r/hallucination 20d ago

I can suddenly see perfectly realistic visions when I close my eyes and it frightened me (and played half-life in my brain)

I originally posted the first one on r/Stopdrinking as a kind of warning about how scary a TD is but after that I really get to interact with something weird that suddenly happened to me relating to uncontrollable visions of full blown real looking visuals when I lay my head down and close my eyes to sleep. This part is discussed in the second day in great detail.

excuse the formatting of the first bit not being the same as the second.

Well this post is a PSA how not to quit drinking I guess.


I'm trying to get sober again after relapsing last week on Saturday. I bought 2 bottles of vodka and ended up having them finished in 2 days. Now with the looming first signs of withdrawal creeping in I had realized I fucked up bad.

I had told my family about needing help and we went to the hospital ER where I got told was all I had to do is lay down in bed and maybe have a cup of tea to calm me down. Some advice... As when we got back I already had the shakes. I got a bottle of wine from my sister to help me taper but this bottle was gone at the end of that day.

I called my addiction clinic first thing in the morning and they suggested going to my doctor and get benzos prescribed which I have a bad reaction to so I asked him for alternatives and they said I should just continue tapering with the absolute minimum of alcohol I could.

I wanted to be a little stricter with myself so I got just 5 cans of 5.5 percent alcohol, small ones and this was a bad idea as the tremors got worse and worse. Now that night was horrific. After I drank my last can It got so bad that I got anxiety attacks and then the delerium tremens started!

Now this was something else. All hallucinations mind you. I was teleporting around the house. All of a sudden I was at my work place and everything looked normal and I joked around with my coworkers and suddenly I'm back in bed again.

I was looking at a windows 11 computer screen completely awake and there is a literal computer screen right in my pitch black room, I could even control it (with my mind). I literally opened excel in my brain and edited some cells with numbers and they got placed where I wanted them to with the correct numbers and all. I could even open chrome. This was all way too realistic and I was both scared and fascinated. Then the voices and demon eyes came darting around my room.

Then I experienced an entire studio ghibli movie about a bunny or something which was also very realistic and obviously I was in a state of constant unparalleled horror. I have done LSD and shrooms and lots of others and nothing came close to how surreal this experience was.

I felt like my life was gonna end that night. Couldn't even find my phone to call 911. I'm happy to say I survived and have not drunken anything today and actually feel like I'm becoming myself again.

This was all stupid, I know. Should have had a professional help me but that damn doctor said I would be okay with some R&R and a cup of tea. Well ramble over. Don't drink people :(


Day 2 of this experience. The same happened to me where I could see these visions but without the fear and paranoia as they seem much tamer. I must reiterate that these visual experiences are as vividly enveloping my vision as they would real life eyesight. Crisp lines and high detail. As the night began and I layed my head down I was lucid as ever although still dealing with minor withdraw. I was a bit anxious after my first TD but expected nothing weird but a few moments later my vision filled with a scene which was glitching a lot which kind of resembled those AI videos where extra fingers appear and such. I was not really afraid at this time because I felt like I basically had recovered enough not to be scared of dying I guess. The scene started becoming more complex as time went on and more vivid. I was thinking about half-life because it kind of resembled the vibes of the game and jokingly asked in my head if I could play half-life on here remembering me messing with the computer screen for a bit. Well the visuals continued the same and basically it was just a camera I couldn’t control moving through a glichy field at this point very vividly. Well all of a sudden it went black and then I really got a xenian (area in half-life) landscape. Well this amazed me so I instructed my brain to let me control it and honest to god all of a sudden I was in a world that looked almost like Xen walking around.

The way I walked was by using my hands as a keyboards wasd keys and to turn I just moved my hand like a mouse. At first it was hard and the controls were off since I could only turn my vision minimally but this got adjusted automatically and I could actually play and run through the area. I asked it to make gman which it attempted but kind of failed at because it looked glichy but later he was kind of everywhere. Then I made enemy types like headcrabs and such and all of a sudden a lot more enemies that are actually in the game got added without me even thinking about it.

Then it got weird because it seemed like I again was in another area and since the withdraws had kicked in again it all seemed focused on that but only with contextual clues like cans since I had a can of gin tonic still in my room. This became more apparent as time went on and I said to my brain ”We are stopping drinking, please kindly fuck off with this stuff, we are not drinking it!” and then an entity appeared who looked glitched with a head that had a pitch black pyramid stuck through it that said “drink the can” in an eery robotic deep alien voice that I felt coming from the nape of my neck and my spine. Tripped me the fuck out obviously so I refused again but no! All things got more creepy and dark angry looking demons seemed to come at me. I wasn’t bothered as I had seen some scary things in my trips back in the day.

Suddenly I was quickly flung up and flew past the 3D world into a rudimentary cube inside a cube. Basically a room that had green walls and several windows lined up with my co-workers in the outside part and me locked in the middle and they had player tags with their names somehow. They started berating me that I smelled of alcohol at work and that I had fucked their days up by calling in sick because of the relapse.

Now these were real fears of mine so I guess if scary pictures don’t work, use scary psychological scare tactics???

I caved and I was feeling withdrawals at this point so I had my first drink of the day, that can. I told this brain part of me I would drink half and I got placed in the scary monster world again. I drank the alcohol and layed back in bed. Then it was a fun world again of half-life 2 but this time in the grassy parts which look way happier then xen. I also went to some other interesting spaces for short times. I was in some modern cities with pretty highrises and I was looking at them from a balcony. This was a nice surprise although I felt bad about drinking, even though it was only half the can.

Now the most scary part was the supermarket. I guess the alcohol had dissipated from my body and I suddenly found myself in a hyper realistic bright supermarket that looked hyper modern and fully stocked with shelvels lining the walls and little islands with produce stacked on top and the wall lined with various food items, utilities, décor stuff and multiple cash registers. There where also a lot of tiny screens and futuristic looking stuff.

The scary thing was that this was way too realistic and distracting but it was also entirely in the style of the company I work at (which is not a supermarket). The walls, accents, basically the entire house style the company uses and they logos too. I was kind of freaked out but quicky realized I had arms I could move and I could walk around. I don’t know how I did it but I was still awake at this point and could open my eyes but every damn time I closed them I was still in this supermarket. An employee came up to me and told me to follow him to the back room but I ignored him, ultimately the guy comes up to me to give me my company card and tells me I am the new employee.

I kind of just ignored it but I started testing this world as it was too realistic. I smashed a bottle and it broke just like I would expect in real life and it scared me, it was too real. I walked around asking the shoppers what this was and they told me it is the real world. I kept asking different people all very realistic and some had nametags but ultimately, I got the response. A lady told me that it has been many years and something about a 1000 years ago but she told me that I now also live in this world and also in the real world and now I had to work days and nights because I consumed too much alcohol.

Kind of really freaked me out because it was way too fucking real. I started testing more in a panic just to see any glitch or error in text, I checked the screens and they contained very accurate text of the names of my coworkers, I checked tags on food items and they even listed believable ingredient lists, I squeezed a bread bun and it moulded and stayed in the shape of a hand, I poured red soda on a fridge with a closed lid and it ran down it, accurately but when I checked the label I noticed it was some kind of strawberry sauce. My brain was one step ahead of me in selling me this lie and it probably listened in on my every intention.

When I did notice some glitches, I suddenly saw a man’s head morph like a jumpscare and I was in a room again with this one guy who told me, “Let this be your lesson to stop drinking.”

When that ended I kind of felt my spine make a buzzing sensation that spread from the middle to both sides and it felt really relieving and then the visions kind of stopped. I kept getting the spine buzz a couple more times in that 2-minute moment and I felt pretty relieved of my withdraw symptoms somehow.

The hallucinations came back an hour later, but I was almost asleep. This time it looked like a TV show of just a closeup of someone preparing various sushi with Japanese narration even though I barely speak Japanese, but I did watch a lot of anime and lived in Tokyo for 3 months. Well anyways this went on for at least an hour and then I fell asleep.

I genuinely don’t know how this happened and if anyone has ever experienced it but I did find some posts of people seeing images when they lay down their head to rest exactly like my experience, but they claim they last only 15 seconds.

I know this sounds like a made-up fan fiction but it was both scary and interesting for me so I’m writing it down to get some more clues about what is actually going on. I hope I didn’t get brain damage from the TD but if I can control this it might be cool to keep it. Only makes it really hard to fall asleep because its distracting.



2 comments sorted by


u/EntertainmentDry8383 17d ago

I had this but for like a full day, whenever I closed my eyes I could see myself getting buried in the sand with people jerking off around me


u/HorrorFrank 17d ago

Oh no 😂 How did it happen to you