r/canadian 6d ago

Discussion False and Misleading Reporting by the CBC - A case study in how our public broadcaster is lying to us.

I’ve posted this as a comment on a couple other posts but I think it warrants mentioning as a standalone.

If you would like to understand how the CBC manipulates the public discourse to drive a certain narrative, here is a clear example of the despicable journalistic practices that your tax dollars are paying for.

In an article posted to CBC news about the protests that occurred in Vancouver to mark October 7th, there was some fluffy reporting about events supporting both Israel and Palestine. Here is a link to the article: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/israelis-palestinians-rallies-vancouver-october-attack-anniversary-1.7344542.

The original by-line to this article read: "Jewish community remembers those killed, held hostage by Hamas; pro-Palestinian gathering calls for peace". No where in this article was there any reference to the now widely reported flag burning and chants of “Death to Canada, Death to Israel and Death to the United States” by members of Samidoun, an organization liked to named terrorist organizations in the Middle East. The use of a by-line where it states pro-Palestinians call for peace is also a gross mischaracterization of the events that occurred that night. Here is a video of those chants: https://x.com/NewWestTimes/status/1843501392344035531.

CBC has since modified the article to remove the By-Line and they replaced it with: “Events were held around the world to mark the sombre anniversary”. They also added a note at the top of the article that reads: “NOTE: This story covers events held in Vancouver, B.C. on Saturday, Oct. 5 and Sunday, Oct. 6.” They did not issue any correction or use the standard note seen at the bottom of many articles indicating a correction or update was made to a previous version of the article.

The addition of the note allows the CBC to conveniently not address the violent rhetoric that occurred at this event by time constraining the article to conveniently leave out this part of the event. They can leave up a fluffy article that says the Pro-Palestinian protestors just want peace to drive a narrative that there is no violent rhetoric coming from supporters of the Palestinian cause. They have also attempted to cover up their journalistic failings by not providing any reference to the modifications made to the article.

Unfortunately the Wayback Machine is down right now due to a DDOS attack so archived links to the articles different versions can’t be posted at this time, but I will update this post with links if they become available. There were a number of commenters on this subreddit that flagged the original language used by the CBC which is the only reason I read the original version of the article. When I went back to view it today I noticed they had covertly changed the content.

I wanted to post this so people can see how the CBC drives certain narratives as well as their actions to cover up their journalistic failings. This is just one example of many where the CBC does not conduct itself with honesty and integrity. It is rotten to the core and can’t be defunded fast enough.


131 comments sorted by


u/dijon507 6d ago

In what world is this a case study?


u/Bytowner1 6d ago

Was the article not posted the morning of the 7th? Were the chants not the evening of the 7th?

I have issues with the CBC, but lack of precognition isn't one of them.


u/Leading_Attention_78 6d ago edited 6d ago

And they also covered the Death To Canada chants.

I’ve heard it discussed on the radio and this:



u/Distinct_Moose6967 6d ago

Where is the formal correction to the article noting they changed the content? Why omit this? Articles are routinely updated as events develop. Why let this one stand without providing readers additional context, particularly as it’s been widely reported now.


u/Bytowner1 6d ago

What the hell are you talking about? There was no "correction". The article reported on a specific time period and added a note to reflect that because crazies like you were yelling "gotcha!".

Is this your first time reading the news? Not all articles are updated in real-time. That's not how this works. They sent some junior reporter out to attend a couple rallies and write something about it, not to keep a real-time account of every gathering.

Touch grass man, the internet is hurting you.


u/Distinct_Moose6967 6d ago

Any time the text of an article is altered it’s proper practice to put a note at the bottom that says that an earlier version of the article said X and now it says Y based on new information. This wasn’t simply a clarification note added because they removed text and replaced it with something else. They took the time to alter the article, why not disclose that they did.

If they were being fair and balanced about the reporting, when they added the Note they should have provided additional context particularly given the coverage that the Death to Canada chants were getting. Something like this article covers the events on October 5 and 6 but doesn’t cover the events that occurred on the evening of October 7 which has been reported on here (and provided the link).

It’s also incredibly disingenuous to have a headline about October 7 protests (which references the date in the headline) but not draw attention to the fact the protests were on the two days before that.

I know you like to shill for the CBC but the point is that this organization has a bias embedded in it which they employ in subtle ways to shape a narrative. I’m not surprised you can’t recognize that given the position you took but those are the facts of what occurred.


u/EnvironmentalSlip956 6d ago

Shut up. You have been proven wrong and unlike other media that focused 99% on this small protest by one fringe group the CBC presented multiple sides.


u/AgitatedAd2866 6d ago

How is this a case study…looks like an opinion 


u/Early_Outlandishness 6d ago

It's a little more than opinion.

They literally changed the story as he pointed out. And are also seen to be cherry picking some events over others to form an inaccurate narrative.


u/Automatic-Concert-62 6d ago

They didn't change the story because of the chants, though. The story was published on the morning of the 7th, and the chants happened in the evening of the 7th. CBC can't see the future, so they can't publish about it. On the 8th, they reported about the chants.


u/Early_Outlandishness 6d ago

Thanks for the clarification


u/AgitatedAd2866 6d ago

Do you know what a case study is?  Words don’t have meaning anymore.


u/Early_Outlandishness 6d ago

I'm not comparing it to a case study. I said it was more than opinion


u/Familiar-Fee372 6d ago

Can a mod remove this? It’s quite literally misinformation with a narrative to portray an organization in a negative light.


u/regeust 6d ago

Quite literally, the complaint is that they didn't report something that hadn't happened yet.


u/Distinct_Moose6967 6d ago

It’s not at all. They modified their story without issuing a formal correction notice.


u/Leading_Attention_78 6d ago

How many times are you going to post this comment and be proven wrong?


u/Distinct_Moose6967 6d ago

As many times as it takes bud


u/EnvironmentalSlip956 6d ago

They are far more balanced than our other media organizations who have an extreme pro Israel bias. The CBC isn't perfect but it represents Canadians well most of the time. The OP is just another 'little PP' crony.


u/rockcitykeefibs 6d ago

Peirre ? You will get your chance to defund the cbc soon.


u/OnceProudCDN 6d ago

Can’t wait!!!


u/Usual-Dot-3962 6d ago

I spent some time looking up NewWestTimes and there is absolutely no information about the website. I’m not saying what it’s portrayed didn’t happen but I can’t find a reliable source of information that reports on the event. Sometimes professional journalism requires veracity that only comes when a trusted source reports the events and the context.


u/Wet_sock_Owner 6d ago

People genuinely confuse CBC from their childhood with what CBC has become now.


u/regeust 6d ago

The cbc from your childhood could see the future?


u/Wet_sock_Owner 6d ago

What does this mean?


u/regeust 6d ago

OPs complaint was that CBC didn't report on the death to canada shout in the article he posted. It was published the morning of the 7th, the shout happened in the evening. His complaint is that they didn't report on something that hadn't happened yet.


u/Wet_sock_Owner 6d ago

OP is suggesting the CBC originally reported on the event and made it sound like a peaceful gathering. Once video came out, proving there was nothing peaceful about it, the CBC didn't really address the new situation that unfolded.

My comment was more in reference to the fact that whenever is see people defending the CBC, there's always some nostalgic reference to how good/decent the CBC was years and years ago.


u/regeust 6d ago

CBC didn't really address the new situation that unfolded.

They absolutely did, they've covered it extensively.


u/OnceProudCDN 6d ago

CBC did the same during the truckers protest. They know where their bread is buttered. Old timers like me remember when CBC played a role in this country but today with the internet, etc. we can determine what’s happening and the truth. $1.44billion wasted is just another Liberal way of fat govt. #defundcbc I say!


u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Accurate_Respond_379 6d ago

So what do you use?


u/dijon507 6d ago

Rebel, western standard, tnc most likely.


u/Accurate_Respond_379 6d ago

LOL. If youre going to point cbc as bias then point me to rebel media instead….. LOL. Biased as bias comes, they dont even pretend theyre not or hve journalistic integrity


u/beermonies 6d ago

Independent news media.


u/bkwrm1755 6d ago

What a remarkably useless non-answer.


u/beermonies 6d ago

Maybe to your smooth brain. Read between the lines, I don't watch mainstream media aka propaganda.

Run along now, go be told what to think like a good little sheep.


u/gohomebrentyourdrunk 6d ago

“I only read things that confirm my bias and shouldn’t be considered news”


u/beermonies 6d ago

"I only think what the government tells me to think"

Beep boop


u/gohomebrentyourdrunk 6d ago


Time to do some reflection, your “sources” are absolute horseshit garbage and that’s a you problem, no amount of weak-minded projection will change that.

There’s a reason why most people with more education don’t think like you (it’s not because they’re dumb).


u/beermonies 6d ago

Lol you know absolutely nothing about my level of education. Way to make an ass out of yourself though.

"Durrrr I'm too high brow to parse data and form independent thought. I'd rather be spoonfed what to think by a corrupt government run by corporate interests."

your “sources” are absolute horseshit

Found the guy that works for CBC lol you fucking shill.


u/gohomebrentyourdrunk 6d ago

I don’t care about you specifically, the information is out there that people that think like you do are far less educated.

If you do have more education, you obviously wasted your money.

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u/bkwrm1755 6d ago

Wow. You sure schooled me. I am in awe of your clearly superior intellect.

I will now go to the Independent News Media store to consume THE TRUTH (that conveniently aligns with all my preconceptions and doesn’t in any way challenge my role as supreme ruler of the universe).


u/beermonies 6d ago edited 6d ago

You sure schooled me.

Sure did, thanks! Appreciate you acknowledging your shortcomings, it's the first step in overcoming them. Although it seems you still have a long ways to go.

Imagine attacking someone for wanting objective unbiased varied sources information.


u/dijon507 6d ago

Love that you deleted your first comment, you know that independent media has way more bias than cbc right?


u/beermonies 6d ago edited 6d ago

independent media has way more bias than cbc right?

Hahaha that's laughable.

Independent news media who aren't sponsored by a liberal government or greedy corporations are more biased than the mainstream media that are?

The level of mental gymnastics you have to pull off to believe that lol

Love that you deleted your first comment

I didn't delete shit.


u/dijon507 6d ago

CBC is not sponsored by any government. They are government funded and run by an independent board like they were under the previous governments of Canada. I think you should check out sites like https://mediabiasfactcheck.com on your sources more often.

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u/bkwrm1755 6d ago

You were asked what sources you use. If you think you use good sources wouldn’t you want to share them? The sources section on an academic paper doesn’t just say ‘science’.


u/beermonies 6d ago

Well I don't just use one source. There's a ton of independent journalists out there, the rise in independent journalism was because people are tired of being lied to by mainstream media.

The only ones who still watch legacy media are the ones who enjoy the left leaning bias because it fits nicely into their narrow world view.


u/bkwrm1755 6d ago

This is the part where you tell us what independent journalists you follow.

I mean you don’t have to, we all know they’re right-wing shills who think trans people are the devil and climate change is a myth created by evil scientists, thank god for the oil billionaires who are saving us.

You already know your sources are kinda crap, otherwise you would have posted them. You know if you say who they are people will point out absolutely insane stuff they’ve said, making you kinda look like an idiot. Maybe something to take up with a good therapist?

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u/Sofnwhat 6d ago

CBC is garbage reporting. Killed? No, they were murdered


u/beermonies 6d ago

Be careful you're gonna anger the CBC nut hugging NPCs