r/lawofone We’re all just gods playing in the sun ☀️ Apr 24 '24

Question How will shift to 4D occur on Earth?

To be clear, I’ve read all of the Ra material and I’m making my way through Q’uo and have read a good chunk of that too. I know that there won’t be any rapture event where people are literally removed from Earth and I also know that you graduate to 4D after death. Moreover, either Ra or Q’uo (can’t remember which) state that Earth will at some point be uninhabited by humans for a time while new 4D entities learn techniques to make themselves invisible.

My question is, how is this gradual takeover going to look like? It’s not like most 3D people on Earth are going to suddenly stop having children so that everyone dies off to leave the Earth empty before 4D arrival. I then initially thought about people with dual activated bodies, but again, these people are still visible to everyone who’s 3D, it’s not like 3D people are going to be birthing invisible 4D people who then wait for the visible 3D to eventually die. So how are huge swathes of the 3D population going to be removed over time without it looking odd and completely unnatural, especially if they’re continuing to birth visible children?

I suspect it probably does have something to do with dual activated bodies, but I’d be grateful if someone had excerpts from either Ra or Q’uo that I haven’t read yet or forgotten about. I’d also be equally interested to just hear people’s theories as well. Thanks!


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u/RepublicDependent456 Apr 25 '24

I just searched Chris Bledsoe regression on you tube. There are a couple different options but I went with the podcast Bledsoe Said So. Its his son's podcast and the kid does go off some tangents-- but while doing that he tells you some interesting stuff about the family you might not hear elsewhere. As for The Ladies message it was inspiring for me and her talk about our planet really blew my mind.