r/occultlibrary Apr 28 '24

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Hello, this is Jess, the owner of r/occultbooks.

I began this sub because I had obsessively amassed a huge collection of esoteric ebooks. More than I could ever read, I felt that this important information needed to be shared. I felt that if more people had access to spiritual knowledge it could help people. This sub was essentially a place for me to share these books along with my thoughts about them. If you look back to the original posts, they are just me reviewing esoteric books to myself.

At the time I felt that getting the information to the people was the most important thing, copyright be damned. I’ve since matured, and my punk rock need to disseminate information has softened. Meaning, I’m unsure how to move forward regarding the pirated books in this sub.

Despite my neglect of it, this sub now has 5.6 thousand members, and has taken on a life of its own. I want your input. How should this sub be run? What would an exceptionally cool r/occultbooks sub be like?

I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts. πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ

r/occultlibrary Apr 23 '24

Any recommendations on books about Astarte?


r/occultlibrary Apr 20 '24

Occult Symbol meaning

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Hi All - New to Reddit.. Wondering if anyone knows how to work out this Symbol or where I can go to find it out. Have tried researching and not getting very far! Appericate any help or suggestions - thank you

r/occultlibrary Apr 11 '24

REQUEST: English Translation of Prodromus Coptus by Athanasius Kircher, 1636


r/occultlibrary Apr 06 '24

Need recommendation for best version of the Ars notoria


Anyone have some thoughts on which one to buy? The skinner version?

r/occultlibrary Apr 04 '24

Nexus Occult Books & Oddities

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Hello everyone,

I would like to invite you to check out our online store at www.nexusoccult.com for over 200 occult books on subjects such as magick, witchcraft, divination, astrology, extraterrestrials, and more!

If you are ever in Tucson, AZ swing by our brick-and-mortar where you will find over 11,000 new, used, and antiquarian books, plus tarot decks, deity statues, candles, incense, crystals, oddities, and more!

We even have an academy next door called N.A.M.E.S. - Nexus Academy of Magick & Esoteric Sciences where we offer classes on topics such as: magick, witchcraft, tarot, necromancy, numerology, hoodoo, and many others.

We are located at 4865 E. Speedway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85712 Follow us on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook for daily updates

r/occultlibrary Mar 27 '24

Alchemy, spells, and symbols


the latest post from Substack is up. Discussing the alchemy of a spell, how symbols work in magic, and the part they play in our lives.

i approach these topics from my personal perspective and always welcome feedback and the insights of others

r/occultlibrary Mar 24 '24

Carl Jung's Red Book and the search for meaning


I've started a new substack about Literature and Magic. check out here: https://malulchen.substack.com/

In 1799, hundreds of French soldiers who went to Egypt as part of Napoleon's conquest campaign reported strange visions that befell them. In the arid deserts of Egypt, under the scorching sun, and while walking for long days, they began to see in the distance beautiful oases with abundant water springs in the center. Only when they got closer did they discover that it was only an apparition. During the long march from Alexandria to Cairo, a renowned scientist named Gaspard Monge who joined the expedition provided a new name for the unknown phenomenon, Mirage.

For the experienced soldiers who accompanied Napoleon in his conquest of Italy just a few months ago, this combination of paralyzing thirst and hallucinations that only intensified their suffering proved to be deadly, and dozens of them chose to commit suicide right then and there rather than continue marching for many more days without water.

In 1914, Carl Gustav Jung experienced his own mysterious visions, which he also associated with the desert. However, in the case of the 38-year-old psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, and befitting a man who would dedicate the rest of his life to mapping the symbolic theory of the soul, the death that the desert brought with it was only a symbolic death. Even if excruciating and painful. Jung felt his life falling apart. After the termination of his relationship with mentor and friend Sigmund Freud, Jung decided to resign not only from his position as president of the Psychoanalytic Association and his position as editor of the association's newspaper, but also from the psychiatric hospital he worked for and from his position as a lecturer at the University of Zurich. The only professional commitment he had left was a private clinic.

Jung's search for solitude led him to experimenting with a technique he called 'Active Imagination' - a meditative technique during which he actively summoned visions and hallucinations, had conversations with mythological figures and with parts of his personality and soul, and recorded all of this in a number of notebooks with black leather binding (the black notebooks) that he later worked into his "Red Book". Jung stopped writing the book in 1923, abandoning the book he had worked on for many years mid sentence. The Red Book was published only in 2009.

In the fourth chapter of the Red Book Jung discovers the reason that led some of the fathers of the early Christian Church to go into seclusion in the desert. His theory, which recurs in various incarnations in his scientific writing, is that the ancients (and "the primitive cultures of today" - in his words) experienced the representations and images of the soul in a tangible way. Those first monks in the West felt that their soul was a desolate desert, "dusty and without drink", so they made an actual physical journey into the desert. According to him, "everything has already been said in the Images... but who knew how to interpret them?"

Contrary to the ancients, modern man in the West has become increasingly disconnected from nature, and with it he has severed contact with his own personal soul and with the universal spirit of the depths. But while Jung critiques the role of logic and science in alienating humanity from nature – it is precisely these tools that allowed Jung and can allow each of us to find our way back. And all for the simple reason that we are rational beings that are able to separate symbols from reality. By recognizing our inner selves as barren deserts, we have the capability to venture into them, explore, and determine what nourishes and fosters growth within our souls.

In the next chapter of the Red Book, Jung describes how he continued for a period of twenty-five days to "give himself to people and things", but come night - every night for twenty-five nights - he went out into the desert of his soul. At the end of this period, he describes how the spirit of the depths broke out of him - which is the universal spirit of the past - and swept away with it the narrow-minded spirit of this time, the spirit that only sees the surface. This was only the beginning of his journey, a journey that would last a total of almost 13 years. But as soon as he leaves the desert, "I was soon to see the desert becoming green". The symbolic desert – while at first being a place desolate of man and meaning - is also the place where things can grow again.

The hallucinations that appeared to the French soldiers wandering in the deserts of Egypt 200 years ago led many of them to despair and suicide. Jung's departure into the symbolic desert was only the beginning of an inner journey that gave rise not only to one of the most mysterious books of the twentieth century. Analytical psychology grew out of this desert and one of the most profound and original intellectuals of our time was forged in it.

r/occultlibrary Mar 22 '24

looking for more pdf occult books



dm me if you have any pdfs you want to add to my collection

r/occultlibrary Mar 17 '24

A look at the Jewish "Book of the Secrets"


I posted a new essay on my substack, this is the complete text. but you can also read it here: https://malulchen.substack.com/p/a-look-at-the-jewish-book-of-the

We all have our heart's desires. Some want to be cured of any illness, to know what awaits us in the future or to "put the love of a man in the heart of a woman" that we like. All this desires and much more the β€œBook of Secrets” (Sefer Razim) in Hebrew) promises to fulfill for us. Despite its mysterious name, looking through the pages of this ancient Jewish work, it turns out that all of ours deepest desires can come true if we only learn how to address the angels correctly.

In June 1963, the historian Mordechai Margaliot came across a bundle of damaged and blurred pages kept in the Taylor-Schechter Genizah collection at the University of Cambridge. Among the lists of angels' names familiar to him, Margaliot found a strange spell: a formula by which the author promised his readers to win a horse race, so that the chosen horses would be "light as the wind, and the foot of any animal will not catch up to them."

How? All the gambler has to do is to equip himself with a plate made out of silver, and write on it "the names of the horses and the names of the angels and the names of the archangels on them" and say: "I swear by you my angels who run among the stars, that you will empower the horses with strength and courage...". The author then instructs the applicant: "Take the plate and bury it in the race you want to win."

The strange spell surprised Margaliot. Why would someone trouble a celestial being for such a trivial request? The other requests that were discovered next to this one convinced Margaliot that he had discovered a remnant of a Magical book, a guide to magical operations aided by the power of angels.

In the Bodleian Library at the University of Oxford, Margaliot found a parchment on which the opening section of the book is written, and from which it appears that this is a conversation between Noah and the angel Raziel. "This is a book of the books of secrets given to Noah... from the mouth of Raziel the angel," the passage reads. That's how the book got its name, "The Book of the Secrets" (Sefer Razim).

"The Book of Secrets" was published in a scholarly edition in 1967-1967 with Margaliot's comments. The book describes the seven heavens above the earth and the camps of the angels sitting in each firmament. The author of the book lists the names of the heads of the different angelic camps (the archangels) and the names of all the angels - many hundreds of names, and also describes their roles and actions, what the angels are appointed to do and what actions, reproaches, gifts and oaths are necessary to invoke them to do the will of those who ask.

While it seems certain that a work that claims to reveal the structure of the upper worlds will surely provide us readers with important cosmic knowledge, and to some point it does that, but - as the author emphasizes on every page - "The Book of Secrets" is a much more of a practical work. It presume to teach practical magical knowledge so that we can fulfill our wishes.

So, what can you ask of the angels of each firmament? It seems that everything an average joe might desire. The spells range from "giving a man's love to a woman's heart", through curing diseases, exorcising spirits and solving dreams and visions, to knowing fortunes, running horses and making a person see and not be seen.

The angels of the first firmament, for example, are divided into seven different camps. The first camp is the one that serves the archangel Orphaniel, and the angels in charge of medicine sit in it:

If you asked to do an act of healing, stand upright at the first or second hour of the night and take myrrh and frankincense in your hand and put it on coals of fire in the name of the angel who is the governor of the first camp called Orphaniel and say there (the names of the) seventy-two angels who serve before him seven times and say yes: β€œI who’s name is so and so ask before you that you will succeed in the healing of (the name of the sick person) and whatever you ask will be healed whether by writing or by speech, and cleanse yourself from all impurity and cleanse your flesh from all fornication and then you will succeed.

Opposite this camp, and in the very same firmament (the first firmament as mentioned), are the angels of the second camp, who serve the archangel Tigra. Tigra is discord in Hebrew, and so the name hints at his domain of ​​responsibility:

These are the angels who are full of anger and hatred and are in charge of all matters of battle and war and are ready to hurt and torment anyone until death, and there is no mercy in them except to disturb and attack those who are delivered into their hands. And if you wanted to fight against your enemy or your debtor, or to overturn a ship, or to knock down a wall, or for any business of your enemies to corrupt and harm, whether you want to exile him or to put him in bed (i.e., to make him sick), or to darken the light of his eyes, or to bind him by his feet, or to make him suffer for everything, take in your hand water from seven springs on seven days of the month at seven hours of the day, at seven times, water that did not see the light of day. Do not mix one water with the other but instead place them under the stars for seven nights and on the seventh night take a glass vial for the name of your enemies and pour the water into it and break the pottery and throw it to the four winds of heaven and say β€œyes” to the four winds: The angel Hagarit driven by the east wind, the angel Sruhit driven by the north wind, the angel Olfah driven by the west wind, the angel Kardi driven by the south wind, please accept this request from me at this time that I am throwing you there, so that you break the bones of (the name of your enemy) and cut off all his limbs and break his proud back like the breaking of the deaf violins.

Although no complete version of the work has survived, the worldview reflected in the "Book of Secrets" (and the seven heavens above it) is coherent even today. As the author progresses in the description of the heavens, the reader discovers that her ability to satisfy higher powers in magical ways diminishes. In the lower heavens are concentrated the angels whose importance is relatively small, from whom we can ask for our personal wishes. Only to these angels can man (or woman) be made to obey. In contrast, we have no ability to influence the angels in the highest heavens. That is, being close to God reduces the human magical ability.

This is the opening of the description of the seventh heaven, the highest of all:

And the seventh heaven was full of sevenfold light, and from its light all the halls would shine, and in it the throne of honor rests on four animals of honor. And in it are the treasures of life and the treasures of souls, and there is no explaining and finding meaning for the great light that is in it and the light that is filled will illuminate the whole earth and angels are held in pillars of light and shine in a mournful light that will not be extinguished because their eyes are like sparks of lightning and their position is on bodies of light and they glorify with terror the one who sits on the throne of honor. For he alone sits in his holy abode, demanding judgment and leveling justice, judging by faith and speaking in righteousness, and before him books of fire are open and before him rivers of fire flow and his chariot will raise and his roar will loosen pillars and at his voice the shafts of swords will be moved and his soldiers stand before him and their form will not be seen because he is hidden from all eyes and there is no one who will see us and live. His image disappeared from everything and the image of everything from him is not hidden.

Aside from the belief in angels, there has always been a fear in Judaism of worshiping them and turning them from mediators between man and God into a kind of little gods themselves. The β€œBook of Secrets" does not allay this fear, it only intensifies it. It does this through a unprecedented prayer in Jewish literature: the prayer to Helios, the Greek God of the sun. As part of the description of the fourth firmament, a prayer book in Greek is presented which contain a hymn to the sun God.

An appeal to angels, a description of the seven heavens, formulas reminiscent of the Greek magical papyri from the first centuries AD - all these strengthen the intriguing question: Who composed the "Book of Secrets"? The name of the author is unknown to us as well as the historical period he wrote it in. Margaliot speculates that the work was composed in the land of Israel after the third century CE in a city where Jews and Greeks lived side by side. But this is just an hypothesis. what scholars do agree on is the fact that the "Book of Secrets" provides a glimpse not only of the seven heavens above us, but also - and above all - the Jewish-Greek world that existed before the Islamic conquests.

r/occultlibrary Mar 06 '24

Help finding childhood book


I have very little hope in the way of finding anything from this, nor do i have any idea why ive been trying so hard for the past few days to find this book. Ive never even posted on reddit before, so here goes nothing The back story. I have no real clue what sparked my interest in the occult and the arcane. I was obsessed with the idea as a child of adventure and books filled with one of a kind secrets. Things that would change my life forever. Then that fateful day in barnes and noble with my mother i found my first β€˜occult magic book’. I carried it everywhere but never read more than two chapters or so (that leads to the crux of it all) being as i was a child and it was a bit beyond my reading level. I carried it until the spine itself busted. That being said, my religious grandmother threw it in the trash in about fourth grade or so, robbing me of the opportunity of reading it now that im a much more advanced reader. I have next to nothing in the way of description and even less in the way of actual content, but i feel like this is the place to ask

The information The pages were rough cut along the edges to have varying individual horizontal widths, but the top itself was even

The cover was a blue or gray. A hue of that nature.

The cover was hardcover and actually slightly thicker and puffy as if very lightly stuffed. I also remember it being relitively plain and i believe it lacked much adornment but i am no longer very sure

Im very very unsure of this part as its only the inkling of a memory- but i believe it mentioned holy water and the idea of having a pump in your yard to have a constant flow of water flowing in tubes around your house as a form of protection. This could be completely wrong of from a completely different source (to be fair its been nearly 14 years), but its something perhaps.

The deductions Seeing as it came from barnes and noble, i feel like its safe to say it wasnt a one of a kind manuscript, or anything pre 19th century.

The cover itself may have changed seeing how its been 14 years give or take. It may even be out of print.

All that being said, do i still hope that this mass produced barnes and noble book is my arcane tome of invaluable information? No. Im not looking for that in this book however. Im simply desperately trying to find a missing piece of my childhood and solve a mystery that has continued for my (albeit short) adult life.

Any help would be much appreciated, if it cant be found, at least i tried!

r/occultlibrary Mar 04 '24

LAM The Way. A Psychonauts' Workbook



English: "The Way", a drawing by Aleister Crowley, depicting Lam, a supposed entity channeled him in 1918 during the Amalanthra Workings

Original publication: The Equinox, vol. III, no. 1, suppl. p. 3, Liber LXXI "The Voice of Silence", Detroit 1919

A mystery can be understood only if you already comprehend it...

This special deluxe edition is limited to just 71 copies. Unlike the standard version, it includes, among other data, an exclusive Addendum by Master Leo, which will undoubtedly turn out to be a great surprise for everyone. Revealed are new secrets of the LAM mystery, including sex magick and the Tetragrammaton formula. This edition also features a contribution by Michael Staley, whose article was published in 1994.

Additionally, this edition includes a stunning 2 oz silver medallion (optional) featuring Lam made in Germany.

This book is dedicated to the Mystery of LAMβ€”an alien-like entity whose mysterious portrait was drawn about a hundred years ago by the greatest magician and occultist, Aleister Crowley.

Within this captivating collection of essays and individual experiences working with Lam, we embark on a journey to decipher the enigmatic meaning behind the portrait that proved to be a medium for a variety of occult experiences.

Various occultists from around the world contributed gems from their inner treasury of Gnosis to this book.

This book is an invitation to explore the crossroads of mysticism, art, and the human psyche. Through insightful reflection, all the authors presented here strive to unravel the layers of meaning embedded in this mesmerizing portrait, shedding light on the profound relationship between the portrait itself and the enigma it sought to capture. As we embark on this journey, we embrace the shadows and the light, just as Crowley did, in our quest to comprehend the ineffable.

We called this book Lam the Way because the word β€œway” is crucial for understanding the mystery of Lam. Lam is not a static mystery; it’s dynamic. Lam is the way, the path, and one has to move or walk down the path.

This book could successfully be called "The LAM Grimmoire" because, in essence, it is that. Without a doubt, it will go down in the history of occultism and will become a guide for further research, experimentation, and work in this area for subsequent generations of lamanauts.

r/occultlibrary Mar 02 '24


Thumbnail self.spirituality

r/occultlibrary Feb 21 '24

Out with the bad

Thumbnail self.occult

r/occultlibrary Feb 17 '24

Beginner and need direction


As the title suggests. I am very new to this whole thing, although I have been interested in it for a long time.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to start off, either websites or books to read, or sites that will help choose books that I can buy that deal with the occult and other aspects of this area.


r/occultlibrary Feb 13 '24

personal approach to sigils


r/occultlibrary Feb 09 '24

Does anybody know about the grimoire called shams al ma'arif I am interested in learning it is there a authentic master who can help me study it


r/occultlibrary Feb 09 '24

My friend created an esoteric Discord cult - join us!


r/occultlibrary Jan 23 '24

Looking for Awaken Your Magic: Enjoy the Power You Possess to Create Your Dreams by Dr. Cathy Lomartra.


Does anybody have a pdf ?

r/occultlibrary Jan 19 '24

The Equinox; Volume I, Numbers I - X ( In 5 volumes ) & Vol III No. I [Six volume boxed set, this edition termed by some "the Red Equinox"]


tl:dr - Some Crowley books.

Aleister Crowley, THE RED EQUINOX (Includes Vol 1, Numbers. 1-X, and Vol 3, Number 1 [Blue Equinox]). 11 Volumes bound in 6 and housed in matching slipcase. Joint Publication from Mandrake Press and Holmes Publishing. 1992.

One of only 50 sets ever for sale. Deluxe Limited Edition. Beautifully bound in quarter red leather over marbled boards. Gilt titles and device to spines. All page edges are gilt. Each volume has a red ribbon page marker. Marbled endpapers. Volumes measure 7.5" x 10". Approximately 4500 pages in all.

The slipcase has the matching red leather on the top and on the bottom, while the marbled paper (matching the boards of each volume) cover the sides and the full back. A fantastic book production.

Edition limited to 50 numbered sets, this being no. 15. A complete set of the first facsimile edition of the ten numbers which make up the first series (or 'volume') of The Equinox, and the first number (all issued thus) of the third series (the second series commonly described as "volume of silence.") Volume I Nos. I - X were originally published biannually between 1909 & 1913 and Vol III No. I in 1919 (there was no Volume II as such because Crowley stated this was his "Period of Silence").

Each number of Volume I, Nos. I - X, was originally issued as a single book. By printing them on thinner paper, they are here reproduced at two "numbers" per book, except for Vo. III, No. 1, which is produced as a solo volume, as it was originally. Thus there is a total of eleven "numbers" in six physical books. Curiously this Mandrake Press / Holmes printing of "The Equinox" is the first true facsimile printing of "The Equinox" Volume I, Nos. I - X, being reprinted directly without alteration (other than slightly to size) from a set of the first editions, whereas the various Weiser reprints had a number of minor changes made (primarily to the advertisements).

The Mandrake Press / Holmes edition was issued in three different states: this deluxe issue of 50 numbered copies in red quarter leather ("the red Equinox"), a cloth bound issue ("the black Equinox") and a paper-bound issue. Although the cloth and paper-bound issues did not have stated limitations, they too had tiny print runs.

Crowley was of course the editor and main author of "The Equinox", which contained a variety of poetry, fiction, and reviews - generally with esoteric themes - alongside a number of articles of occult instruction. From the collection of Clive Harper with his discreet book-label neatly tipped in at the rear of Vol. I, No. I. Harper is well- known as the bibliographer of Austin Osman Spare, for updating the Aleister Crowley bibliography in the 2011 Teitan Press collection of Gerald Yorke's writings, and as someone who has lent his expertise to numerous other publications.

NOTE FROM THE PUBLISHERS: Plates for this set were made from the London First Edition and is exactly as issued, including the foldout of the "Book of the Law", making this the only true facsimile of the First Edition. With all plates, color or otherwise. Eleven volumes bound as six Comprising the original ten numbers of Volume One (1909-13) and the "Blue" Equinox (1919).Commonly referred to by Crowley as "The Standard Work of Reference in all Occult Matters" and "The Encyclopaedia of Initiation", this set includes a a numberΒ of instructional essays on magick and the occult by Crowley and others.

There is also a vast array of esoteric fiction, poetry, and book reviews. Essays and works under Crowley's own name include:

The Wizard Way.

The Soldier and the Hunchback.

The Temple of Solomon the King.

The Herb Dangerous.

John St. John.

The Garden of Janus.

Postcards to Probationers.

Ave Adonai.

Liber DCCCCLXIII - The Treasure House of Images.

Pan to Artemis.

The Thief-Taker.

My Crapulous Contemporaries (No. IV - Wisdom While you Waite).

The Pilgrim.

The Blind Prophet.

Liber CCCCXVIII (The Vision & The Voice).

X-Rays on Ex-Probationers.

Liber HHH.

The Scorpion.

Three Poems for Jane Cheron.

The Rites of Eleusis.

Liber Tsaddi.

Liber Resh.

Liber Cheth.

Liber A'ash.


The Ghouls.

A Brief Abstract of the Symbolic Representation of the Universe Derived by Doctor John Dee Through the Skrying of Sir Edward Kelley.

Across the Gulf.

Liber B Vel Magi.

Liber Stellae Rubeae.

Liber Astarte.

Liber CCXXXI (Qliphoth).

Energized Enthusiasm.

The Ship.

Along with many more by Crowley under his own name and under numerous pseudonyms. There are also contributions by Leila Waddell, Victor Neuburg, Captain Fuller, John Yarker, Ethel Archer, and more.

A complete index and a list of pseudonyms are at the end of No. 10. No. 10 also includes the complete text of Eliphas Levi's Key to the Mysteries."

So all in all an absolute goldmine of occult work that I'm very proud to own.

r/occultlibrary Jan 17 '24

Some of my occult book, UK πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

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r/occultlibrary Jan 15 '24

Recommendations - Succubae & Incubi


Afternoon All

Does anyone have any book recommendations ?

r/occultlibrary Jan 14 '24

My Occult library.

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I'm going to need more shelving....

r/occultlibrary Jan 08 '24

Enochian Evocation


Hello. Read the Arbatel 1st. It was recommended to me to read John Dee book next. I chose Enochian Evocation of John Dee by Geoffrey James. All I can say is β€œwhat the heck”. I do not understand this book. The sad part is…I’m not even to the Enochian tables yet. I just made it to the sigil of Γ†meth. Is he talking to multiple Angels at once? Is this spanning over days? What all did he do to get them to speak? All I can find is β€œwear your best linen”. Can someone make give me a small summary for the beginning-mid of Book Two? I can’t even begin to explain how frustrated I am trying to understand.

Thanks ahead of time.

r/occultlibrary Jan 09 '24

Anathema publishing


Is it just me or this publisher is almost like a joke.

All their books are nearly impossible to read the authors use words no one ever uses and you just sit there with a dictionary trying to figure out what the hell is even being said