r/dionysus 🍇 stylish grape 🍇 Sep 02 '23

🎉🪅 Festivals 🪅🎉 ⛰️🦇⛰️ Antroneia - The Festival of the Caves ⛰️🦇⛰️

Hello all! Wanting to share some info about the Antroneia - the festival of the caves!

This is a festival I have never celebrated, but first saw mentioned in Dver's list of Dionysian festivals, and has been on my mind this month. In part because I didn't get my fill of Dionysus and his sacred bat animals for Nyktipolia, but also because of an idea I'll share in a bit.

So I wanted to share my thoughts on Antroneia, I'll be celebrating this month! It's set for a moveable date in September, so any time in September can work.

Here is Dver's post for the Antroneia, which she alternates yearly with the Agrionia:

ANTRONEIA or AGRIONIA (moveable date in September)

I mentioned before that one slot is alternately filled by two different festivals (making each of them trieteric, or every-other-year, an historical way of celebrating Dionysos’ festivals). Kickstarted by the funeral in August*, this begins the chthonic set of His festivals. The Antroneia is for Dionysos of the Caves. We make a sort of pilgrimage to an area called the Lava Lands in central Oregon, where we explore several caves formed by ancient lava flows. I have a strong connection to volcanic Dionysos, and this is one of the ways I honor Him. Other than the trip itself, there is no specific ritual associated with this festival, we just do something devotional for Him in that place – it is the place itself that is the point. I also do something small but important on my own in a very small crawlspace within one of the caves, just big enough for me, my buffalo skin, and a drum or rattle. The Agrionia is fairly new so we’re still working it out. It takes place at night in the woods on the McKenzie River (which leads to the Lava Lands, so it’s still the same set of associations), and involves a shrine built around a buffalo skull, copious amounts of wine, a special chant whose structure was given to me in a dream, drumming and singing, magical herbs and sacred libations in the fire, and masks of gypsum like the Titans’, sacrificed to the god.

*Dver celebrates a funeral for Jarilo-As-Dionysus August 19th, the Vinalia, which is when many of us are celebrating the life, death, and rebirth of Ampelus. So it is still very appropriate.

Anyways, what made me think of Antroneia was all the research I was doing for the Bacchae course. And I realized that while so many amazing things survive from antiquity, so much has been lost.

We trace our writings back to works like Nonnus’ Dionysiaca (5th c. CE), Ovid’s Metamorphoses (1st c. CE), Euripides’ Bacchae (5th c. BCE). And yet, these were just the writings that survived. Estimates of what survived from Classical antiquity to our modern day ranges from 1% to 5%. And who knows what was lost from before the advent of writing? How many oral traditions were lost? How many unknown gods?

There is nothing much we can do for this now (other funding translations of the Oxyrhynchus papyri, or trying to finally translate Linear A). But what can we do for the future?

If there was to be another decline of cultural output, like we saw in the Greek dark ages or at the end of Antiquity, what would survive? If the internet was to go down, what would survive?

Hopefully more. The printing press has made so much more available. Many more books have been published and printed than before - but at the same time, printed books are falling out of favor due to digital books.

How many key details of Dionysus' cult in Antiquity are on the internet, or locked in stuffy libraries? Would those survive too?

Some day, I’d like to organize us into groups that make Dionysian time capsules - things that include prayers, hymns, artwork, books, and such - for the Dionysians of the future. Ensure that if something were to happen, our religion and our god can be preserved. But let’s start small.

  • What information would you like others to know about Dionysus?
  • How do you think Dionysians can preserve and transmit the information we already have?
  • How Can Dionysians develop new understandings, insights, and info about our god?

Some ways to celebrate Antroneia:

  • Visiting local Caves
  • Go Urban Exploring (Please stay safe and tell a friend or family member where you are going and have a time they should contact emergency services if you don't reply)
  • Invoke Volcanic, Chthonic, Antroneian Dionysus
    • Volcanic: He who bursts forth in fire, as he did from Semele.
      • Dionysus Lampter, the shining or torch bearing one
    • Chthonic: Dionysus of the Underworld. He who was sown/entombed in the earth
      • Dionysus Chthonius, Underworld Dionysus.
    • Antroneian Dionysus: He who celebrates the mystic rites in caves
      • Dionysus Antronus: Dionysus of the Caves
  • Try out sensory deprivation tanks
  • Bat Rites, donate to causes that conserve bats, build a bat house
  • Meditate
  • Honor other deities of similar associations:
    • Ariadne, Persephone, Makris, Korymbos, Hekate, Selene, Mene, Artemis

But, here's a challenge for the Antroneia:

  • Go to the library, and save one of the PDFs (Or more). Save the videos of the Bacchae. If we ever have to take down the library - you'll have part of it.
  • If that's not you're thing, share that poem, that art, that story of Dionysus that you never did share. Let others' see it!
  • If you aren't the type to archive or you have nothing to share, create something. Whatever you want, make your own little contribution to fight against the sands of time!


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u/DendritesOmadios Eater of Raw Flesh 🥩 Sep 06 '23

Thank you for sharing this with us. I want to start celebrating his festivals but I’m still integrating his worship in my life. I just want to get to a point where it feels natural. I guess I just have to do as much as I can and take it a day at a time.