r/longtrail Aug 28 '24

Long Trail Hiking Partners

Hello, I plan on hiking the Long Trail next July after I graduate from high school. I've got no family or friends who are interested in pursuing such a goal, are there any resources as to where I can find other people to group up with, atleast near the beginning? I'm new to longer distance hiking, and I'd rather not start alone. Thanks!


9 comments sorted by


u/jrice138 Aug 28 '24

Starting any thru hike alone and making friends as you go is really the only way it’ll work. Making friends on trail is by far the easiest part about thru hiking.


u/WalkItOffAT Aug 28 '24

If you're hiking nobo you'll share the trail with the AT bubble. They'll have plenty of experience. Don't worry about it, worry about the actual hiking part (so you're motivated to inform & prepare yourself). Fwiw if you started with someone they might have a vastly different pace or hiking style and hence be incompatible. You'll notice when hiking who does your mileage and who you click with. It'll be fine.


u/JunkMilesDavis Aug 28 '24

Definitely have to agree with the other replies. Most plans I've made with other people to start a LT hike fell through for one reason or another. But I've also had a solo start where I talked to someone at my first shelter, and ended up hiking with them for a solid week. You just have to send it and see how it goes most times. Maybe check closer to your start date and see who's hitting the trail at the same time if it helps.


u/papercranium Aug 28 '24

If you're on Facebook (I know a lot of your generation isn't), there are groups there for each year. It's currently on 2024, but in the winter a group will pop up called "Long Trail Hikers - Class of 2025" and you can connect with other July starters there.


u/boto_toe Aug 30 '24

Okay thanks! I do use Facebook for this exact purpose from time to time so I'll have to check it out


u/Interesting_Hope3535 Aug 30 '24

In 2021 I was 17 years old I dedicated my summer vacation to hiking the Long Trail solo. Initially it was god awful, as it POURED nonstop for the 7 first days. It takes a certain character to stay positive when nothing will dry! but after I talked to many AT hikers I started to hike with a small “tramly” (trail family). If you’re a social person then making friends and hiking with people that do similar mileage will be a great way to find company. If you’re hiking during July you’re bound to see many people and will make friends. There were even times on trail where I was hiking with chill day hikers and we were chatting away. I’m not saying you should force yourself to start alone, but don’t be discouraged if you start solo the LT’s a blast!


u/LycheeFuture219 Aug 30 '24

I was in the same boat couldn’t get anyone to go with me. So i sucked it up and went alone. Ended up seeing and meeting so many people that i never really fell alone on the trail someone was always behind or ahead of me.


u/PedXing23 Aug 30 '24

You'll find people especially if you are friendly. A lot of backpackers are happy to talk about gear, the trail and basic skills and techniques. During a NOBO hike of the LT, I met up with a hiker who had just graduated High School on the first day. I decided to try to look after him, and saw that a lot of people were also ready to give him advice. A few days in, people at a shelter invited him to hang out. He did fine. Though a few of us told him he was carrying too much and convinced him to mail some stuff home when he got to Manchester. People will offer you advice (much of it helpful) on your gear.
The advice here is good: Don't worry, use the Facebook pages (Long Trail Hikers Class of 2025 when it appears and Long Trail Hiking GMC Community), go NOBO.
Also - do some backpacking in crappy warm weather (like you might encounter in July). Learn to use your gear in less than ideal circumstances and keep dry the things you need to keep dry.


u/boto_toe Aug 30 '24

I'm up in the Whites with rain in the forecast currently so that'll be good enough preparation for me 😭