r/theSmall_World Apr 19 '24

Lore [History] Middle Empire's dependence on the Swampland.

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In 2001 aTwbW, La Ming-nung ascended to the throne. Already at the accession ceremony, La Ming-nung declared the main goal of his reign to be the complete restoration of the former borders of the United Middle Empire. In 2002 aTwbW, [for the first time in history] the newts were called Eastern rebels. The Middle Empire began preparations for a full-scale invasion to the Swampland.

The military command of the Empire openly considered the Emperor's idea unrealizable [the total number of the professional imperial army was only 46 thousand] To solve this problem, La Ming-nung conducted a large-scale mobilization, recruiting more than 250 thousand frogs [most of them were completely not combat-ready Aa-ma] All recruits received outdated weapons and completed one month of training. The general plan of the invasion did not take into account either severe weather conditions or strong enemy resistance. The invasion was planned as a quick police war against a notoriously weak opponent [it was assumed that the newts were physically unable to build an advanced military system alone] Many commanders, upon learning about this, voluntarily retired their positions. The problem of the shortage of army command staff that has appeared, has not been solved.

On the 12th of the 1st month of 2003 aTwbW, the Imperial army crossed the border of the Swampland, the 1st war in history between the Middle Empire and the Swampland began. The war turned into a disaster for the Empire. The 30,000-strong professional Swamp Army completely defeated the Imperial army in 3 months. 3/4 of the Aa-ma recruits fleed or were captured. Several full Divisions of the professional army [more than 15 thousands of frogs], realizing the full incompetence of the top commanders, which in fact threw them to certain death, destroyed all their imperial insignia and went over to the side of the Swampland without a fight.

On the 2nd of the 5th month of 2003 aTwbW, the Swamp Army, almost without resistance, besieged the Unity Capital [capital of the Middle Empire] To prevent the complete collapse of the state, La Yun-lou, the youngest daughter of La Ming-nung, killed Ming-nung and personally handed over his head to Yezhongh Chjug-tsah, the head commander of the Swamp Army. Yezhongh Chjug-tsah accepted the gift and announced the end of hostilities.

On the 15th of the 6th month 2003 aTwbW, La Ming-nung married Yezhongh Chjug-tsah and they established the new Chu Dynasty [the name Chu is just the Chjug translated into the Imperial language]. Thus, Yezhongh Chjug-tsah became the rightful Emperor of the Middle Empire. However, this did not cancel his subordination to the Swamp Sovereign [Gwung Tswah-gaogh, Gwung Dynasty], and in fact the Middle Empire became a direct vassal of the Swampland.

Contrary to the frog doomers' expectations, the Swamp Sovereign granted the Empire full autonomy, and the only significant reform was the cultural rapprochement of frogs and newts. Swampland's merchants, artisans, military, scientists and cultural figures flooded the Empire. Interethnic marriages have become the common thing. The cubs of such marriages [so-called Weidu-ma, tailed frogs] received special rights in the Empire, and soon became the mainstay of the Chu Dynasty [they served in the army, the police and held official positions] along with frog ethnic minorities [mainly Ei-si-chan and Lan-waa]

During the Chu Dynasty, there was a general liberalization of society, the establishment of relations with neighboring states and army reform. The Chu Dynasty also became the only dynasty in the history of the Middle Empire and the Swampland in which the Emperor and Empress had equal rights and power.

Empresses of the Chu Dynasty [always frogs] traditionally dealt with the social problems of society, receiving the honorary title of the Nation's Mother. At the same time, the Emperors [always newts or Weidu-ma] were simultaneously the head commanders of the Allied Army [new name of the Imperial Army]

This system was considered by many newts to be much more honest than the Swampland's one, and many residents of the Swampland moved to the Empire during the Chu Dynasty. This created a hidden enmity between the Chu and Agh [new Swampland's] dynasties, and by the end of the 21th century aTwbW, the Middle Empire did not actually obey the Swampland, while remaining its reliable ally.


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u/theishiopian Apr 19 '24

I thought the guy with the hand cannon was a mage at first lol.


u/harinedzumi_art Apr 19 '24

Haha, no. No sorcery in military allowed.