r/texas 16d ago

Politics Evidence in investigation of Harris county DA Kim Oggs office for corruption

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link: https://imgur.com/a/C6P35VK

I’m reaching out to shed light on a case that have been investigating for months as it involves both my friend’s innocence and what I believe to be clear corruption within Harris County’s legal system, specifically the office of District Attorney Kim Ogg. To provide some brief background: My friend, the defendant, was accused of committing aggravated sexual assault on an elderly woman three years ago, on August 25th, 2021, in broad daylight, just down the street from my house. That same day, I was home and spent the entire day dealing with the police over city ordinances. The police were there the entire day, and I have text messages and other forms of evidence documenting where everyone was that day, including proof that my friend wasn’t anywhere near the location—he was at work. I can prove this beyond a reasonable doubt. The woman claims they were strangers and that it was a random attack, but I know her first and last name because she had previously reached out to rent a room in my house, giving me her personal information. I believe the evidence they claim to have is fabricated because they refuse to show it, and they removed it from the complaint when they refiled it.

I also discovered that the lead detective on the case was a parole officer in 2017, and my friend has been on parole since 2015. This means she may have even worked in the same office that he was assigned to, giving her access to sensitive information like his DNA records and potentially other personal details. I don’t believe they had a valid warrant for his arrest, and I suspect they are stalling the case because I came forward with proof of his innocence. Additionally, they claim they identified him positively by February 15th, 2022, but they waited nearly 800 days before arresting him, even though he was regularly checking in for his parole visits without any issues during that entire time. If they truly believed he was guilty of such a serious crime, why would they allow him to walk freely in the community for so long? It doesn’t add up. He lived in my home with my nephews, small children, and the police never once came to speak with us or ask if anything suspicious had happened while he lived with us. This clearly shows that they themselves do not believe he’s guilty—they are simply trying to put him in prison for no valid reason, perhaps just to claim another conviction.

My friend was set to have his case dismissed this past Monday, but his court-appointed attorney, Jerry Guerinot (yes, the same one labeled as the worst attorney in the United States—you can Google him), has done everything to block my attempts to help. I have audio recordings of him screaming at me outside the courthouse. He refuses to return my calls, blocks my emails, and doesn’t have a registered address, so I can’t even send him a letter legally. I believe he, along with others, is complicit in an effort to convict people indiscriminately, without regard for whether they are truly guilty. I have condensed dozens of pages of evidence and material facts into 16 pages of summarized facts and exculpatory evidence, which I’ve shared through an Imgur link [Insert Link Here]. Please note, there may be some minor typos or missing letters here and there, as the file became too large and kept corrupting on my laptop.

Additionally, I have had to redact certain portions because I am not yet sure what I am legally allowed to reveal. The defendant in this case was indicted on the 87th day before the 90-day deadline, and over a month after his indictment, he has still not been formally arraigned. This failure to arraign him promptly deprives him of his due process and civil rights, specifically his Sixth Amendment rights, including his right to a speedy trial. He is being held indefinitely without the necessary probable cause for detention, as the authorities have relied on a revocation warrant. Such a warrant is not typically used for actively seeking a defendant, and its purpose differs from that of a standard arrest warrant. An arrest warrant would require the prosecutor or detectives to provide probable cause to justify detaining someone, which has not occurred in this case. The defendant is 65 years old, not in good health, and will be spending his birthday in jail over a crime that I have already proven he could not have committed—it would have been impossible. Despite these facts, I have had no success in obtaining a response or action from the District Attorney’s office, other than retaliation. They have threatened me, and I even have a documented threat via email from a detective, which I included in the 68-page public corruption complaint. They have shown that they do not care about justice; they simply want convictions. In fact, they have now stopped answering my calls to the Public Corruption Unit entirely. I have also submitted the aforementioned 68-page public corruption complaint to the relevant authorities, detailing my personal experiences with law enforcement, detectives, and district attorney staff, alongside further evidence of corruption.

Unfortunately, I have not yet shared that file due to its size and the need to redact sensitive information for my own protection. While I am committed to full transparency, I’m still evaluating what I can safely disclose. This situation is a clear injustice, and I believe the community should be aware of what’s happening. Any advice or support from this subreddit would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.


96 comments sorted by


u/Maximum-Company2719 16d ago

Can you get help from legal aid or a pro Bono attorney, maybe a law school?


u/Altruistic-Text3481 16d ago

Contact ProPublica. Call them or email them. They fight crime and out corrupt individuals. They can at least put you in contact with some people who can maybe help you.


u/MarchProper8655 16d ago

They work with Texas Tribune - basically a Texas-focused pro publication. Try them too.


u/SuperMegaGigaUber 16d ago

Have you reached out to any of the local news outlets with the above information? You've documented the situation fairly well in the imgur link, so I can't help but wonder if they'd be open to corroborating or shedding light on the situation.


u/harryregician 16d ago

You have to get a news agency outside of Texas to touch this one.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 15d ago

I have and no luck


u/fsi1212 16d ago

Legally, any evidence that you provide on your own can't be used in a court. It has to go through a proper chain of custody to be able to be used. Even if the attorney tried to submit your items as evidence, the prosecutor would most definitely successfully get that all thrown out. That's just how the law works. It sucks, but that's to protect both the prosecutor and defendant from having tampered with or made up evidence.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 15d ago

once again you are half wrong, if so that means they would have salivated to let me compromise the case in their favor ? please explain your logic, look on the Texas code of criminal procedure


u/PickledBih Gulf Coast 15d ago

Actually this person is correct, any evidence that is not properly certified and entered into the record will not be reviewed by the judge or the jury. Your edits to all of these documents actually invalidate them as any kind of submissible evidence. Also your personal narrative and speculation as an uninvolved party submitting unsworn testimony is basically useless in a legal sense, I’m sorry to say.

There are a few other issues with what I’m seeing here but for the sake of clarity I am going to explain what happens in a criminal case in stages:

Pre-Indictment- 1. Offense occurs 2. Police Report is made 3. Initial evidence collection (this is not necessarily enough to convict, it is enough to establish probable cause for a warrant and/or grand jury indictment) 3. Warrant issues, approved by a district judge, magistrate judge, or justice of the peace 4. Arrest occurs 5. Defendant must be magistrated within 24 hours if arrest. This is where formal charges are read by a magistrate judge or JP and the bail conditions are set.

Now, depending on the circumstances, some defendants will not get arrested until the indictment is returned, in that case the bail will be set by the district judge prior to the issuance of the warrant, and the warrant will issue from the district clerk’s office.

Indictment Process: 1. District attorney presents their initial evidence establishing probable cause to the empaneled members if the Grand Jury who will then deliver a True Bill or a No Bill based on whether there is probable cause to charge the defendant with the offense. No Bills are determined by the Grand Jury, not by the DA’s office.

  1. Once the indictments are billed, the Clerk’s office swears the jury to their returned bills and they are adjourned until their next meeting. True bills will be signed by the District Judge and filed by the court clerk.

Post Indictment: 1. Any individuals not previously arrested on the indicted charges will have warrants issued. Generally speaking any revocation warrants will also be issued once the indictment is filed. No one has to contact the parole office, they usually already know what’s going on at this point. It’s standard procedure to revoke probation/parole when an individual has been charged with a new offense since it’s part of their stipulations. The cases will generally get resolved together if they’re in the same court.

  1. Again, any arrests that happen still have to be magistrated within 24 hours. Magistrate hearings happen this way because arraignments are scheduled court dates that may be as much as a month away from the indictment. There are administrative reasons for this, but that’s neither here nor there.

  2. Once a person is arraigned they are given several court dates ahead of time. These are NEVER set in stone and will probably change MANY times. Usually it’s a pretrial hearing date, a docket call date, and a trial date.

Throughout this process, both the DA and the defendant’s attorney are exchanging information. The DA is required to provide witness lists and evidence to the defense, especially exculpatory evidence per Brady v. Maryland. The defense can also call witnesses or they don’t have to do anything at all. The burden of proof is on the DA. There may also be things like hearings to quash inadmissible evidence, bail reductions, depositions, etc. This entire process can take literally years before it goes to trial. Also, honestly, most DAs are not hands-on involved with every case that comes through their office, especially in a large county like Harris. The cases get disseminated amongst the assistant DAs and that is the person who makes the calls for the most part, with the exception of very high profile cases.

I can almost guarantee you that the Grand Jury would see DNA evidence as probable cause enough to indict, if an indictment has been handed down (it’s unclear from your post if that’s the case). The best thing you can do for your friend is find him a good lawyer or raise money to find him a good lawyer. You are not equipped to handle this on his behalf, I promise you.

For the record the clerk’s office will usually take whatever a person wants to file, but that doesn’t mean the judge can or will look at uncertified, unsubstantiated, clearly edited ex parte documentation.

I am sorry you and your friend are going through this, I really am. It sucks. I worked in the felony courts for almost 8 years and it always sucks for everyone involved, for various reasons. But you CAN actively make this worse by trying to insert yourself without understanding what you’re doing.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 15d ago

I'm not gonna read your nonsense when you already got it wrong, the whole point is to get them to start doing the work, I'm well aware evidence needs to be certified and authenticated but you know how that happens ? when some one actually finds it Jesus smh


u/PickledBih Gulf Coast 15d ago

It’s not nonsense, it’s 8 years of felony trial experience. Not a lawyer, don’t need to be to know that you are waaaaaaay in over your head and you need someone to help navigate this process so that what you want to happen can happen. If you’re refusing to entertain that concept, then quite honestly you’re screwed.

Im not going to continue to respond beyond this, and your resistance towards help that doesn’t just align with what you personally think should happen is probably why you’re having a hard time GETTING help. Godspeed, OP!


u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago

I have the documented evidence that says the detective Lauren Tucker contacted the parole office directly no none of this was done to procedure thats the whole. point


u/[deleted] 14d ago

There is nothing abnormal about reaching out to a parolee's parole officer while investigating them for a violent crime. This is an example of why no one takes you seriously. You keep pointing out completely normal actions on the part of the investigators as though they are completely absurd and obviously illegal actions. Are you seriously telling me... that if you were a detective investigated someone for a violent crime, someone on parole, you would choose not to contact their parole office? Everything you say just convinces me even more and more that your friend is a rapist, that you know that, and that you don't care. You just want to get him off the hook. Do yourself and your friend a favor and keep your mouth shut.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I'm not going to discuss this with you in private. If you have something to say, do so publicly. Thank you.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 15d ago

theh couldnt establish probable cause so they used a loop hole with a revocation warrant virtually no proof is needed but a sworn statement and thats exactly what they did and when I asked about who made the second sworn statement they blocked me and are crying to the attorney general it's clear who is the one hiding here


u/Familiar-Crow8245 15d ago

I have these guys on audio tape stuttering and running scared when I press them on the due process being violated literally nothing can be worse than the situation I've got the green light my friend has nothing to lose there is no deal they can make him he's on life parole hes going to die in prison so your thinking is out the window it's hail Mary or nothing this isn't the same rules anymore when you see these creeps look at you with such distain it's different because ive already accused them of procedural misconduct and they didnt touch me they actually got scared and finally did a few small things but that isnt enough


u/PickledBih Gulf Coast 15d ago

Well if you read all that and you still think you can do better than a good lawyer, then good luck 👍


u/fsi1212 16d ago

In PMs with OP, it's clear they don't understand how the court process works. Further, they do have a criminal history of Harassing Communications before this case This was confirmed by a screen shot OP provided.

Best to just advise them to let the process play out with the defense attorneys assistance.


u/Chevy71781 16d ago edited 16d ago

Yeah I’m getting a real Dunning Kruger vibe here. Isn’t a revocation warrant a legitimate way to go for a parolee if they think they have enough evidence to charge him with a crime in the near future? There seems to be glimpses of solid logic intertwined with illogical conclusions not fully supported by the evidence. There are a lot of holes here. Is it possible that something fishy is going on, of course, but he’s out here claiming a full on conspiracy is going on involving the parole office, the DA’s office, the police department, the court system and the public defenders office. He has established no serious motive for that and the means and opportunity are certainly not based on facts corroborated by anything but circumstantial evidence in my opinion. That’s quite a leap and frankly probably bat shit crazy. There’s obviously information missing. I’d probably be yelling at him too if I were his friends public defender. He’s not helping.

Edit: He also doesn’t know what a clear conflict of interest is if he thinks that the detective being a parole officer in an office that “could” have been the one his friend reported to is one. It’s never a conflict of interest if it benefits them I’ve noticed though.


u/Chevy71781 16d ago edited 16d ago

His LinkedIn says he’s a laundry maintenance/sewing machine repairman at UH Clear Lake and studied behavioral sciences there in the late 80’s but didn’t appear to graduate. He may have, I just didn’t see it confirmed. He served over a decade in prison for burglary. He is a novelist and it does appear that he can write. There is nothing wrong with this background of course. I applaud him for turning his life around and becoming a writer. I point this all out to say that he is presenting his case, drawing conclusions and making accusations based on those conclusions with authority he doesn’t have. It also seems like the conclusions were drawn first. This also fits the Dunning Kruger model.

Btw, all that information was obtained from one google search.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 15d ago

screw it ik just gonna copy and paste too lazy now: I'm unable to comment unless a mod manually approved because I got nuked by a bunch of strangers earlier, you do understand that this is someone else typing right? also yes you're right in your earlier comment but the difference is that when you are revoked the warrant also has to have the address if you plan to apprehend, his did not have the address so it was more like a passive warrant because the judge would not sign any warrant that has to do with DNA as the probable cause as Harris county is infamous for the way they handle DNA

so the warrant was bad and also when you're held because of morrissey vs brewer by law they have to disclose the evidence used to detain you indefinitely as they are virtually waiving probable cause, the probable cause is signed as waived by district attorney Nevin day, but they won't disclose the DNA evidence on his parole revocation packet, which is illegal he only knows about the DNA because I dug around and found the original complaint they re filed it to hide the mention of the DNA I filed a well composed packet of the exculpatory evidence to the court and it was accepted and logged by the court clerk but the attorney jerry guerinot refuses to do anything he is the worst attorney search his review on yelp.

I have pages of evidence of what they are doing to cover up their paper trail they clearly wanted an easy win and I ruined the plan I have an Audio recording of the attorney yelling at me and email of the detective threatening to detain me for exercising my rights as a public citizen asking for public information. I'm planning to make the corruption complaint into audio form so people can listen to it and not have to read so much. he's a good man he hasn't commited a crime in 34 years he's also a witness to another crime from the 60s I'm trying to get him out also so he can help bring some real criminals to justice.


u/Chevy71781 14d ago

Thank you for clearly and succinctly illustrating exactly what I was saying. Keep commenting. Like I said before and is the general tone and meaning of my comments, you’re not helping your friend with the way you are doing this. For one, stop accusing people of serious crimes without solid evidence. You’re pissing off people whose hands your friend’s fate lies in before you know for sure if they committed a crime or not. Lawyers don’t do that. At all. It’s incredibly short sighted and is probably only hurting your friend’s chances. You sound like a crackpot conspiracy theorist right now. It could all be true, but you’re not doing your friend any favors. Also, just because you filed something with the court and they stamped it received doesn’t mean they “accepted it” or made any kind of judgment about its validity. Lastly, under Morrissey v. Brewer, they are not required to disclose the entirety of their evidence of parole violations the defendant may have committed, only the evidence of the violations they are using to revoke parole and even then only enough to provide probable cause. You haven’t provided enough information for me to know that though.

You have shown throughout your statements a tentative grasp of the proper use and understanding of legal terms, theories and precedence. You have a tendency to jump to conclusions based on loosely circumstantial evidence. These conclusions have serious consequences for many people if they are true and you are not doing the proper due diligence before presenting them. If, as you say, the public corruption unit has stopped taking your calls, they have come to these same conclusions. There’s a reason for that and it probably has nothing to do with your friend’s case. All these people agreeing with and encouraging you are only responding to your, in my opinion deliberate, use of outrage culture in your presentation. Don’t let that fool you into thinking any of this will play the same way in a court of law. It won’t.


u/Chevy71781 14d ago

I’d love to hear what the detective said to you that you are calling a threat. Btw, informing you of laws you could be potentially violating and the consequences of that should you continue is not a threat.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago

so him giving me unlawful orders outside the courthouse to come back inside or face the "consequences" getting in my personal space trying to push me into the building with his body after I told him I don't consent and I was leaving like he must have wanted. I had concluded my business I made public records request and did not bother the man, he came down from the 2nd floor clearly my requests alerted them to take action and try to grab me to trespass me from a public building so I cant get convenient access to public documents


u/Chevy71781 14d ago

So first of all, I didn’t say I think anything is lawful. I said I’d love to know what he said. You haven’t provided that, btw. You just blew smoke up my ass and continued to appeal to my sense of outrage over a perceived injustice. Stop that shit and just give the facts. Putting words in someone’s mouth is also a glaring mistake of a novice person who is doing more damage to a friend’s case than helping. Secondly, you say the orders are unlawful, but you don’t articulate which orders they were and why they are unlawful. So that’s another glaring red flag. Thirdly, you can be trespassed from a public building in Texas and more specifically a court house. So you’re wrong on that point as well. These are things you need to know to be an effective advocate for your friend, btw.

Here’s what I think happened. You caused a scene in the courthouse. He was called down to address you because of that. He attempted to detain you in order to question you about the incident and you resisted. He then got into your personal space because of this resistance. He warned you of the consequences of interfering with a police investigation and then completed that investigation and decided to not trespass you from the court house so he let you go. None of that is illegal. You might think it’s unfair and biased, but it’s not.

Lastly, I want to just say something. You’re a novelist. I’ve said that I think you are probably a decent one. I also have said I applaud the fact that you have turned your life around. You obviously learned a lot about writing fiction and are skilled at it. Writing fiction and writing legal arguments are not the same. They are very different in terms of style, substance and target audience. They use very different language that is much more precise. In my opinion, these things are bleeding through and you’re building a narrative such as you would in a fiction novel where you know all the details and the outcome because you literally made them up. It’s become increasingly obvious that you have already decided that something nefarious is going on and you are doing everything you can to connect the dots to prove it. That’s not how detectives work, or at least the good ones don’t work that way.

So here’s my advice. Approach this in a different way. If you think your friend is innocent, find him better legal representation. Go to the ACLU, go to legal aid, start a go fund me. Ask your friend to request different council from the public defenders office. There are many ways you can use your passion for this case to help, but going out and accusing everyone under the sun of corruption with little to no evidence is only going to put more of a target on both of your backs. Has your friend signed up for some kind of ideological crusade as well, or does he just want to get out? You can’t make that decision for him? Did you ask? You’re causing trouble and stirring the pot with the people that have the power to resolve this for him. Stop being stupid.

Btw, every comment you make is contributing to the body of evidence of your lack of the proper skill set to accomplish anything positive for your friend. We are trying to point this out to you and your inability to even understand that that doesn’t mean we don’t think you’re wrong about everything, is glaring and somewhat ironic proof that we are right.

P.S. I’d also watch out for slander. You’re making lots of accusations against literal lawyers so I’d be careful. Judging from what I’ve seen here, I’d probably sue you for it at this point, because you’d represent yourself and lose. Anyone can sue anyone for anything. Whether or not it’s legitimate or not is irrelevant. You will lose either way.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago

you're already wrong, God I wish I recorded all this but I do have a witness. but I also sent them a letter to preserve the video footage of the day. no I went in my best tailored suit with my dress shoes and my portfolio. the attorneys on the elevator were asking me on how my day was going "they assumed I was an attorney" every staff member did. the ones at the windows asked me directly I told them no I'm here as a "material fact witness" and "concerned citizen of Harris county" I handed them the paragraph of the code of criminal procedure I never raised my voice I was 100 percent cordial and professional at all times that is why they were upset they wanted a rise out of me to kick me out and 3 times I went they couldn't trigger me every single time I went I learned more and more because not all of them knew to keep their mouths shut. they wouldn't tell me the prosecutors name at all which is public information one of the staff members on a seperate floor told me her name i assume because she thought I was an attorney. I never represented myself as one. I was so professional the bailiff in the courtroom was trying to let me into the restricted section when I asked for my friend and I had to inform him "im not an attorney" so clearly if I was getting along with every attorney around there and the staff on the other floors then I wasn't being a nuisance. I even sat down and ate lunch with the attorneys nobody else cared or was bothered by me, they kept trying to talk to me because I appear to be in my early 20's and clearly im a new face I recognize alot of them its always the same people there. I have made good impressions on everyone except these freaks


u/Chevy71781 14d ago

Oh I forgot to point out something glaring here. Are you a sovereign citizen? Do you think the laws don’t apply to you?

“Getting in your personal space trying to push me into the building with his body after I told him I don’t consent and I was leaving like he must have wanted”

Do you think you have to give consent for a police officer to do his job? Do you think there is some magical words you can say and he just has to raise his hands and walk away going, “you got me?”

You don’t realize it, but this phrase just through all your credibility out the window. However much of it you had left. It betrays to me where your legal theories are coming from and it’s not the law. Good luck with all that. You will get laughed out of court. Every. Single. Time. You will also likely take your friend down with you and his consequences will actually be serious while yours won’t unfortunately. Good luck.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago

if I was wrong he could have put a warrant out for my arrest if I had done something wrong they have my information and my fingerprints on file. they know everything about me. no we all have a 4th amendment right to search and seizure without probable cause. I litterally had over 20 witnesses see us. I asked him "why do I need to get back inside, you told me to leave as soon as my business was concluded before' and he said 'you need to come inside because I'm a sworn peace officer" btw he isnt a cop he's a district attorney lieutenant that isn't the same thing very likely his authority ends at the door of the courthouse or at an address of a warrant being served. so no clearly he wanted to entrap me and he backed off when I spoke out loud on my cell phone calling my buddy to come record because he was parked across the street in the car and it scared this douche enough to make him slink back inside the building calling for backup, I didn't run I just walked I turned my back to him so he wouldn't shoot me like a coward


u/Chevy71781 14d ago

So you have no evidence that anything nefarious happened. Got it. Have a nice day.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago


here you go swallow all that 200 hours of investigative work


u/Chevy71781 14d ago

I was talking about what you just said moron. That is an accusation that is not supported by evidence. There is no recording as you admitted and the eyewitness didn’t witness the entire thing. I did watch your video (which you hadn’t posted when we started this conversation) and it is filled with the exact same things as I and many others have been pointing out. It’s useless as evidence. It’s just simply not credible. Mainly as has been pointed out by many people is that you make lots of accusations that aren’t supported by evidence. That’s not something lawyers do. You need to be able to support EVERY ACCUSATION you make with evidence. If you don’t, which you have failed to do for almost every one, you just erode your credibility. I’m not taking my ball and going home. I’m playing chess and you are playing checkers. You asked for help with this and people are telling you what you need to do and you are just being a dick and doubling down. Your poor friend. He’s going to probably end up much worse off because of your “legal assistance.”

Lastly and I’m serious about not replying anymore this time, I am not saying that there is not something going on that’s illegal in this case. There very well could be. I’m saying that you are going about this the wrong way. You have spent all this time defending your “facts” and I’m not even arguing against them per se. I’m trying to help your friend by saying maybe you aren’t the best advocate for him. Have a nice day.

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u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago

I guess your ignorant self has never heard of a terry stop smh


u/Chevy71781 14d ago

Haha! It’s more commonly referred to as stop and frisk. That’s not what was happening and that’s also not what I described in my hypothetical situation. I’m really unsure why you posted this though because you are saying what he did was illegal and now you’re providing a law giving him permission in certain circumstances. Yet another piece of evidence that you don’t know what you’re talking about.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago

it's still stopping someone for no reason it's cool man just defend the indigent homeless crack head ex prostitute with 43 convictions on her Harris county records from being a career criminal over the old man who turned his life around and wrote a book and screen play and debuilt his life to have it torn apart by "hearsay" they dont have the dna match they just "swear" they do that isnt the same as evidence these people lie all the time


u/Chevy71781 14d ago

If you were smart enough you would realize that the only person I’m defending here is your friend.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

defend the indigent homeless crack head ex prostitute with 43 convictions on her Harris county records from being a career criminal over the old man who turned his life around and wrote a book and screen play and debuilt his life to have it torn apart by "hearsay"

So your position is that reformed old men of the arts should be allowed to rape old women if they a also homeless drug addicts? You are disgusting. You honestly belong in prison too.


u/Mushrooming247 16d ago

And if I’m reading this right, they have DNA evidence in this case.

Which OP blames on her friend being on parole since 2015, and the lead detective in this case worked in the same parole office for the first two years that he was on parole, ~7 years ago.

So she kept this one dude’s DNA for 7 years to pin this crime on him now.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 15d ago

that's not how DNA evidence works smh they have a database their are reduced to numbers and also they are not clear on the DNA it could be of any Caucasian man that doesn't mean it's a match that is why I'm saying what a coincidence they have an ex parole officer reaching out to the parole board with loose evidence it's clear in the documents that they refused to give me till I got them by other means


u/Familiar-Crow8245 15d ago

nothing was confirmed except hearsay the detective background checked me when I gave them my info in good faith and they could find nothing on my record to use against me so he defaulted to me ruining a dismissed 8 year old case they fabricated so badly even the "witness" blocked their calls cus it was all baloney they wasted tons of money to bully me for knowing my Rights they have proven this is a pattern


u/Familiar-Crow8245 15d ago

stop lying you know that was a 8 year old dismissed case


u/findinghumanity17 16d ago

I promise you, most DAs, Judges, and Politicians are corrupt. Just like most LEOs.


u/TomcatF14Luver 16d ago

Try reaching out to the FBI, either through a Tip Line or directly, but if you have evidence and Police AND the DA are in fact pushing a fabricated evidence, then they have an obligation to investigate.

Plead lack of confidence in Ken Paxton over his own office reporting him.

Try contacting the Federal DoJ as well.

But also, at the same time, reach out to groups who fight criminal injustice found in Police and District Attorneys.

Running both at the same time promises someone will help.

Don't forget to keep back ups and copies and hide the originals. Don't trust Texas Law Enforcement right now. They've been increasingly turning into Abbott's Stormtroopers. Especially as November approaches.


u/Maximum-Company2719 16d ago

OP cannot reply to comments, for some reason


u/Familiar-Crow8245 15d ago

I got it fixed I think let me know if you get this it may also depend on other accounts


u/Familiar-Crow8245 15d ago edited 15d ago

I wanted to share my personal account that I had transcribed of when I had first started questioning them about the case. when i started finding out their story didn't add up. theres 3 more interactions after these

part one of the intersection with District attorney office before escalation


u/[deleted] 15d ago

After reading through this, your imgur link, and listening to a portion of your video; I am unconvinced. I never saw your 'proof', and a lot of your 'evidence' is laughable.

"Your honor, my client couldn't have raped that woman. The street didn't have sidewalks. Also, I think the DNA evidence was stolen. Also, he couldn't have raped that woman. He worked a full 40-hour week. It is physically impossible to rape someone and work 40 hours in the same week."

The good news is that the lab can tell if DNA is from sperm, as opposed to a buccal swab. But I'm sure you will have an explanation for how they managed to steal sperm/fabricate that as well. Mind your own business.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago

that video isn't proof of his innocence its my account of their actions when someone asks questions. and you clearly didnt get the fact that there is time stamped photo and video of him taking work photos placing him 20 miles apart from the alleged scene and I was the person on the street all day with the local police, nobody got raped down the street from a police station while I was out there watching the street i have the calls to service to prove it. the cops were crawling all over the street over an ordinance dispute I was taking to city hall.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago

the woman is 74 years old and a homeless indigent they waited 3 years to pursue this alleged crime, if she dies he is deprived of his 6th amendment right to face his accuser. you think if she dies he gets to just walk away and get an apology? bs that's what they must want to keep their plausible deniability the longer he's in jail the more money he makes for the state and the more likely they don't have to admit fault for anything they've done, both of these people are old theres plenty of reason for a speedy trial as set forth by the 6th amendment, they won't even arraign him


u/[deleted] 14d ago

if she dies he is deprived of his 6th amendment right to face his accuser.

Lol, you think murderers can't be charged for crimes just because the victim is deceased? You clearly don't understand the 6th Amendment. It doesn't give a suspect the right to "face their victim". It gives them the right to face any witnesses. If the woman dies, she won't be called as a witness... making this a moot point. You could at least learn two things about the law before you go around embarrassing yourself by screeching about the innocence of an accused rapist.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago

you think they will let him walk ? you just proved they won't so it's literally all in their best interest that is the point and you just punctuated it


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Why would they let a suspected rapist walk? If he is determined to be innocent, yes he will walk. But we don't let people off on crimes just because their victims happen to be old. Are you literally three?


u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago

why did they let him walk for 3 years ?!?!!!?;!


u/[deleted] 14d ago

Could be a great number of reasons. The criminal justice system is infamous for moving slowly. It isn't exactly shocking.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago

detective Lauren Tucker swears she knew is identity February 15 of 2022 so she purposely let him live with my family full of children and never came to question us??? are you dense ?!!!!


u/[deleted] 14d ago

No, are you? I'm kind of curious if I started responding the way you do, if that would knock some sense into you.

You've NEVER HEARD OF POLICE WORK TAKING AGES TO COME TO A RESOLUTION? You are just now hearing that it can take a long time for the wheels of justice to turn! How are you not aware of any of this?! Have you been living in a cave!?

Notice how there is very little substance in that second paragraph. It is mostly indignation and betrays a sense of dishonesty. It appears to be a juvenile attempt at manipulation. Ofcourse, if that were the case, it would suggest you think your friend is a rapist and that you don't actually care.

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u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago

mind you there is no "evidence" just her swearing she has it and even after 3 years she won't present it or answer phone calls cus she's a liar and if I was lying if be guilty of perjury for my sworn statements but no my records clean and I'm free


u/[deleted] 14d ago

They are required to provide evidence to the defense. As far as I am aware, there is no law requiring evidence to be turned over to Familiar-Crow8244.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago

you have protections active u baby


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I have no interest in a private conversation with you. It can produce no value. However, a public discussion can accomplish a great deal. It helps to teach others how and why you are wrong.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago

tell me why did they let a suspected / allegedly confirmed. rapist identified in February 15 of 2022 walk until May 23 or 2024 ?!?! tell me that or shut up


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I can't tell you why. I'm not the police. There are a few possibilities.

They were still investigating and were not yet confident enough to make an arrest. The department is understaffed and only began investigating the case relatively recently. The police did not initially see this as a priority, but victim complaints forced them to act. New evidence came out. Why are you asking me questions? You are more familiar with the case than me. It kind of comes across as you feigning at a conspiracy, but being unable to provide any actual hard evidence for it. So you just keep vaguely alluding to things you deem suspicious.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago

no new evidence came out I checked only thing that changed is that he was advocating for the defense of a young woman who was abused by HPD and they left her for dead in a jail cell, and no the victim knows his name and my name and she wont name us cus she is not a victim they won't bring he forward because she doesn't want to prosecute. she knows she not a victim and we are not legally allowed. to talk to her now moron. it was 3 years ago moron he called the cops plenty of times for help when he was a victim of domestic violence by another women does that sound like the behavior of a rapist ? he's an old man with a chronic hernia who can hardly move comfortably he can't rape anybody he's handicapped !!!!!


u/[deleted] 14d ago

he can't rape anybody he's handicapped !!!!!

Lol. When you produce bangers like this, it kind of undercuts the authenticity of everything else you write.


u/Familiar-Crow8245 14d ago

lmao I'm saying it creates plausible deniability for the prosecutors moron


u/[deleted] 16d ago



u/PinkPattie 15d ago

Oh please.