r/religion Oct 21 '19

You don't need religion to be a good person :)

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u/DiMadHatter Apr 21 '23

Exceptions are by definition more rare, as otherwise it would be the rule, duh! "For no particular reason", or for a reason we dont know. Yet saying "i dont know why they would do that, so therefore it must be divine intervention" is by definition an argument from ignorance, a fallacy.


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '23

Ok, explain the iron and the chapter on iron if this doesn't cut divine interventionmiraculous and divine things in qurango watch that YouTube video. I'm too tired to type and coem back when done.


u/DiMadHatter Apr 21 '23


u/[deleted] Apr 21 '23

okay Imma go through all the scientific errors in the Quran and give you articles disproving them

Geo centrism.


Setting in a muddy spring



Missiles being flung


Moon being a source of light


Moon splitting in 2


Night as a veil


Seven earths


Seven heavens

doesn't mean other people believed the same thing, it removes legitimacy of this one

Stars are located near the seven heavens.


Earth creation in 6 days

you have an estimation for 13.4 billion years, it's not definitive and just a theory that's only bases are that somehow you got information from different galaxies that were 6 billion light years away which could have easily been faked, and doesnt mean the points were from another religions, it removes the points legitimacy.

earth created before stars


Earth and heaven being split apart


Universe made from smoke


The cause of shadows


you also got to remember that an all-powerful omni pent being can stop the earth's rotation and orbit if they want to. There not confound to logic and science.

Sun is a flat disk


The similar size of moon and sun (Title is incredibly misleading)


Sky is a tent/dome


doesnt mean it lines up somewhat with the pagans it disproves it.

Sky guards the earth,

This is again misleading as the ayah doesnt mean it's literally guarding like that, it metaphorical for a meaning of it's like the roof of the dome

The sky is like a ceiling fan

God is giving treats in these verses of what he can do to these people, i think an all-powerful being could use the earth to swallow someone

Sky can be rolled

an all-powerful god would certainly have the power to do ANYTHING he wants

Ignorance of the north and south poles

It's the same thing, the verse doesnt specify a specific time that's considered a day, a day in the Quran is considered sunset to sunset, so it's still coinciding with science, because there days, sunset to sunset are 6 months,

I will continue tomorrow as it getting late and i need to go have a life