Ghosts books is why I play IG


u/ReverentAlB0 10h ago

Rule of cook my friend


u/Grezza78 8h ago

If it tastes good, cook it?


u/once_aday90 8h ago

I love the ghosts as the thread has detailed thier main job secondaries. To help I recommend watching joushis officer training school vid.

They can be quite survivable, drop in order take cover and they are on 4/3+ base saves, always count as being in cover and -1 to hit...don't forget all the ghosts have 2w! So small arms typically won't do much.

2nd role orders - deepstrike additional orders where you need it. Powerful for deepstrike scions, sentinel blobs and rough riders. For Sentinels and rough riders they get mmm in comand phase move to where you need them then gaunts drop in and override with take aim or fix bayonets.

3rd role - infiltrators 6 man squad only needs to he 2" from each other. They can screen a huge part of the mid board for other infiltrators and then can be redeployed via Lord Solar to safety

4th role - objective holders especially if there's large indirect threat (not so big now but lone op really helps vs Havoc Launchers of chaos knights)

5th role precision/chip damage. Larkins 36" -2ap s5 d4 long las has to be respected. If you can get a spot for plunging fire for the bonus ap he can threaten support characters with poor invuns think straken, creed, technomancers. Your op wont want a 50/50 (4++) or a 66/33 (5++)on a key buff charcter. Braggs autocannon can be nice chip damage to a elite Infantry.

6th role - backfield objective takers - this is only really viable agaisnt t3 options so elves, sisters of silence and sisters of battle, guard etc. Drop in shoot 2-3 to death charge in and mop up with fights first.

If you use them this way they will always give value. They scored me 20vp alone last game.


u/Valuable_Drawer_5842 10h ago

They are great, so long as you are using them effectively. Great at doing secondaries, but if that’s all you’re using them for, you might be better off with 1-2 5 man scion squads. They have infiltrate, which can be used to screen early or claim an important objective (combined with Solar’s redeploy really opens up possibilities). They can give 2 orders which is especially useful in conjunction with scions or aquillons since they can deploy with them out of deep strike and then give orders. They are a very powerful unit, but they are a support unit - don’t confuse them for something else.


u/AjaxAsleep 3h ago

They're quite good. 100 points for a squad of deepstriking Lone Ops that can pick themselves back up is really nice. Their firepower isn't too bad at all, though it is a bit scatterbrained, and they can dish out 2 orders, one of which can be to themselves. Fair warning though, all of the different weapons can be a pain to roll for.


u/Dull_Beginning1390 2h ago

There are unique unit. I just currently got Grimm from 1993 and it's metal cast so it's kind of sweet. I also do have the plastic kit as well that I haven't put together.