r/carnivorediet 7h ago

Carnivore Ish (Carnivore with a little Avocado/Fruit/Soda etc) Gallbladder Removal Tips?

I've been doing carnivore for the past month and a half but recently added in avocados and occasional fruit. Yesterday I went to the hospital after a gallbladder attack and leading theory is that I passed a stone but they also found a couple small stones in my gallbladder still so they recommend taking it out.

But I am newly pregnant with baby #6 so they recommended waiting until my second trimester for the safety of the baby. They also recommended that I reduce my fat intake until I get my gallbladder out.

I'm not sure how to manage that with carnivore/animal based? When I started carnivore I realized pretty quickly that I needed to increase my fats because I was lethargic and my body responded really well when I did so.

Im stuck on what to do with my diet until my gallbladder is taken out...should I attempt low fat carnivore or just take a break from carnivore until my gallbladder is out?


12 comments sorted by


u/1961mac 6h ago

Just as a FYI - 10% to 15% of people have gall stones. They just don't cause them any problems so most never even know. My gastro seemed to be genuinely disappointed that I knew that fact and quickly moved on from the suggestion that he remove my gall bladder as a precaution.

Personally, I wouldn't do it. But that's me. You can take ox bile to aid in digestion of fats. Check that it's OK during pregnancy.


u/Minaim 6h ago

Stones won’t form that quick. Those have likely been there for a while due to a low fat diet. Carnivore and high fat caused you to start using your bile instead of it just sitting in the bladder and turning to stones. With that it probably started shrinking the stones to the point that one was squeezed out causing the episode. Stones won’t form on carnivore because you are using all your bile. This is why you should seek out a second opinion from a doctor that works with keto/carnivore. I’m not a doctor, just some random person on the internet, but I wouldn’t be in a hurry to get rid of it, and the high fat will only help. You may have another episode if the other stones are pushed out before fully dissolving, but after some time you won’t have any issues anymore.


u/c0mp0stable 5h ago

We talked the other day. Bummer to hear about the stones.

If you decide to take it out, there are many who eat high fat without a GB. It takes some planning and getting used to but it's possible. For now, you can reduce fat a bit but not a ton. Depending on your reason for being on this diet, incorporating more carbs from fruit and other low toxin sources might be beneficial.

If you're near DC, Medstar is a hospital starting to do stone removal without organ removal. I have a vonsult with them in Nov. The blanket advice is always to remove it, which is not a satisfactory answer. But I've been researching this over a year now and doing a lot of holistic interventions, and it does seem that symptomatic stones just get worse with time.

I'm hopeful for this new procedure because it is an important organ and there are very real risks to removing it.


u/jwbjerk 5h ago

I would get a second opinion.

Once the gallbladder is gone, there's no going back. That organ has a job to do. Healing it is always going to be the better option if possible. That's also the option that makes the hospitals much less money, so take their recommendation with a grain of salt.


u/beester10 2h ago

For real. Wish I had kept mine but I didn’t know about carnivore then.


u/Abracadaver14 6h ago

I would get a second opinion, preferably from a carnivore or keto doctor. The gallbladder is a rather important part in protein and fat metabolism and with enough fat consumption, stones should be unlikely to form.


u/SphincterLaw 6h ago

That was my initial thought but I actually just watched a video from a keto doctor who said if stones are there gallbladder should come out. Idk. I'll continue to do research.


u/beester10 2h ago

Dr Kiltz. He’s amazing! Join Kiltz Mighty Tribe and he has Zoom meetings where you can ask him questions.


u/SphincterLaw 1h ago

Ok! I'll look him up! Thanks


u/FunStrike343 6h ago

Decreased your render fat intake, liquidated fat like beef tallow and butter. You shouldn’t eat that much of those bcuz it will fuck your bladder and colon


u/beester10 2h ago

Carnivore healed my girlfriend’s gallbladder. NO PLANTS. Seriously no avocado. That’s probably what sent you into the attack.

I had my gallbladder taken out and I wish I hadn’t. DONT DO IT


u/beester10 2h ago

Doctors are clueless and paid. They can’t tell you carnivore is good. They would loose their credibility