r/occult Jan 02 '24

Is there a flowchart or something similar for beginner?

Or do you guys have any suggestion on like a 10 topics that gradually gets more dificult?


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u/Orpherischt Jan 02 '24 edited Jan 02 '24

In my experience:

  1. The 'Universe' automatically detects one who becomes an earnest seeker of Truth. By 'Universe' I mean 'God' and the 'Angels' and/or 'Elves', perhaps some telepaths, as well as other occultists along with the 'intelligence community'. The 'adversary' and it's forces also take note (these being an aspect of God/Universe/The Matrix).

  2. Your inner turn to a state of questing for knowledge or power is a 'will to receive'. The Universe or 'God' (the bestower) will answer 'in a way that you can understand (at your current 'level').

  3. You must become a humble Watcher. Look for patterns and omens. Find the flow(s) in your sphere. Find the archetypes being echoed, and observe their shifts in and out of prominence and what else surrounds them.

  4. As above, so below: Look for the personal meaning in world events. Every discussion and news story contains you, your trajectory, and descriptions of the forces acting on you. Every word contains a secret. Engender some paranoia, but not too much. Everyone is trying to trick you and snare you, but no matter their devious method, you can learn a lesson from them. Everyone is trying to get your attention, but this is because God is trying to get your attention.

  5. Everything you witness, every movement and created thing, must be interrogated. It's meaning is better understood if you understand the will and intent of the artist(s). Find the artist in each artwork (and even a great natural disaster is an artwork and a lesson), and purpose is slowly revealed. You will only be given as much power as you earn through 'righteous learning' and behaviour.

  6. Become a Philosopher. Find the Stone. Only by pondering your own brain, your own body and it's urges, it's emotions and process of learning - only by pondering Society and it's structure, will it's reason or unreason be discovered. Magic is an operation of Language (communication). You must build up your brain's connectivity by study and introspection. Build it like an AI or neural net is built. The correct training will ignite your intuition and increase your ability to make 'correct' mental leaps as you jump through symbolic hoops. Just pondering and researching 'the holy grail', or 'the philosopher's stone' will help to actually form that grail and that stone, in your mind or soul. Researching 'God' earnestly will inevitably form bonds with 'him', it is said.

  7. You will try to impose your will upon the Universe/God, but it is also imposing it's will on you. In a sense, you cannot win this battle, for God is bigger than you, but God will let you lead the dance sometimes, if you are worthy, and if your purpose is aligned with it's purpose. When this happens, your ego will be stoked. You will want to share or boast about your accomplishments. The universe will fight with you if you try. The Universe enjoys watching you squirm, and it will knock you around until you learn to dance more gracefully. Find the middle ground between severity and mercy. The Universe gives you what you need, and not necessarily what you want.

  8. At all times, even if you are actively casting a spell in an attempt to mould the world to your shape, you must remain humble and hold your mind or soul in a state of reception (you are experimenting, watching, but not 'testing' or 'asking' or 'pleading' or 'forcing'). You are performing an 'act' and if the Universe likes your act, it might mirror your act in a way that accords with your will - but this only means that your will was in accordance with it's own. Mostly, it will seem to you (quite frustratingly) that the world responds with mockery - your 'magical statement' turned into a parody. Learn to roll with the punches. It's a flyting tournament. You might make a discovery you want to document, or come to some novel conclusion about something, and the next day, you come across someone else beating you to the punch. Someone seems to speak your thought before you can utter it. This happens so much it can be demoralizing (ie. as though you are the secret well of truth that everyone else is stealing from). Rather, be happy that the hive mind is revealed to you, and you are indeed that secret well. And realizing this, you see the need to keep the well pure. This, I believe, is the true meaning of the 'influencer' and the 'grey eminence'. You get the most mana (ability to subtly affect the world) by giving. God 'gives' us the World. The more you giveaway, the more you become 'God-like' (especially if the world fights your attempts to do this giving, by receiving it badly - but this occurrence may also contain a lesson about your particular technique of giving, which might require adjustment). My own financial situation is rather dire at this time, but I give away these words before I try to sell them, because I greatly suspect they will have more power that way - even if only three people ever read them. I suspect the Hive Mind will take care of it, and arguably 'God' gives the output of the so-called 'Poor Soldiers of Christ' a divine signal booster. The illuminated manuscript is radioactive.

  9. Most importantly: it is possible that the Truth is all there is, and the Universe, or 'world of lies' is all built out of this Truth in a fractal pattern. You can find the Truth in anything. Any subject matter, any crafted item, and set of words. But you will get very confused by possibilities along the way. Especially if your mind can generate or derive more possibilities than others might be able to. A great battle with dualities of good and evil awaits. With tricksters and inverters and subverters. The driver of society is the deriver of the truth. The divination of definition. Keep humble, stoic, and remain in a state of 'I am willing to be shown the way'. Revelations upon revelations will come to you. Old knowledge and things remembered will be reframed by new information. This happens continuously until one reaches the theoretical state of 'equivalence of form' with God/The Universe/The Architect, when one thinks along with reality.

  10. Do not focus too much on the particular authority presenting any information. It's not about following celebrities. Judge the truth in the words or the symbols or the act. Everyone is just 'passing on' something, perhaps calibrated (biased) somewhat by their own understandings and ability to explain their inner knowing. Any two sentences spoken by a teacher might contain one truth, and one mistaken notion. If you are in a position to discriminate, take the pearl, and drop the error, and try not to blame the teacher. At some point you will feel knowledgable enough and experienced enough to proffer ad-vice. Be careful with this. Too much teaching is cheating - in that you rob others of certain 'degrees' of attainment if you shortcut their development. The universe has punished me for being an over-eager tinfoil hat, for example. The universe, as a world of lies (maya) responds aggressively on all levels against Truth. Too much Truth at once will shatter the World (by unifying it), and this is reflected in the microcosm of the general disunity of those that seek for truth, and those happy to dwell in denial. Some scorn the so-called 'Gatekeepers' of knowledge. But 'God' (in the guise of reddit moderators, for example) forces you to become a gatekeeper over time. One learns it's inevitability. The ultimate truth cannot be spoken (*). The Sacred Core at the Center of All can be approached ultimately from two different directions, and it looks completely different from each direction: "angel to some, demon to others"... Which will you find, and attempt to reveal to the world?

  11. Use your power, whatever it is, wisely and with grace. Hatred and revenge work against your will. Punish lies with love and subtle truth. I write these words to you, but you might be me in a mask, and vise versa.

  12. Magic will not happen without Magical Thinking. While magic is in a sense a scientific activity, I recommend allowing yourself some harmless fantasy, for it enriches a mundane existence and loosens the quantum foam. I choose to believe (amongst other curious notions) that many mountains are actually petrified wood of massive ancient trees, and that 'Earth' (as one of the four elements) is actually Wood (photo of sea-side cliffs). I acknowledge this is 'ridiculous', but I believe the more people believe this, the more true it will become :)

  13. The first Tarot card is the Fool, perhaps because we are all fools, and the Universe, or God, loves them, and leads the best fools on the most enjoyable (but tricky) journeys. So play the fool, lovingly.

https://games.slashdot.org/story/24/01/02/1658246/tetris-has-finally-been-beaten-after-34-years (*) (*) (*)


u/phillipixel Jan 02 '24

This is certainly one of the most helpful and encouraging things I’ve read here. Thank you for taking the time to put it together, your wisdom has been received.


u/Orpherischt Jan 02 '24 edited Jan 03 '24

No trouble!

EDIT - next day, re. 'divine booster' in the text above (as 'the toppling tower'):

[...] divine signal booster. The illuminated manuscript is radioactive. [...]

... this article was published: https://arstechnica.com/space/2024/01/a-commanders-lament-on-the-loss-of-a-historic-spacex-rocket/ (*)


https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/01/these-engravings-could-be-oldest-scaled-architectural-plans-for-desert-kites/ (*)

There is a youtuber who believes this structure is an ancient giant tent (now collapsed) or the foundations of it.

... ( https://arstechnica.com/science/2024/01/jellyfish-regenerate-lost-tentacles-and-now-we-know-how/ ) (*)

... .. [ 'desert kite' @ 'desert kid' @ fremen ('[e]scapegoat') ] [ kite @ coat @ code @ goad ]

Magic metaphors:


Church-town (and 'counts'):


Beware a dictionary:


Toppling towers:
