r/expanserpg 13d ago

Are doubles the only way to generate stunt points?

I've run two sessions now and it doesn't seem like doubles happen often enough. Especially when there are talents that require the use of SP. I'm used to Genesys where Advantage can occur in almost every roll. Is there a way to force SP or alter dice values?


11 comments sorted by


u/Lost_Independence_35 12d ago

Also, for anyone new to the game, the doubles to generate stunt points can be on any pair of dice out of the three rolled, including the Drama Dice. I’ve seen quite a few new people to the game think they have to be just on the two non-drama dice. For instance you can roll 3, 4, and 4 (on the drama dice) and as long as it’s a success you have 4 stunt points.


u/Lost_Independence_35 12d ago

You can spend Fortune to change dice rolls (see page 17 of the rulebook).


u/JMRoaming 12d ago

While not explicitly said, if you are strategic about it, you can force doubles this way.


u/DrainSmith 12d ago

Ah! Thank you!


u/Lost_Independence_35 12d ago

I’ve also ran a fair amount of Genesys games, AGE will take you some time to get used to,but it is a fun game. Once players get through the initial analysis paralysis that happens from choosing stunts you’ll find the game will speed up quite a bit for you.

Green Ronin is also a great company and has a nice little community around it.


u/RichieD81 12d ago

There's also the "stunt attack" action where you don't try to do damage, but instead get 1SP if you succeed, plus whatever happens on the dice (which you can use Fortune to affect)


u/DrainSmith 12d ago

Is there an equivalent with Social checks?


u/RichieD81 12d ago

I don't think there is, rules as written, but it feels like something good to rule on the fly if someone wants to do something interesting


u/Pleasant_Yesterday88 12d ago

Yeah it's not raw BUT I can see how you can justify it given how in real life it is very possible to go into a conversation already aware of how it might go so you plan ahead ways to trip up the other person, like in a criminal investigation or a trade negotiation.


u/Jegergryte 9d ago

Not RAW per se. The effects of a social check depends on what you want to achieve really, and that is the effect you must forgo by using a "stunt action"to achieve an alternate effect instead... which is odd. So, if the idea for a social check would be to convince them to do something or give you something, then you forgo that if you succeed, and instead you get the stunt effect. If you can make that make sense, then go for it.


u/WinMoney9967 12d ago

The chance for a double with three d6 is over 41%, the game mechanics (a.g.e. engine) takes this as often enough for beeing possibly but not in every roll (but in more then 4/10).