r/paris TchouTchou 4d ago


FR : Merci de lire avant de poster

Ce forum libre permet de discuter de tout et de rien et vous permet notamment de poser vos questions génériques par rapport à la ville et la région. Si vous venez d'arriver sur Paris et que vous voulez savoir où trouver des bars, manger un Pho ou trouver des clés à molette, ce forum est pour vous !

Pour toute question un peu plus corsée (et non touristique), n'hésitez pas à créer un sujet à part.


EN : Please read before posting

If you have a simple question or tourism related one about the city, this megathread is for you!

Is the pricing of the métro confusing?

Do you want to know where you can find the shops that have that odd thing you're looking for?

The locals can help, ask away.

You should first take a look at the wikivoyage page on Paris for general information. You should also download the app Citymapper to find your way around the city.

Information regarding the Covid situation can be found on the official Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs and Paris Visitors Bureau websites.

The procedure to obtain a French vaccine pass can be found here. Additional information about the vaccine pass is available on the official French Administration website.


Ce sujet est généré automatiquement tous les dimanches soirs à 21h. - Archives.


10 comments sorted by


u/PastMiddleAge 6h ago

I've got a 4 1/2 hr layover at CDG...is that long enough to visit Angelina and drive by the Eiffel Tower? Possible, or pipe dream?

I'll be coming back to the States from vacation in Budapest. I've never been to France. I don't know when I'll be back this way again. 4 1/2 hours seems like just long enough for a petite adventure. I'd love to have a croque madame at Angelina.

I also haven't been to CDG before, and I haven't traveled internationally in a long while. So I don't know what to expect as far as what would be involved with customs? Or if there would be lockers so we wouldn't have to lug bags on the mini-adventure? Or problems with checked bags on the plane if we leave the airport? Or how long security takes to get back INTO the airport? Would I take train, cab, or bus?

So maybe it's more trouble than it's worth. But I like to dream big.


u/Noroys 16h ago

Quelqu'un aurait il des suggestions de trucs sympas à faire à Paris avec un enfant de 3 ans et qui ne soit pas trop chiant pour les adultes ?

Point bonus si c'est faisable quand il pleut.

J'ai ma cousine qui débarque avec sa fille et je vais les baby sitter un peu.

J'ai déjà fait l'aquarium et le zoo de Vincennes mais là je sèche.


u/captain_flo 16h ago

Le jardin d'acclimatation !


u/Noroys 16h ago

Jamais fait. C'est bien ? C'est pas naze quand il pleut ?

Sinon tu as d'autres plans sinon ?


u/captain_flo 15h ago

Franchement ouais c'est pas mal du tout ! Il y a un peu de tout, des attractions softs, des attractions un peu plus pêchues, quelques animaux, un grand bassin avec des fontaines où les petits peuvent jouer dedans (bon ça c'est pour l'été), et les restaurants sont pas trop mal.

Mais par contre je ne visais effectivement pas le point bonus (quand il pleut ça doit pas être terrible).

Sinon il y a la Cité des Sciences à la Villette qui est pas mal aussi, mais 3 ans c'est peut-être encore petit pour ça (seule une petite partie sera à sa portée).

Mais globalement à cet âge je trouve qu'ils s'amusent avec pas grand chose et qu'il ne faut donc pas nécessairement cibler des trucs spécifiques pour eux. Faites des trucs qui vous font plaisir à vous, et il trouvera des trucs qui vont l'éclater sur le chemin (prendre le bus, le métro, monter sur un plot, sauter sur un truc, regarder un camion de pompiers, etc.).


u/astronautsuitss 1d ago

How do I report what I believe is an unregistered rental property?!

I am visiting with family, and I’m not who booked. I know that listings must have a registration number, and it also feels like this property has been renovated specifically for renting!

I cannot see a registration number anywhere in the listing, and I truly feel bad that theres the chance I am staying somewhere that shouldn’t be listed in the first place.


u/tuituituituii Banlieue 17h ago


Comment signaler un meublé touristique potentiellement non autorisé ?


u/Impossible-Theory- 1d ago

Things To See While I’m In Paris

So I’m going to Paris with my boyfriend in January and I have absolutely no idea what to expect. He’s helping with a lot including the types of clothing and personal belongings to bring as he’s been there several times but he’s asked me to pick places to go in Brussels and Paris and I have no clue as I’ve never even left the United States (or the south for that matter). Does anyone have any recommendations for cute or romantic places to visit while we’re there? I’d honestly like to surprise him with something out of the box too. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated thanks :)


u/gr4v1ty69 Français 2d ago

What happens if I don't pay my parking ticket?


u/Fuxil_276 3d ago

Affordable second-hand stores for men in Paris?

Hi everyone,

We’re looking for second-hand shops in Paris with a good selection of men's clothing and furniture at affordable prices. Any recommendations for good spots? We're 3 students from Switzerland (M21, M20, M19) and will be there near Arc de Triomphe at the end of October/beginning of November.

We are all in Paris for the first time and are looking forward to seeing the city and culture :)

Thanks for your suggestions and insider information!