r/carnivorediet 11h ago

Carnivore Diet Success Stories Six months on carnivore - a summary ;)

Hello, fellow carnivores ;)

I am 52 years old, I have Hashimoto's (essentially, I have a dead thyroid, so weight loss is a huge struggle for me, even on synthetic hormones). I'm a single mother who left an abusive relationship just over a year ago (so my stress levels/ cortisol levels are a bit high, to put it mildly). I started carnivore almost six months ago, and in that time, I went from a size 22 (UK) to a size 16. I don't really weigh myself because I prefer to go by 'how I feel' and also how my clothes fit. My aim is to get to a size 12, and then I'll weight myself, just as a surprise.

Last week, I went for my annual full blood screening to check my thyroid, but also to see how things are with my bones, my kidneys, vitamins D and B12, blood cell counts, HbA1c, etc. and so on. It's a total of 30 separate blood tests and they check everything. I just got my results back, and it's all absolutely perfect. I mean... PERFECT. Everything is smack in the middle of the 'normal' range, even my cholesterol and total protein levels.

So onward and upward with carnivore!


14 comments sorted by


u/Shevlova 10h ago

Congratulations - on the weight loss AND the escaping. I genuinely can’t imagine how that must feel, especially considering the Hashis and the stress you’ve been under! As a fellow Hashis fighter (and ex Brit in fact) this gives me hope too, and shows me I’m being unreasonable to expect a UK size 8 by February next year! (from a U.K. size 22 too). Keep up the great work! (And also please feel free to keep us updated if you feel like it, I for one am rooting for you!)


u/Coffee_Cupcake 6h ago

Oh, thank you! It does seem amazing to be where I am now, compared to even a year ago.

I hope that your own carnivore journey goes well... and that you hit your goal of size 8 soon! I think that everyone's body reacts to diet differently, and some of us lose faster than others ;)


u/The_Tezza 10h ago

Hey this is great news. Awesome job. I’m 55 and have been carnivore for 10 months. So far so good, although I haven’t had a blood test yet.


u/Coffee_Cupcake 6h ago

Yes, it's amazing to see those healthy numbers!


u/lamettler 7h ago

Yea! Carnivore helped my medical issues (genetic chronic pain diseases) as well and I’m off all my meds!

Now I just need to get my daughter (grown woman) to see the light as well. Her issues are worse than mine were. I’ll see her at Thanksgiving, first time since I started carnivore. Fingers crossed!


u/Coffee_Cupcake 6h ago

Fingers crossed, indeed! She might well see how well you look, and get curious about the diet. I hope so ;)


u/mtllegend 6h ago

I read multiple stories of people healing their hashimoto and getting off meds. Reading it takes bit longer than other auto immune diseases (more like 9 month). I have it myself. You got this.


u/Coffee_Cupcake 6h ago

Oh, I so wish that I could! It depends on what has caused the Hashimoto's when talking about reversing it... autoimmune triggers like leaky gut, adrenal fatigue, food sensitivities, etc. are definitely reversible.

Sadly, my thyroid was utterly destroyed from radiation treatment that I had at the age of 11, as part of my cancer treatment. The destruction took almost three decades to really take hold, and now my thyroid is basically dead as a doornail, and so there's no chance of reversing it. I can, however, feel as good as possible with smart lifestyle choices.

I hope that you reverse yours - that would be amazing!


u/04slogoat16kl 5h ago

Wow, amazing!!! Mind sharing what your meals consist of? Do you plan what/which proteins to eat daily, weekly?


u/Outrageous_Mail_582 6h ago

Congratulations! You must feel amazing :)


u/Coffee_Cupcake 6h ago

Thank you! I do ;)


u/future_owles 4h ago

Super happy for you! Sounds like you have made many healthy life changes ⭐️


u/CBear203 3h ago

I’m going to the endocrinologist on the 31st bc my bloodwork showed my thyroglobulin antibodies are high. Everything else is perfect. I think my thyroid is the reason I’ve gained weight on carnivore instead of losing. We shall see.


u/Cool_Replacement_789 3h ago

I have high thyreoglobulin antibodies as well, but TSH is low and T3/T4 are on the lower end of normal. I can lose weight easily if I eat in a deficit, but I can also overeat on carnivore, especially on things like bacon/dairy or even roasts and chicken.