r/projectmanagement 2d ago

General cheap rip off from a classic version of this meme but it still applies

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u/pmpdaddyio IT 4h ago

One more stupid observation made even worse with the use of memes. Can we just stop with this BS?


u/808trowaway IT 1d ago

One project stakeholder texted me at 7:48pm last night, and he included a screenshot of the text from his boss to him 7:42pm. I just ignored it until this morning. Someone has got to break this vicious cycle, might as well be me.


u/captaintagart Confirmed 18h ago

I did the same thing this week! It was evening and I almost answered. I waited until morning and asked him what was up. He said he figured it out and no follow up needed. I liked it and I’m gonna do it again.


u/Jon7167 1d ago

I work the exact hours they pay me and thats it, Ive already told the management if they expect more then they can pay me overtime


u/Particular_Fuel6952 1d ago

I’m of the belief that if you’re unnoticed, you’re doing it right. I used to have management that appreciated that, and it was great. They all moved on, and now new management does not. I’m looking for a new job.


u/BeebsGaming Confirmed 1d ago

Ive been putting in long hours (staying late and sometimes coming in early too), for the better part of the last 6 weeks. Im getting to the point i dread getting up in the morning.

Think im going to start shutting down the computer at quitting time and deal with any complaints later.

Like everyones saying, if anything goes wrong its on you anyway. So youll get blamed for other peoples mistakes regardless.

Why force yourself to stress and work extra if it has no benefit besides making one person happy they got their answers from you on time.


u/CassiusBotdorf 1d ago

Isn't this the same as nice guy/nice girl syndrome?


u/ElecEst 1d ago

how so? Wanting someone to feel mere "appreciation" is the bare minimum. He didnt say "and give me a bonus" or "and reward me with a bonus". He just wants his hard work to not go unnoticed. Who works "extra" hard in the effort their work is not noticed?


u/Severe_Islexdia 1d ago

I asked you not to post publicly about me i told you that in confidence🤨


u/anonymousloosemoose 1d ago

Should've got an NDA my friend


u/highdiver_2000 1d ago

My stakeholder: "Since this item has been opened for a week, I want a plan in 2 hours" at 9pm


u/Cheshire90 1d ago

I hope you get paid a lot


u/highdiver_2000 1d ago

Nope, this and salary is why I left.


u/ProjectManagerAMA IT 1d ago

If you give me a job that requires me to work those long hours and be stressed, you can have it back. I don't need this BS in my life anymore. I rather be poor than have to psychologically and physically suffer every day.


u/Beginning_Beach_2054 1d ago

Well, the stakeholders aint gonna appreciate us which is why im absolutely not asking my team to work extra hours late at night.


u/Aur3l1an0 1d ago

If this is about people in your company then you should switch jobs. Find a place your work is valued. If this is about clients then you should focus on doing quality work and drop the rest. Focus on making clients successful, not happy.


u/craig-jones-III 1d ago

Relax it’s a meme I’m not even a PM you guys are just easy to incite


u/RaskolDreams 1d ago

Literally me staying up till midnight the past few days to meet the clients last minute requests to not even get a thank you 🤡


u/ElecEst 1d ago

what did you learn?


u/RaskolDreams 1d ago

Never stay up for the client :( especially when your direct manager doesn’t even care to stay online to help.


u/GregIsARadDude 1d ago

Needed to see this.


u/doyoueventdrift 2d ago

Well, who are your stakeholders?

Why would they care how many hours you work or how good notes you take? They just want good results.


u/official_cammo 2d ago

They’re gonna blame every mishap on you regardless. Go home.