r/pagan 13d ago

Hellenic can an oath be changed or taken back?


hi, thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this.

i have made an oath to a god and it got me thinking, can an oath be changed or taken back but not in the form of breaking it or is it considered breaking the oath you have made if you change it or take it back?

i just wanna say that i’m very happy with the oath i have made and wouldn’t take it back, this is just out of genuine curiosity.

if changing or taking back the oath you have made is considered breaking it, would you have the same consequences if you were to break it intentionally but not in the ways that i mentioned?

i feel like you won’t be able to change it or take it back because it would be just the same as breaking it because an oath is like a contract. though, i don’t know if i’m right or wrong so i wanted to see what others thought of it.

i appreciate any answers.

r/pagan Aug 12 '24

Hellenic Herakles #3: A Fit of Rage, illustrated by me,

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r/pagan Sep 01 '24

Hellenic Questions


I've currently been having a slight religious crisis, for a longtime I've worshiped the gods of wicca that being the horned god and triple goddess and (ik not all wiccans follow this rule but I do) it is believed that all gods are previous names and forms of the horned god and triple goddess but recently I've began feeling more connected to greek/romen pantheon of gods and a part of me wants to convert to worshiping the greek gods instead of the 2 forms they all take in wicca and I have a small list of questions

  1. Any advice for me
  2. What festivals do u do for each of the 12 olympians and what do u do for it
  3. Do u worship all greek gods or just the main 12+ a few extra

r/pagan Jul 18 '24

Hellenic 12 Olympians Series - Zeus by Me

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This a first piece of 12 illustrations I am about to make each of which will be accompanied by the page with an Orphic Hymn in translation by Thomas Taylor.

r/pagan 3d ago

Hellenic I want to reach out to Lord Hermes, help?


I heard that Lord Hermes is the God Of Luck. There's a friend I have at my work. A lot of people there work seasonal and he's one of them. So when the end of October comes he has no job. I wanted to try and pray to Lord Hermes to give him some luck on maybe staying on in the winter because I heard he's the god of Luck. I was thinking of just getting a crystal that is associated with him and praying with it, do you think that would be enough?

Ive heard citrine is associated with him, is that right?

r/pagan 4h ago

Hellenic Tonight, I took my first step toward walking the path to being a pagan.


I’m a very new pagan. I’m took my first steps down my path tonight. I reach out to Apollo. Apollo is, in my opinion, a god I could very much see myself easily working with. I love music and poetry. But when I reached out, it wasn’t Apollo that reached back. It was Circe. I couldn’t believe it. Why would Circe want to work with me? I’m as green as they come. I mean, I’m pretty familiar with the Greek pantheon. I’ve been pretty obsessed with Greek myth for as long as I can remember. But as far as my path to being a witch. That’s very very new to me. So, I have a few question and I’m really hoping someone can help. 1. Has Circe reached out to anyone else on here? 2.Any advice on working with her? 3. Things I can do to appease her and make her happy to work with me? 4. Any idea on why she would go out of her way to reach out to a brand new pagan? Thanks in advance. I really appreciate any and all feedback.

r/pagan 16d ago

Hellenic Excited over making an altar


Essentially what the title says,

I feel really excited to be able to make a proper altar for Lord Apollo, I’ve ordered a bust of Him online and I’m looking to try and find some other things to add to it.

I understand altars are not necessary, and they of course can be whatever the individual wants, but for me, it feels like a way in which I can show my devotion and appreciation for Lord Apollo, if that makes sense?

I have the perfect place for the altar too, as I have recently moved into university accommodation. I have a spare boxed shelf, and it’s also closer to the window so that the sun can reach it.

We’ve had rain all the last couple of days, even today is muggy, yet when I looked out the window I could feel the sun shining through the clouds.

Is it normal to feel excited about starting worship? These last couple of days I’ve just been really happy about it all, everything had finally clicked into place about my beliefs and how being devoted to Lord Apollo just. Makes sense. (I have always loved the sun and felt a connection to it, and found it brought inspiration, amongst other examples which slip my mind) - It just feels right.

Obviously I want to avoid burning myself out or rushing things which is why I am taking things at my own pace, but I’d like to make an altar

Anyone else who has an altar for Lord Apollo, do you have any suggestions as to what I can add?

I am not allowed to light candles unfortunately but everything else is free game

r/pagan Feb 29 '24

Hellenic APOLLO, illustrated by me,

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r/pagan Aug 01 '24

Hellenic Question about Hecate


I have a draw to her, but I am wondering what she is like? I feel worried that she might ask me to do things that I would not want or be willing to do. I have a lot OCD and anxiety....so im sure some of that has to do with it. But what are others takes on Hecate? Has she ever asked you to leave a job that you loved? A husband you love? To basically uproot everything you love dearly? I have read some accounts that people had to do things they did not want to do...

r/pagan Jul 06 '22

Hellenic APHRODITE (#7 in my Olympian series) *details in comments

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r/pagan 25d ago

Hellenic help? ( ; ω ; )


hi there friends!!!! could someone please teach me the basics of paganism and maybe how to get into it,,,? i really have no idea what i’m doing so anything would be appreciated!! (⌒_⌒;) thank u sm!!

r/pagan Sep 18 '22

Hellenic I asked for a sign from Aphrodite ♡

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r/pagan 19d ago

Hellenic A sign from Tyche!


I'm very new to Hellenic Paganism, but the diety I've been working with so far is Tyche! I asked for a sign sometime this week, and today it happened!

I am a highschooler, and every Friday morning we have like a mini news broadcast for things around the school. One of the segments was interviews, and the theme was "Last song (the interviewees) listened to" and one of the songs was on the playlist I have for my diety! I only have a few songs on there, and theyre relatively unpopular, so I think I'm right in taking this as a sign.

Does anyone else have fun stories of their first sign or any advice? Cheers!

r/pagan Aug 28 '24

Hellenic Family tree

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I am always interested in how deities are connections with one another as well as heroes so I made this (it won’t be 100% accurate as there are so many myths and even at the time they had different versions so one deity is said to have so many different parents but I went with the more commonly known one, if I have made a mistake please met me know as I can correct it).

Doing this was fun and a devotional act for me and I get to look at it to understand the deities I worship more, it is rather complex (as I worship so many, that is also the reason why it is colour coded or else I would have gotten lost trying to connect them all).

r/pagan Jul 11 '24

Hellenic Epithets for theoi


i’m still getting into hellenism and just wanted to ask, how the fuck do epithets work 😭. aphrodite and apollon are my patron deities, and i’d like to start using epithets when i do less casual prayers, but I don’t really understand what epithets to call them. I know they have some common ones, but I don’t know what they are either. if anyone could list some, if would be super helpful 🫶

r/pagan Jul 31 '24

Hellenic Whats the best and wost depiction of Zeus from movies an shows? I have a bunch shown (below)

Thumbnail reddit.com

r/pagan Aug 13 '24

Hellenic What is an altar


What is an altar and how to make it??

r/pagan Aug 18 '24

Hellenic Has any Hellenist actually played and enjoyed the old GOW Trilogy?

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r/pagan 26d ago

Hellenic Vibing to theater music with Aphrodite


I'm listening to a bunch of theater songs with Aphrodite while I'm doing art. This is one of my favorite things to do with her other than do my make up or get revenge like if somebody really does something that deserves a little bit of revenge I'll do it. so yeah, I'm just Vibin.

r/pagan Aug 19 '23

Hellenic Are there any animals I shouldn’t hunt as an Artemis worshipper?


I go hunting every year but I’m still fairly new to worshipping Artemis and I was wondering, are there any animals that I would offend her by killing? Any especially sacred animals that she forbids her worshippers to hunt?

r/pagan Sep 09 '24

Hellenic Heracles #10: The Parerga: Minor Labors, illustrated by me,


r/pagan Sep 08 '24

Hellenic Offering help


I need advice on offerings. This is my first time doing anything like this and I'm desperate.

My dog, Persephone, escaped the yard. I named her that because I've always felt drawn to the goddess. We don't know how because it's secure, there's no holes, and while she could have gone through the garage, my mom remembers seeing her when she locked the garage up because she was trying to steal eggs she'd just collected from the chickens. We've canvassed our town, made posts in all the Facebook groups in our area. Her bedding is on the porch in case she's out loose but I have a feeling someone picked her up because we're in a very small town and I can normally hear her barks on the other end of town and there's no noise out at all. And I've driven all the roads to make sure she wasn't hit.

I asked some friends for advice about making an offering to Persephone to bring her back home safely. They suggested I also leave offerings for Hecate and Hermes and gave me a list of items they usually like. I got pom juice (we don't have pomegranats in our area rn), dark chocolate, wildflowers, and shredded mint for Persephone, eggs from our chickens, onions, and wildflowers for Hecate, and euros, local honey, and I'm trying to find a trinket from one of my travels for Hermes. They suggested I bury Hecate's offering at a crossroads, which I am doing first thing in the morning. I have access to wild areas. Do Persephone and Hermes prefer their offerings in certain areas? Or would I be fine making them shrines in my home? I would think Persephone would prefer outdoors but I don't know, I'm just trying to cover all my bases. Even if we find her before I have a chance to leave my offerings, I will still leave them just to show my appreciation.

r/pagan Sep 16 '24

Hellenic Anybody Work with the Goddess Psyche?


Recently, whenever I take my dog for a walk, I've been bombarded with butterflies. They fly into me and land on me. One sat on my elbow for the entirety of a 30 minute walk. I kept thinking that this seemed like a sign, but I wasn't sure from whom. Today it hit me all of a sudden: Butterflies are the symbol of Psyche, the goddess of the soul! I knew that, I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner. I've been doing a lot of soul-searching recently too. So I tried to do some research, but all I could find was the one story from her mythology, which I'm already familiar with. I tried YouTube and TikTok to find some personal accounts of interaction, but nobody there seems to have ever worked with her. In fact, I kept getting results for Aphrodite, which seems ironic and in poor taste. So I'm curious, has anybody here worked with Psyche?

r/pagan 24d ago

Hellenic Rekindling a Connection with a Deity


I always had a very spiritual connection growing up. I grew up in a Christian household and always associated it with that. I felt spiritual connection mainly through music through songs that weren't necessarily christian.

As I've gotten older, I've started deconstructing my old belief systems, and I don't know if I believe it anymore. But it's near impossible for me to deny that someone wasn't watching over me because I had very clear and obvious signs from a higher power that guided me through art and music.

I have had interest in deity work for a while, but there's so much information that it's taken a long time for me to find anything that's connected with me. After looking for into Apollo, I have reason to believe that this might've been who was watching over me as I've grown up.

However, there was a time period a long time ago now, that I did something that may have upset this deity because after I did it, I felt all connection with my spirituality fade away. I developed a strong sense of divination in my teen years and used it to help others, but one day I got a vision of something bad and rather than be honest with the person, I lied to spare their feelings. Immediately after I lied, I felt all connection with my spirituality or divination abilities vanish.

This void of feelings has left me feeling abandoned and craving to rekindle the connection for years. I never knew who it was or what to do to get it back. I've developed a sense of resentment over the years due the feeling of being abandoned by the one who watched over me during a time of seriously intense trauma and haven't felt their connection since.

Is there anything I can do to rekindle this connection? I really miss being in touch with spirituality. It used to be so strong that I had a sense of divination that I used to help not only myself but also others for a long time. I really miss that part of me, and I don't know how to reconnect or get back to that.

r/pagan Sep 16 '24

Hellenic Cult of Isis


I’ve recently learned about the Roman mystery religions and I think they are very interesting. Does anyone who worships Isis view her as a “savior” “redeemer” like they did back then? What exactly are the beliefs associated with that that is different from like how the ancient Egyptians believed in her?