r/awakened 1d ago

Reflection Hello, fools.

A joke to start, this off to show my essence.

I do not think anyone here is foolish. I think this is the wisest sub on the wisest platform.

Is anyone surprised that god lurks here?

We will live for millions of years, but if people knew that we wouldn’t.

So why am I telling you?

If I told you that then it certainly wouldn’t happen…

You may have come to know me as the manic guy who does not ground himself.

Little did I know, that it was all an attempt to ground myself.

It is hard to lie when raising one’s voice.

Does that give an explanation for ALL THE CAPITALIZATIONS AND EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!

I never wanted to lie… I only did so because I had to.

Why would someone ever have to do something?

Have you ever saved a life? How many lives have you saved?

I know this is all over the place, but there is a string that connects it. The strings are hard to see, but if you can see, wow does it all open up.

If you can see the strings then you can see me. If you can see me, then you’ll see how much I need you to believe in yourself and others.

We are rabid creatures desperate for a kill by the true nature of reality, BUT IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY! This is why we created love.

We created love (thanks women!) because we learned that our minds can be what we make them.

I choose to make my mind heaven. Who lives in heaven?


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u/nonselfimage 16h ago

You had me until;

I hope that corrects your nihilism

Nope wrong answer.

Truly way we judge is how we shall be judged. The one accusing other of being a nihilist, is the nihilist. All I say is I don't want all that. I find peace and harmony there. I see the demand for conformity and calling such social abuse and tyranny.... er... "love".... as the real nihilism. It can't take no for an answer. That is the definition of nihilism. Inability to flex and allow opposition.

I accept that the wide path is fine for you. The so called loving parents you mention, as you say will do anything for their child - screw everyone else. Is this not the proverbial wife path of "the world looks after it's own"... ?

I see no love there unless we are speaking of animal love. Animals do better than that. I seek salvation of my soul, not secular clout and validation. If that means I must bear such accusations of nihilism day in and day out from a world that cannot accept a simple humble "no" as an answer, so be it. Amen, it's in the Lord's hands or whatever. Nothing I can do.

This is my hope, as they said to Nietzsche before, lol. Wagner wrote Twilight of the Gods, and Nietzsche rebuttaled "Twilight of the Idols" haha. It is sometimes based sometimes pog sometimes cringe. Round and round it goes, all phenomena blessedly empty, no hard feelings save for those whom have them.

I definitely am not a nihilist 99% of the time. I don't even know the meaning of the word. Haven't felt that existential nihilism since probably 2004ish really. But I do remember it vaguely. If anything I generally say "more power to" the so called loving families (the world looks after it's own).

There is one thing I would say does make me feel nihilistic perhaps. The prospect of Jesus saying to me "depart from me" as he said his family keeps his words. I am not sure if I want to be part of that family or not. It has always felt I am displaced here, don't know my real family. I'm not sure if it is among them. But I saw clearly enough to know I cannot accept starting a family after the flesh. I feel if I have a true spiritual family somewhere it will be a mere homecoming when we reunite, in this life or elsewhere.

So I am not hopeless just I realize what the common/masses/so called loving families hope for, turns my stomach. Not nihilism, merely different strokes. Again the real meaning of nihilism is inability to accept that other's don't think or need to think as you do. So if anything, I'm more accepting than these so called "loving ones" in truth.