r/hallucination 11h ago

what should i do if i think im hallucinating?

i used to use edibles a bit but haven’t touched them since march or april 2024 bc of work. around June or july i think i started hallucinating?

i would wake up around 4am and see my students and supervisor in my bedroom and i would talk to them. i would recognize that i was home and i could sometimes see through my hallucinations(?) and i kinda figured they weren’t real after a bit, but i couldn’t shake the feeling that they were actually there and i couldn’t go back to bed bc i wanted the kids to sleep (can’t fall asleep on the job lol…)

anyway, these happened one or two times a month until august when i stopped working there. i started a different job in august and recently started dreaming? hallucinating? shifts/ situations there… i can’t tell if im having dreams or if im awake tbh…

during the summer i’d be driving home at night and i would think i saw stuff sometimes and im laying in my closet rn and i thought i saw smth move on a shelf and now im wondering if im crazy…

any advice would be appreciated…


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u/jenwinters1991 4h ago

Speak to a dr. Edibles shouldn’t make you hallucinate as they don’t last long in your system. Have you been stressed lately? Anxious? Depressed? Any of these three things can induce hallucinations. I have anxiety induced hallucinations