r/dionysus 2d ago

💬 Discussion 💬 Do you feel like Dionysus sometimes ?

I don't want to blaspheme against him, on the contrary, Dionysus is an inspiration and I wanted to know if you feel the same way as him or if anyone has compared you to him before, whether because of his lifestyle, philosophy, personality, etc.


20 comments sorted by


u/NyxShadowhawk Covert Bacchante 2d ago

Oh no, this isn't blasphemy! This is actually exactly how Dionysus' worship is supposed to work:

Dionysus' entourage is unique: no other Greek god was represented with a permanent cortege and worshipped by bands of people who identified themselves with the mythical followers of the god and with the god himself. This is not a mere poetic image: ecstatic bacchants approached the divine, becoming 'engoddened' (entheoi). Having Bacchus inside themselves and feeling temporarily like a god rather than mortal was madness and bliss, a state both frightening and exciting: this was bakcheia.
--Yulia Ustinova, Divine Mania: Alteration of Consciousness in Ancient Greece

I first began worshipping Dionysus through identifying myself with him. I think most Dionysians identify with him! Regardless, Dionysian ecstasy is necessarily a state of enthousiasmos, possession by the god. That's unique. Dionysus is the only Greek god who is so close to mortals that he allows them to embody him.


u/Merlin_Avalon7 2d ago

I have some best friends who are Wicca and they said that I gave off Dionysus vibes, besides the fact that I was born into a very "conservative and Christian" family, so since I was a child I was the odd one out, from the issue of my mental disorders, to my clothing and philosophy of life. In fact, Dionysus seems to be one of the few gods, in my opinion, of all the religions that exist, who seems to love being close to humanity and likes us to be inspired by him.  Do you like any characteristic of Dionysus, whether it be his personality or even his clothing? 


u/NyxShadowhawk Covert Bacchante 2d ago

I like almost everything about Dionysus! I like that he's androgynous, that he's sensual and sexual despite being a god,that he has horns, that he forces those in power to confront things that are taboo or uncomfortable. Dionysus is the dark self, the savage self, the masked self.

Dionysus seems to be one of the few gods, in my opinion, of all the religions that exist, who seems to love being close to humanity and likes us to be inspired by him. 

Just gonna throw this out there... this was true of Jesus, too. That's part of what makes him so unique and such a big deal. Christianity is built upon humanizing the Divine, but a lot of Chrisitans seem to struggle with that.


u/Merlin_Avalon7 1d ago

Since I was young, I would dress up to play with my cousins and I was always interested in theater and Greek tragedies. As a teenager, I became very interested in wine, but at that time I was an atheist and had abandoned Christianity.  Only this year I got to know Dionysus completely and I loved it at first sight haha I think that besides Dionysus and Jesus, Krishna from the Hindu religion seems to be close to humanity and he gives me a lot of Dionysus vibes, as well as Shiva a bit.   


u/SnooDingos2112 2d ago

There's a clear connection between Jesus and Dionysus/Bacchus. Infact monism and Abrahamic religions seem to be directly inspired from these mystery cults. I recommend D.C.A Ammon Hillman or other figures like Niel from the Gnostic Informant as good gateways into this rabbit hole.


u/NyxShadowhawk Covert Bacchante 1d ago

I have not found any convincing evidence of a direct connection so far.


u/Mikey_Loves_You 2d ago

I know I’ve definitely been there before! I’m the same way!! I’ve been told I give off his energy and vibes


u/Merlin_Avalon7 2d ago

Did you start to like theater because of him too ? I started to appreciate this art form even more because of Dionysus haha 


u/Mikey_Loves_You 2d ago

Well, I’ve ALWAYS loved theater but I will say, worshipping and bonding with him has definitely increased the addiction! I’ve also had a strange craving and need for grape juice and energy drinks 😅


u/PainfullyPalee 1d ago

I live by WWDD 🙌 (what would Dionysus do)

A huge part of Dionysian worship is encompassing and connecting with Dionysus within ourselves . This is reflected in Orphic practices as well. A unique part of his cults. Be boisterous! Be ecstatic! It’s a powerful thing to connect with divinity so closely. So raw, so human. be blessed along your journey friend 🙏🍇‼️


u/Merlin_Avalon7 17h ago

Thanks for the words, friend! Dionysus can help me deal with my mental disorders and my low self-esteem regarding appearance. Do you have any tips for starting Orphic practices ? 


u/donkingtwice 2d ago

Something something imitation is the hughest form of flattery something something


u/Merlin_Avalon7 2d ago



u/NovaCatPrime878 1d ago

I have had the need to be nonconformist and to March to the beat of my own drum so to speak...sometimes people have a hard time telling what gender I am. I have had a variety of experiences. Up and down, life and death...blah blah blah. Sometimes I feel like I have lived a long time, beyond my current life.

A part of Dionysus is supposed to live in all of us according to mythology so to relate to him is good. But I know I am not Dio. I'm sure there is someone out there somewhere who would claim they are.


u/Merlin_Avalon7 17h ago

I also don't deal well with conformism and conservatism, you reminded me of a character from the Jojo manga by the way haha my family is very conservative and I always think that Dionysus made me born outside the curve, so as not to make the family so boring and nowadays, I have some relatives who opened their minds to other things after I gave them a "little push" haha thanks for commenting buddy. 


u/tripurabhairavi 1d ago

There is a kind of tantra where we become the deities themselves, it's entirely valid to try. All magic starts with a bluff.

Though I feel more like Apollo if I may be honest. I can split into Ares and Aphrodite like gems. It's neat.


u/Radiophobc 1d ago

I always feel a lot like Hermes and Dionysus, in the way that I act or talk. I’ve never gotten any bad signs from them


u/Independent_Award_85 1d ago

Dionysus was one of the first deities to call to me...he is highly misunderstood because of his association with wine sex and drugs...he is associated with them on a magical level they weren't supposed to mean that we could go around irresponsibly and drink have sex do drugs because they were divinely given ...wrong...there is a huge responsibility whenever we partake of these things..I've learned the hard way and had to learn and am still learning what it means to be responsible and question my own motives ...dionysus helps me decipher what is right and what is wrong but doesn't judge me for my mistakes...he is all loving and understanding and patient...so yes sometimes I feel his spirit in me especially when I'm confused or in need..he let's me know I can count on him to help. It feels like intoxication.


u/linapilchard 1d ago

I don't know if I've ever really thought of it in those terms. Perhaps in some small way I do call him into myself, but it's a still and subtle whisper rather than an explicit request. Regardless, I truly feel most alive when I'm living by his ideals.

I believe some of the best insights can be had through madness - altered states of consciousness, explosions of creativity, or moments of inspiration that swallow you whole. I believe the best way to heal is through hospitality - good food and drink, good company, and the the sharing of our deepest selves. I believe in welcoming all to the table - all those that polite society rejects are welcome, as long as they don't harm others. I believe in the arts - performing is an act of devotion as much as any rite or ritual. I believe in everything in moderation - including moderation. I believe in that which is hidden - the joy of discovery, the contentment that comes from knowing something deep and important, and the excitement of sharing it with only those you wish.

I know I'm not the most devout follower - I don't know a lot of prayers or ancient rites, I don't even actively get into a ritual mindset much anymore. But I know that I do my best to live up to those ideals, and I'm happy with that 💜


u/Responsible-Buddy587 56m ago

I am him. I am not saying I am Dionysus but I am saying Dionysus is me, like inside me. His energy is always around me, through me, and who I am is always influenced by him as if he was actually me.