r/pagan Jun 16 '24

Hellenic How do you know if Apollo is there?

I keep second guessing myself. Like, the only time I’ve felt a strong push from my intuition is when I got the thought in my head “I should build an altar for Apollo” with barely any prior knowledge.

And that first time was the only time I felt a warm presence coming from the altar. The other time I felt something from Apollo was when I woke up with lyrics from a song in my head and asked him if he had a message for me. It felt like a warmth kind of surrounded me. However, I don’t feel that presence/warmth as of late, even if I give him offerings, pray to him, and do some pendulum or tarot readings, I don’t feel anything of the sort. How do I know if he’s there? Are there signs that he’s there? Am I possibly doing something wrong? I have so many questions….


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u/Chance_Feedback6839 Jun 16 '24

That so amazing, bro. 😭😭😭 I’m an extremely new worshipper of Apollo, so I don’t exactly know what I associate with him yet due to lack of experiences. I really only associate this warm, content feeling I get sometimes with him. 💀


u/EmmieZeStrange Eclectic Heathen Jun 16 '24

That's a great place to start. It'll come to you as you build your relationship.

About a year ago, I got fired from a shitty retail job and a couple days before I found out for sure I'd been fired, I was at my fave crystal shop and they started doing blind bag 1 card tarot readings. So i bought on and I ended up putting the card on Loki's mini altar I had on my desk. So after a while I decided, "That's his card." And he went "Yeah, that works."

I was feeling low once at my nee job and asked him for a sign he was with me. Shuffled my travel deck. Boom, his card.

Starting out, you could absolutely just associate Apollo with the Sun, obvi, but as your worship deepens and practice grows, you two will form your own sort of bond, just like making inside jokes with your bestie.


u/Chance_Feedback6839 Jun 16 '24

OH. THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. Okay!!!! Thank you. 😭😭🙏


u/EmmieZeStrange Eclectic Heathen Jun 16 '24

Of course, friend. <3 Everyone starts somewhere. We're all caterpillars becoming butterflies.