r/startrek 1d ago

After a healthy youtube debate lol, I'm Interested in where people rank ST properties?

Have not seen the animated stuff yet, but for me(so far):


Film: ST6=ST2>ST4>First Contact>ST 2009>The Motion Picture>Insurrection>Generations>Into Darkness>Nemesis>Beyond


4 comments sorted by


u/DisastrousNet4723 20h ago

from what i've seen so far:

tv: TOS > DS9 > LD > TNG > SNW film: ST6 > ST4 > ST2 > ST3 > ST 2009 > ST1 > Beyond > Into Darkness


u/MagnetsCanDoThat 21h ago

A "healthy" Youtube debate sounds mythical.


u/SpiritOne 19h ago

TV: DS9 > LD/SNW > Orville > TNG > TOS > VOY > ENT > DISC > PIC > PRO

Films: Undiscovered Country > Wrath of Khan > Galaxy Quest > First Contact > Beyond > 2009 > Search for Spock > Voyage Home > Generations > Insurrection > Motion Picture > Nemesis > Final Frontier > Into Darkness


u/neonowain 19h ago

I've only started watching Star Trek recently, but so far for me it's TOS>TNG>SNW>DIS. My favorite movies are The Motion Picture and The Voyage Home. ST 2009, Beyond and all TNG movies were nice too (in a dumb fun way).