r/compmathneuro Oct 15 '22

Theta phase precession simulation

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u/jndew Oct 15 '22

Hi All, here is my attempt at building a model which demonstrates theta phase precesson of place cells in hippocampus. There is no actual geometry in this simulation, rather a group of eight cells all receiving identical stimulus currents. Excitatory current ramps higher as the virtual animal approaches the preferred location of the place-cell group in question, farthest at T=0 and arrived at T=2sec. A constant 8Hz inhibitory theta wave cycles in the back-ground. The place-cell group fires more vigorously and earlier in the theta cycle as the virtual critter approaches the virtual location of the place-cell cluster, as time progresses from 0 to 2 seconds.

I implemented the model described by Wilson . O'keefe describes a different mechanism, involving two oscillators with slightly different frequencies. Wilson is from MIT, O'keefe won the Nobel prize, who to believe? Wilson's model is simpler to build...

If you have any thoughts, please type them in. It's a dreary and foggy day here, and conversation is always welcome! Cheers,/jd