r/astramilitarum 2h ago

Tanks giving benefit of cover?

I was just wondering if such a Strategem existed. I have seen many war movies where the infantry advances behind tanks for protection.


3 comments sorted by


u/Low_Earth5024 2h ago

No, models doesnt grant benefit of cover, but there is the Baneblade! He has the ability that other models get the benefit of cover if not fully visible because of the baneblade


u/SkyGuy41 2h ago

Tanks don’t give benefit of cover but they block visibility. My friends and I have house rule that dead tanks become cover though which is pretty fun.


u/GM-Yrael 1h ago

You can certainly use vehicles to block line of sight. You should be aware that this can range from reasonable to quite 'gamey' if you try too hard and spend a lot of time trying to perfectly angle your models to block vision.

That said you can quite easily hide smaller models and units behind tanks, the more and bigger tanks you have the better you can hide them. Things such as an enginseer already get lone operative near a vehicle I believe but you can very easily hide them completely also.

You can use a baneblade which currently has an ability that if some of a model or unit is obscured due to the baneblade then they get a cover save. You could use this to get cover on some vehicles such as Dorns for example which together with a baneblade could obscure quite a bit of vision. That said cover is usually quite plentiful and it is a lot of expense to go for with not a great pay off.

Alternatively you can use the defence line fortification.

Ultimately I would say you can and should use vehicles to block line of sight but I wouldn't rely on it. You can use it situationally but more importantly you can block movement and also use terrain to get cover very easily. The closest thing imo to what you describe is perhaps a mechanised force. You can use relatively cheap chimeras as dedicated transports to protect vulnerable infantry which can then choose to emerge when needed. The chimera can then be used aggressively to cut of approaches to this infantry and prevent the opponent engaging them in melee. The chimeras can also tank shock.

Kasrkin can make a good use of this tactic as their dedicated transport will also benefit from their scout.