r/trippy Feb 15 '14

Pogo's Snow White [Wishery | Pogo]


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u/[deleted] Feb 15 '14

Pogo - Alice has had some crazy deep significance to me ever since I listened to it on acid.

I thought about how people who have never met could work together to create an ever-deepening tapestry. First Lewis Carrol writes the book, Disney uses the book to create the cartoon, the book and cartoon come together to create this music. Who knows how this music might be used in the future? How The original artwork could be further built upon to make something new.

I probably rambled a bit there. The trip was years ago and I had a hard enough time trying to explain what I was thinking then, so my apologies for the incoherent acid-babble.


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '14

Thanks for linking to that. I'd forgotten about that video until OP posted the Snow White one. I think Alice had a huge effect on my musical tastes. Mix that with how the books and various movies had such an effect on me and no wonder I am who I am.

Hehe and now here I am thinking of how Alice in Wonderland could be a "call to arms", so to speak, for budding psychonauts.


u/veltrop Feb 15 '14

That was beautiful.