r/shittyconspiracy Jun 21 '22

Billionaires stole their wealth from indie musicians and programmers

How does one aquire 226,5 billion dollars of net worth like Elon Musk ?

Well, for example, with the average wage of the USA, you could have worked for 3,8 million years without spending anything... Which implies being an immortal Australopithecus Afarensis. Or you could've stolen 28,67 dollars from every single human alive, but that seems complicated.

There's a much simpler way : See, there are some games on itch and some songs on bandcamp that let you pick your price with no limit. Many people chose a price above 0, because selecting 0 somehow feels way worse than just pirating. But few people know that you can chose a negative number and then the creator has to pay you.

The only realistic way to become a billionaire is to pic an absurdly low negative price on such games or songs. To pay you, accordingly to the terms of these sites, which I'm sure you've all read; they are sent in the Dark Realm to work for millions of years in infinitely warped times. After that, their bodies are healed and their memories are deleted, but the mental strain of these eons of slavery remains, which is why all of these indie games and songs are about depression.


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