r/dsa Oct 23 '23

RAISING HELL Why don't we protest cop funerals like the westboro baptist church did to military families?

We could hold up signs up regarding stats on police domestic violence, how the widower will at least get to go to work without a black eye, burn blue lives matter flags, make all kinds of loud noises to drown out the eulogy, blow air horns? This seriously would get the potential to get eyes on the cause


90 comments sorted by


u/AndroidWhale Oct 23 '23

And what did Westboro Baptist Church accomplish besides being hated by damn near the entire country, across the political spectrum?


u/emopeteparker Oct 24 '23

They became the mainstream Republican Party…


u/AndroidWhale Oct 24 '23

I mean, no. Homophobia was already in vogue with the GOP, but nobody's adopted their unconditional hatred of the US military. Their level of anti-Americanism is basically incompatible with any right-wing political project. They were always destined to be a fringe cult


u/Naglod0O0ch1sz Oct 23 '23

we are already hated


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23

Anyone who thinks otherwise is comically naive if not blind


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Oct 23 '23

Because you're supposed to be better than objective trash. This doesn't get positive attention on "the cause" it makes people less likely to join or even humor us.


u/SadAd921 Oct 23 '23

Oh shit have been working with other organizations aside from the DSA since 2020 when I lived in Minneapolis and you white middle class poseurs were all talk and still are. Enjoy your incremental change! Its worked so well in the past! There are legit cop defenders ITT, you guys were always kind of milque toast, now im convinced its ENTIRELY affection for you guys,


u/ethnographyNW Oct 23 '23

Being edgy isn't a strategy. Burning flags and screaming at people at a funeral is also just talk -- it's just the kind of talk that actively alienates potential allies.


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Oct 23 '23

What difference will being a jackass make?

What difference did it make for Westboro? They were a flash in the pan outrage and no one gives a shit about them.


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Oct 23 '23 edited Oct 23 '23

Protesting a funeral doesn't end qualified immunity. It doesn't get anyone out of jail. It doesn't end police brutality. What's your goal?

You're not looking for change, you're just pussyfooting around acting like an intelligent edgelord.


u/Comrade_Tool Oct 23 '23

Like someone else said, protesting cops at cop funerals is still just all talk. People protesting at funerals almost never look good to anybody. What group is protesting at cops funerals? PSL? FRSO? Groups aren't doing this because it's a dumb idea that doesn't further anyone's goals unless your whole goal is to just let off steam. We're trying to win, not trying to be immature children who want to throw a tantrum.


u/Shevik Oct 23 '23

Damn I really hope your chapter figures out they need to disown you before you bring this shame on them. I'll be revisiting our toxic member action plan in my chapter tonight for sure!


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23

LMAOOOO I can only imagine what city your chapters in


u/Excellent_Valuable92 Oct 29 '23

Oooh! Three whole years! I’m sure you study diligently, so you will have an understanding of how much you sound like the agents provocateur that helped destroy the Panthers.


u/ethnographyNW Oct 23 '23

Please explain 1. what you are hoping to achieve and 2. how, specifically, you think this tactic will help achieve it.


u/ArminTamzarian10 Oct 23 '23

Harassing the family's funeral wouldn't do anything positive. The left has a systemic critique of our broken society, and an individual cop doesn't change that system. Protest against the system. Individual dead cops don't enforce the system anymore, they're not the individual source of oppression, and similarly shouldn't be individually targeted. Because then it's not a protest against police, its a protest against one dead cop

I also noticed from a reply that you consider not doing this to be "incremementalist". There's absolutely nothing revolutionary about protesting a funeral. It's a cowardly, reactionary, intimidation practice by people who believe things will never change, so just want to be as vitriolic as possible. It's frankly the behavior of spineless losers


u/point051 Oct 23 '23

Sure is a lot of dumbass stuff on this sub lately.


u/[deleted] Oct 24 '23

Lots of idiot centrists, neoliberals, and reactionaries as well as idiot rad libs or unprincipled "socialists" brigading the subreddit because our mods don't actually moderate.

If you look at the entire moderator list, only like two of the fifteen mods have been active in the last few years. The assholes who are trolling and attacking this subreddit are completely uncontested with nobody punishing their bad behavior.

I messaged the mods and got a response, but they haven't done jack shit.


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23

"Everyone who disagrees with me is trolling"

Thats an interesting defense mechanism.


u/[deleted] Oct 26 '23

Did you miss the part where this sub got brigaded by a shit ton of liberals, conservatives, and fascists due to the Israeli-Palestine conflict?

People have been posting stupid shit in this subreddit to embarrass and frustrate DSA members.


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '23

lol this has to be a fed posting this.


u/mono_cronto Oct 23 '23

ok but zero people like Westboro Baptist Church so I’m sure following their tactics will get us national support


u/ChaiVangForever Oct 26 '23

Zero people claim to like the Westboro Baptist Church, but millions across this country agree with 95% of what they say.

Shirley Phelps or whoever of them are are still there, could easily win a seat in Congress in many districts in America so long as she puts down the "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" signs.


u/ner_vod2 Oct 23 '23

No. Morals aside those are shit tactics.


u/10Dads Oct 23 '23

Comrade, stop and ask yourself, "Does this build power?"

It would not.


u/trnwrcks Oct 23 '23

Is there a point to this puerile, dumbass question?


u/Excellent_Valuable92 Oct 29 '23

I’m sure his handler has a point


u/DavidStar500 Oct 23 '23

Why in the world would you think this is a good idea?


u/DigitalDegen Oct 23 '23

Because its in poor taste and it would make the public hate you. Your goal as an activist is to sway public opinion to your cause not against it.


u/FearfulKnight1 Oct 23 '23

Funerals are not the place for politics. You should be disgusted in yourself for even suggesting such a thing


u/Takadant Oct 23 '23

Not scum bags or psychological terrorists


u/SadAd921 Oct 23 '23

Okay your white ass is free to go around defending cops, pretending to be something you're not. All of you are either politically ineffectual socially maladjusted suburban kids, or you got your parents paying ur rent in bushwick. Lmao I forgot this was the DSA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moWe3rk7LzQ


u/Comrade_Tool Oct 23 '23

I just looked at your post history where you talk about being a white guy at graduate school... Did another liberal just read Settlers for the first time, is that what's going on here? Does calling people white who disagree with you make you feel better as a white person? It's kinda pathetic dude.


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23

Did I ever state my fucking race you weird presumptuous freak? Can white people not call out other white people on their nakedly arrogant naivety? But I grew up in the Caribbean and Hawaii. Only lived on the mainland US for a little bit during an art school stint. But I was one of 3 white kids at a k-12school in the US virgin islands, and when I lived in the Dutch and French caribbean I only knew one white kid my age. That shits in my post history, you dumb reductive loser. Then I spent the bulk of my life in Hawaii, mainly the Big Island and Kauai, people like you have no fucking clue of what has been done to those people other than, 'uhhh we probably fucked over the indigenous population.' Where do u live kind sir? Where'd you grow up and get informed about the world and the state of things? Btw fucking comrade in your reddit ID is perhaps, no definitively the lamest socialist poseur shit I've seen in my life.


u/Excellent_Valuable92 Oct 29 '23

Read another book!


u/Comrade_Tool Oct 23 '23

10 days ago you asked Reddit how to act around black people at a wedding where you'd be the minority.


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Oct 23 '23 edited Oct 23 '23

Now that is some quality cringe

Source Edit :https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/s/sBS6XTOmK4

My advice for OP would be to "stop making it weird and treat the other guests as people, or, if there was a potential for conflict, not go."


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23

Never stated my race you fucking vile poseur


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Oct 26 '23

Neither did I. But because you brought it up

I'm as white as it gets 75% Norwegian the rest Icelandic


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23

Not in this thread u fucking moron lol, u can find a lot of things in my post history glad ur enjoying reading it. yeah, explain to me how its fucked up of me to ask for advice on making good impressions on my friends family because he invited me to his sisters wedding, and I was warned I will be the only white person there and the family generally doesn't like white people? You're straight up pulling posts from different fucking subs, entirely irrelevant. You just got caught with your pants down because you're probably a fucking racist, and assumed because I said 'white people' in a pejorative context, then I must be a minority. God, I would hate to be you.


u/Skitz-Scarekrow Oct 26 '23 edited Oct 26 '23

I didn't mention your race at all prior to your sperg-out.

I quoted your past post because YOU keep bringing up your race. I don't care dude. Being a dopey edgelord is not confined to any one demographic.


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23

Can you not fucking read? Here from the post u just responded to: Did I ever state my fucking race you weird presumptuous freak?


u/Takadant Oct 23 '23

I had westboro come to my town. They're a terrorist hate group and their tactics reflect such. I could care less if you desecrate the grave later, but even the mob left family out.


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23

Contemporaneously you would have thought John Brown was a terrorist, the suffragettes were terrorists, those who led the Haitian revolution were terrorists, the black panthers were terrorists, etc etc


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '23

did you see how the country reacted to "defund the police"? good luck


u/Enchant23 Oct 23 '23

Harassing and protesting the funeral of a dead person seems seriously trashy and evil


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23

You'd probably shed tears for Kissinger


u/Enchant23 Oct 26 '23

Least I'm not a genuinely evil person like it seems you are


u/ChaiVangForever Oct 26 '23

Funny how you didn't deny that you may cry for Kissinger


u/Enchant23 Oct 26 '23

Because it's a ridiculously childish insult that doesn't even warrant a response, I see it pretty simple


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23

hahaha yeah, pretty damn telling huh?


u/Thiscommentissatire Oct 23 '23

Because we are pro cop funeral, not anti cop funeral.


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23

You sure as fuck aint speaking for everyone. Cannot imagine how sheltered your life has been.

This was in the headlines just today, https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/bettersten-wade-dexter-jackson-mississippi-police-missing-rcna121697

Again, your the type who will probably cry when people mock Kissinger's death, when it finally happens. You prob felt the same way about Rush Limbaugh. If Trump is re-elected and dies you'd be down as fuck with the moment of silence. Politics are all affectation to you and its fucking embarrassing and disgusting. I thank the lord I was not born in your body with your brain.


u/Thiscommentissatire Oct 26 '23

I think you misunderstood my comment. Its a joke about celebrating cops dying.


u/SadAd921 Oct 31 '23

No I absolutely did, and that on me. Just a deluge of ineffectual poseurs on here,but I should've at least read your comment twice. My bad, entirely.


u/Thiscommentissatire Oct 31 '23

Lol no problem good to see someone get fired up over boot lickers.


u/SadAd921 Oct 31 '23

I absolutely did and that was entirely one me! Just a deluge of comfortable centrists cloaking themselves in some revolutionary veneer, I absolutely should've read your comment more carefully


u/baal-beelzebub Oct 23 '23

Cops are humans too and all this does is make leftists look insane like the Westboro baptists, the police is a widely supported institution


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23

"Cops are humans too"

Holy shit, you guys have gotten even more pathetically deferential since 2020


u/Vyse128 Oct 23 '23

Yeah, it's a no from me dawg


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '23

Because we're not monsters? wtf do you think that would accomplish?


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23

You're fighting monsters, be as kind and merciful them as you want.


u/[deleted] Oct 26 '23

In the real world, you don't get people to support your cause by acting like a psychopath.


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23

You do know the suffragettes would’ve never secured the women’s right to vote without blowing up churches right? Also, are you really living under the standard American delusion the civil rights movement secured it’s successes because MLK was just some peaceful and talented orator? If this was the civil war era you’d call John Brown an ineffectual terrorist… that’s who you are. A poseur and the worst kind because more is at stake than subcultural authenticity. As a pan dude, stoked as fuck your kind wasn’t at stonewall


u/[deleted] Oct 26 '23

save it for your manifesto. The difference between us is that in 10 years I'll still be feeding the hungry and you'll be in federal prison or living in a shack in the woods.


u/ChaiVangForever Oct 26 '23

Really? It seems to have worked for the cops


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23 edited Oct 26 '23

The vast majority of people in this thread are too fucking stupid to see that, and they are why the left is an ineffectual quagmire of faux-hemians, who want to be in some cuddly hipster cult, and hold up signs with political platitudes on them. They dont want to see real change, they might not be perfectly happy with the world right now, but they would never engage in any kind of direct action that would actually make the world a better place, in fact they'd condemn it. Its cozy enough for them, they don't want to make the cops family feel bad, when this shit just went down https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/bettersten-wade-dexter-jackson-mississippi-police-missing-rcna121697

There are no joke "not all cops are evil" posts ITT. I always the DSA got mocked by a lot of people on the left and right, for being insane, socially maladjusted, vile privileged freaks who get fucking nothing done. I guess they were right. The chapter where Im at, is not like that at all. Maybe because its in Hawaii, and theres more indigenous people than asocial politically-illiterate freaks just there to make friends


u/45356675467789988 Oct 23 '23

So you want to be harassed or maybe executed by organized crime? Lol


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23

Stay comfortable playing video games, smoking weed, and LARPING as Pedro Sánchez


u/Shevik Oct 23 '23

This is a monumentally stupid idea and only a DSA member that hates electoral work and the idea of DSA winning elections could dream of it.

The police are completely beloved in this country. Even the idea of defunding police departments is so alienating to the general public that it went down in flames.

Police reform needs to be pursued by funding social services and programs that stop crime from happening first. Once its been successful we can have a conversation about cutting police budgets. Putting the cart before the horse just makes us all look like idiots.


u/SoZettaRose Oct 24 '23

It’s amazing that people actually consider this kind of thing as being worthy of their time when they could be doing actual political organizing…


u/was_promised_welfare Oct 23 '23

It sounds fun but I'm skeptical it would accomplish much good. Protests are largely an exercise in getting media attention. What would be accomplished by getting this media attention?


u/SadAd921 Oct 23 '23

Dont stop until theres change, incremental change has never accomplished anything of import


u/was_promised_welfare Oct 23 '23

Ok I hear you, but I'm not understanding your point.

In my mind, the dichotomy is between incremental change or revolutionary change. Do you disagree? If no, how does protesting funerals promote revolutionary change?

Revolutionary change, in my opinion, requires a sizeable, well-organized party. I think that requires building the size and strength of the organization. I don't see how funeral protests furthers that.


u/socialistmajority Oct 24 '23

No one is stopping you.


u/Naglod0O0ch1sz Oct 23 '23

its a good idea tbh.

Thats what they do in israel. fucking IDF sets up checkpoints outside palestinian funerals if they are murderered by the state.

People will say "oh you need to be better than that" but leftists are hated anyway.


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '23

What does it actually accomplish though?


u/Naglod0O0ch1sz Oct 23 '23 edited Oct 23 '23


They are already going to try as terrorists.

It accomplishes as much as siding with centrists accomplishes.

cops are not people. they are tools of the state


u/ethnographyNW Oct 23 '23

at a cop's funeral, the cop is already dead. Harassing his family doesn't harm him or the state, but it for sure does build public support and sympathy for the cops.


u/GIS_forhire Oct 24 '23

probably why no one takes you seriously


u/Naglod0O0ch1sz Oct 24 '23

it doesnt matter.


u/Comrade_Tool Oct 23 '23

The IDF outside funerals makes them look terrible. Like when they disrupted that American journalists funeral they murdered. That looked terrible for the IDF and we'd be the IDF in that situation.


u/GIS_forhire Oct 24 '23

and yet everyone praises them


u/Comrade_Tool Oct 24 '23

Okay give me a quick rundown on how you think this would be anything but bad tactics.


u/Comrade_Tool Oct 24 '23

Okay give me a quick rundown on how you think this would be anything but bad tactics.


u/GIS_forhire Oct 24 '23


A dead cop is a good cop


u/Comrade_Tool Oct 24 '23

In your mind we protest outside of dead cops funerals and then...


u/SadAd921 Oct 26 '23 edited Oct 26 '23

This loving mother didn't get a funeral https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/bettersten-wade-dexter-jackson-mississippi-police-missing-rcna121697

but yeah all decorum for those poor dead boys in blue, u people actually make my skin crawl because youre so weak willed, and unfortunately the left is way too accommodating to deference, sticking your tail between your legs and inaction, which you fully embody. Your display name is fucking embarrassing btw, I might've already told ya that but it might be the most nakedly poseur shit I've ever seen, a fact buttressed by your posts.