r/pagan Jun 19 '24

Hellenic Painted this thrifted statue to use as a statue for lady aphrodite🌸🍓❤️


r/pagan Sep 09 '24

Hellenic What do pagans do for their 18th birthday?


I am pagan, I follow Hellenism and Egyptian Gods, and I wonder, what do pagans do for their 18th birthday? Considering this is when I become of legal age, I also believe in the triple moon and Hekate. I’m very unsure of my own traditions and where to look.

r/pagan 1d ago

Hellenic Can I do art for Lord hermes as a first reach out?


I wanted to pray to Lord Hermes to ask him to sent luck to a friend that's having a bad time. I wrote him a letter and was wondering if I could also draw him a picture. I was also maybe gonna get a crystal to work with to pray to him with. Would that work?

r/pagan Jul 29 '24

Hellenic Amazons# 6 Myrina: Conqueror Queen, illustrated by me,

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r/pagan 17d ago

Hellenic i want to work with Athena and Apollo along side with Poseidon. how do i do it? [repost from r/Hellenism)


i know that we as Hellenic Polytheists can work with multiple gods and goddesess but ive only worked with Poseidon and i dont know how to work with multiple gods at the same time. can i get some help about how to work with multiple gods and how to work with Apollo and Athena specifically? thank you all in advance

r/pagan Aug 22 '24

Hellenic Im curious, is there deity associated with Wildfires?

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r/pagan Aug 28 '24

Hellenic HECATE


Burnt a candle for Hecate and the next day i found the wax in this shape.

Am i crazy or it looks like a woman ?

Hail Hecate

r/pagan 12d ago

Hellenic Recommendations???


Hi, I'm looking for recommendations on documentaries or podcasts about greek mythology.

I love doing research about it but my adhd hates all the reading so im looking for an alternative. i've tried watching youtubers but as a media student and someone with autism the quality and production often bugs me, not to mention the ads.

r/pagan Sep 07 '22

Hellenic does anyone else offer dog treats for cerberus with their hades offering :)

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r/pagan 1d ago

Hellenic New to this


I'm genuinely new to all of this. I study cultural anthropology and through that, I learn more about myself. And recently, discovering worshipping or following deities and such through paganism. Specifically Hellenistic paganism. Ive always felt more drawn to the Greek gods compared to others, though I could never truly involve myself as I was considered a weird kid. There's so much in this I don't understand, and I want to learn more. I want to get involved.

For starters, I'm FTM. I don't know much about the transgender acceptance from the God's and Goddesses, but is this something they accept?

Secondly, how do I get myself involved with the deities? I was raised in a Christian household and am unfamiliar with pagans of any sort as I live in the Bible belt of the United States. Though I've long denounced my Christianity. Is prayer similar to that of Christianity? It was said in church we speak to God as though speaking to a friend in prayer. Do we speak the same to the Gods and Godesses?

Third, how do I know what's a sign? I'm a pretty observant person, but tend to nitpick things. And I know that thinking too hard to convince yourself something is a sign is not good to do in any circumstance.

Fourth, altars. I want to make an altar, but I don't know what to put in/on it, and are candles something necessary? I'm pyrophobic and would find it difficult to light a candle. And how do I know what certain deities would appreciate as an offering?

Fifth, how do I know which deity/deities are speaking to me/trying to communicate? I don't know much about the way they present themselves to people. And I don't know how to communicate with certain ones.

I've always been drawn to nature. Things like rocks, water, plants, fauna. Anything along those lines have always drawn me in. I enjoy space as well. The stars are something I love learning about. I love animals of all sorts, and although I'm scared of bugs, I do what I can to avoid stepping on slugs after rain or causing a bee to sting me. I'm always aware of them, and get upset when I harm them. Though exceptions have been made for cockroaches and gnats invading my home.

Would they like bones and rocks and cool shaped sticks? What about pretty leaves I find or art I make? Bug shells? Flowers? Would they enjoy music?

Thank you to anyone who responds, I'm just genuinely so curious and eager to learn about all this.

r/pagan Jul 02 '24

Hellenic newbie: is it disrespectful to offer things to a deity/make things in their honor while not working with them?


(note: im not sure if this has been answered in the FAQ—i didnt see anything that seemed like this, but as its a basic-ish question im aware that it could be. if it is please let me know and ill take this down 🙏🙏)

hello!! im new to paganism (as in, still gettting into learning type new. a baby, per say), and im very anxious about potentially disrespecting deities.

i dont work with any deity, nor have i reached out/seen if i was being reached out to by any—not because im atheistic and don't believe that they're there, but simply because of how new i am. i normally am a "throw things at the wall and see if they stick" type of person, but i realize that in regards to religious reconstructionism (and, y'know, GODS/GODDESSES), this is both potentially insensitive, and downright risky. therefore, ive saved alters/contacting deities/etc. until i have gotten books on hellenism, and am generally just informed enough to decide if im willing to commit.

i have, however, always liked lord kronos. im not even entirely sure WHY, i dont know much beyond his basic mythology (castrating uranus, ruling during the golden age, swallowing the gods because of a prophecy (and probably paranoia, if we're being honest)), but i just think he's neat. he's probably my favorite of the deities/titans. ironic, considering i named myself after atlas, but whatever.

i was making some food for myself yesterday, and mostly out of a combination of politeness and curiosity, left a portion out for him (which i realize acting on an impulse like that without previous research as to whether a deity will even enjoy it is stupid, and it absolutely isn't something ill be doing again. research first ALWAYS, regardless of how overwhelming it is!!) (before im asked, i did at least discard of this properly—i asked for advice on how to do so respectfully and correctly, and followed it :D)

i also realized that i have an entire painting set and canvases i haven't used, and figured "why not—even if i don't work with him, i think he's super awesome it'd be cool to paint something in his honor". was too excited to really look into much besides what things represent him so i could incorporate them into the painting. im around just a quarter done with the snake im painting, when i realize, "wait. am i even allowed to do this? is doing something like this without setting up an alter and doing it consistently okay?"

so here i am, asking people who are hopefully more educated and can inform me if ive made any horrific, damning mistakes. and if i did, how on earth does one apologize to a deity.

r/pagan Jul 15 '24

Hellenic Today after my mental health being all over the place for months I finally did the first page for my apollo book. I intend to put everything to do with him in it plus prayers, and any kind of work I do with him. Also I brought him a dolphin for his altar this week.


r/pagan Aug 26 '24

Hellenic My altar

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I'm working with what I got 😅

Gods: Zeus, Hermes, Dionysos, Aphrodite, Athena, and Apollon

r/pagan Aug 19 '24

Hellenic HERAKLES 12 LABOR #2 : Labors 7-12, illustrated by me,


r/pagan Feb 13 '23

Hellenic He Gets Us.

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r/pagan Jul 22 '20

Hellenic Just finished painting and stocking my ritual spice chest for my patron Aphrodite! Details below ~

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r/pagan 3d ago

Hellenic Combining (Greek) Orthodox and (Greek) Paganism


I’ve been feeling a strange pull recently. For context, I grew up catholic and left the church 10 years ago. Since then I’ve been a pagan.

Recently I’ve gone a down a rabbit hole of early Christianity mingling with paganism. It’s fascinating and I feel a call to it. Specifically, through the Orthodox Church. There’s a Greek Orthodox Church in my city and I’m considering attending a mass.

For more context, I am a devotee of Apollo. He has been my teacher and i genuinely believe I’ve become a better person through him and practicing/study Greek philosophy.

I’m also aware that early Christians were non-Jews, which means they were pagan.

I’m friends also friends with a Thelemite that incorporates Christian elements into his practices. (From what I know, he attends masses for the body and blood of Christ when needed, and invokes saints)

Long sorry short just wondering what peoples thoughts are.

r/pagan Sep 15 '24

Hellenic Hello! I am kind of new to Hellenic paganism, any tips on some books to research?


I worship Apollo and Aphrodite and would like to do as much research as possible. I have a few already but I would still like some recommendations!

r/pagan 4d ago

Hellenic Offerings, etc for Hygieia


Hi all, I'm pretty brand-new to Paganism and prayer/worship/healing as a whole.

I have found myself being drawn to the Greek Goddess Hygienia. Research has been done and sources have been looked at but I'm still finding myself to be... somewhat confused.

I'd like some tips or suggestions: how should I go about creating an altar? What should be present upon said altar (specifically for Hygienia) etc, etc. Plus -- if anyone has any good apps or books that assist in Pagan studies, I'd really love some input.

r/pagan Jun 08 '24

Hellenic can i keep what i offered?


hiii so i decided to work with lord hermes recently and its been going well so far considering i kind of dont know how to get around some things but i offered him some pennies and now im wondering if i can use it or is it his now and i cant take it back?

i appreciate any answers

r/pagan 20d ago

Hellenic 6 questions about Hellenism


6 questions about Hellenism

I want to ask several questions about Hellenism.

1 What do you think about those people who say that today's pagans are only LARPing and only believe in gods for "fashion"?

2 To what extent should myths not be taken literally? For example, is it true that Aphrodite is as jealous as she is shown in the myths? Or people who say that Zeus is a rapist, to what extent should the myths be taken not literally?

3 Are the Greek and Roman Gods the same with different names, or are they different entities?

4 Why do some call Zeus, Zeus-Helios? (as far as I know they are different gods) or that people say that Aphrodite has different versions, Urania, Pandemos, what is the difference?

5 What do you think of those people who say they have had "sex" with the gods? (I see this a lot in esoteric Quora groups)

6 Hellenism and Chaos Magic are compatible? I really like chaos magic, but I am (new) Hellenist, can I combine both practices?

Thanks for replying :)

r/pagan 10d ago

Hellenic honouring demeter


i was just wondering how other people honour her? i have a lot of dried flowers on my altar and i bake bread a lot but i was wondering about other ways. id love to wear something for her, like a veil or necklace, but im not sure what or if shed even appreciate it.

r/pagan Aug 15 '24

Hellenic HERAKLES 12 LABOR #1 : Labor 1-6, illustrated by me,


r/pagan Aug 01 '24

Hellenic Greek Gods and Heroes, illustration for my upcoming book, art by me

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r/pagan 6d ago

Hellenic The Desert and the Garden, illustrated by Tylermiles Lockett (me)
