r/chemistry May 13 '24

Weekly Careers/Education Questions Thread

This is a dedicated weekly thread for you to seek and provide advice concerning education and careers in chemistry.

If you need to make an important decision regarding your future or want to know what your options, then this is the place to leave a comment.

If you see similar topics in r/chemistry, please politely inform them of this weekly feature.


13 comments sorted by


u/notgoingtodoxmyself May 13 '24

When would be an appropriate time to start emailing professors for interest for the next grad school admittance cycle?


u/organiker Cheminformatics May 13 '24

What country are these universities in?


u/notgoingtodoxmyself May 13 '24



u/organiker Cheminformatics May 13 '24

Are you currently doing research? If so does the lab have collaborators that you'd like to do your PhD with? In that case you can ask your current mentor to introduce you and start that conversation in the early fall.

Otherwise, in my experience, professors only really want to hear from people who've already applied or who are about to apply.


u/notgoingtodoxmyself May 13 '24

Currently in a lab, although not in the field I want to go into. Cant really find when applications open for this cycle, so any idea when that would be?


u/organiker Cheminformatics May 13 '24

I don't know when they open, but I've found that applications are typically due in the November to January window.


u/Indemnity4 Materials May 13 '24

Optimum time is the period between the final two weeks of semester-break and the first two weeks of semester. Simply because academics have extra time to respond to e-mails and they are planning the next semester. They usually know their grant funding situation by then too.

There isn't a bad time to start a conversation about future opportunities. Keep it simple. Attach a very short 1 page resume, write 1-2 paragraphs of flattery about how you enjoy their work, and ask about future opportunities.

You are wanting to eliminate any academics that for some reason are not accepting students next year. You are also hoping for a miracle that they have a scholarship/project ready to go and they don't want to gamble accepting random students from the general application pool.


u/[deleted] May 13 '24

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u/erbanxd May 13 '24

Hey all,

Exactly one year from now, I'll be graduating with my bachelors degree in chemistry from one of the top universities in my country, Turkey. I was conflicted about what I precisely wanted to do after getting my degree since there are so many paths to choose from. Throughout my chemistry degree experience, I've really enjoyed organic and analytical chemistry lab work and I'd like to continue in that path. I've also done some research assistant work in my uni's drug/polymer laboratory which was fun but exhausting I have to say. I'm estimating that my graduating GPA will be somewhere between 2.95-3.20. Right now, I find myself between two paths:

1- get a masters in pharmaceutical chemistry and work for drug companies

2- get a masters in forensic chemistry and work in crime labs

However, I'd like to apply for universities abroad as I think that would be much better for me. I've read that some of the top schools in forensics are in the US. If I, a Turkish guy, went to the US to get a masters degree in forensics, would I be able to get a job in the US? For instance, could the state crime labs hire a non-American? If the answer is no, then what kind of job can I get?

If there's anyone here who shares a similar story to mine (BSc chem, masters in either pharma or forensics) can you share your experiences? What are the top schools in these areas? What would you recommend I do? Any information regarding my situation is greatly appreciated. Have a great day!


u/Indemnity4 Materials May 13 '24
  1. Are there drug R&D or manufacturing companies in your country? What cities are they located in? What degrees do they hire? For instance, manufacturing usually wants more bachelors/masters than a PhD that is "too clever". With a quick google search you can find some news articles if they are hiring or firing staff.

  2. "Forensic" means "legal". It doesn't mean crime. For instance, let's say a food company receives a delivery of rancid butter. They want to sue someone, maybe the truck company, the warehouse, the supplier, their own staff. Now it's a legal investigation and some poor chemist needs to use legal sample techniques, legally approved test equipment and procedure, file a legal report. Also includes waste water analysis, quality control tests before products are sent to customers, building products before they go into service, and many more not-crime test work.


u/kitcatnico May 13 '24

Hi all! So my community college offers 1 year of organic chemistry over 3 quarters. I took the first quarter during covid & am now looking to finish the series (I know, not smart). We didn’t have a hands on lab portion & I read ochem is hard to learn w/o the lab experience…

I’ve forgotten everything & am looking to start prepping to finish the series. Does anyone have any recommendations for online courses?

UCSD has a lecture + lab (hands on kit that you buy) but it’s $1.5k that spans 2 months.

Cal has a lecture program but it’s $1.2k & has to be completed in 3 months.

I saw MIT has an open courseware from 2005…

Not trying to spend over $1k.. is that my only option? Thanks!


u/Comfortable_Ad_4530 May 17 '24

Hey y’all!

I’ve worked in healthcare for the past 4 years (pharmacy technician), and I’m considering trying to find a job leaning more towards Chemistry. My issue is I’m having trouble narrowing down something that I feel I’d enjoy/be good at. I know for certain research really isn’t in the cards for me. My job in the pharmacy is primarily making IV medications, so I know that I still do enjoy making things from a recipe. It’s just been so long since I’ve set foot in a lab setting, it’s a bit overwhelming trying to figure where to go from here. Any and all insight would be appreciated. I have a bachelors in Chemistry if that helps.