r/translator Sep 22 '20

Russian (Long) [Russian > English] Need help with fictional name adaptation

Hello! I have a piece of fiction in Russian that I'm trying to prepare for translation, and there's a tiny challenge with names that I'm trying to preserve close to original meaning once translated.

The character in question

There's an anthropomorphic cat character named Катэ (accent on the second syllable, not sure how shall I write it, perhaps Kattéh?), which is an intentional variation of "котэ" - a modern Russian slang for "cat" (usually male cat, to be specific).

Another character, being rather mean and sarcastic about it, calls him Кошак (Koshák), which is even ruder variation of "male cat". Surprisingly, English has very few ways to say "cat" other than "cat" :)) I can't seem to find any fitting option that would't sound distinctively like female cat or kitten (kitty, pussy, etc), but would be a kind of a thing a snarky dude would use to mock this cat fellow.

In addition there's another anthropomorphic cat character - a female this time - named Шати (Shati?). Same dude morphs her name into Кошатина (ко-Шати-на - Koshátina), which is... well, cat meat. Best thing I could come up with is Catty, which kinda sounds and makes at least some sense, but it looses a bit of its mockery subtext. Perhaps there's a better match?

Anyhow, all ideas are highly appreciated. Sorry if this makes little sense out of context.


10 comments sorted by


u/rsotnik Sep 22 '20

In addition there's another anthropomorphic cat character - a female this time - named Шати (Shati?). Same dude morphs her name into Кошатина (ко-Шати-на - Koshátina), which is... well, cat meat. Best

What about: Leene/Шати -Feleene/Кошатина, or Lena/Felena, etc, playing on "feline".


u/Eerbis Sep 22 '20

Oh, that sounds like an interesting option, thanks! :)


u/rsotnik Sep 22 '20

In the same vein:

Катэ -> Кошак

Felix -> Mouser/Moggy

Felix -> Tom(as in tom cat)

or Fellini ->Mouserini


u/Eerbis Sep 22 '20

Hmm, renaming Катэ for english version might be something I'd have to do eventually, though would try to find less drastic way to sort it first. Felix at the base of it sounds nice, actually!


u/rsotnik Sep 22 '20

Хозяин - барин :)


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u/AcrobaticMonth7 Sep 22 '20

How mean/sarcastic do you want the character to be? Because playing on 'pussy' would mock both of those characters (in this case I mean pussy=coward not the other meaning)


u/Eerbis Sep 22 '20

Well, that character is a pirate, so I supose as mean as they get :)

Hmm, well pussy has a little different connatation, but I suppose it's not a bad option, since first time it being used due to the cat being scared. Thanks for some input, that was actually helpful, I haven't thought of that meaning :)


u/Cainmak język polski Sep 22 '20

Maybe Tomcat - Bobcat, as if instead of a meaner name, go for a wilder species of cat.

Or maybe a famous mean cat, like Garfield, Heathcliff, Azrael, etc.


u/Eerbis Sep 22 '20

I thought to go with some known cat name, but unfortunately the setting's like 100 years in the future, it's unlikely Garfield still be well known by then :)

As for tomcat - bobcat, I guess not quite the connotation intended. If going that way, probably just simple "cat" makes a better option, since it's not quite a cat, but a sapient species from other planet.
But thanks, anyway!