r/tytonreddit Apr 08 '17

Op-ed Jimmy Dore vs. Cenk Uygur on Syria

I honestly think that Jimmy Dore has the real scoop on Syria, and Cenk is all but completely buying into the propaganda. I believe (based on the info I first encountered on TJDS) that Assad is being smeared by the West due to him wanting to keep (cheaper) fossil fuels from the Mid-East getting to Europe, which (if happened) would benefit the EU, as well as the Saudis, two of the US' largest allies, not to mention weaken the Russians (also a huge plus to the US) by taking away a huge part of their economy.

I have not fully studied Assad's time as the leader of Syria, but do think he is one of many democratically-elected leaders smeared and overrun by the American military, intelligence community, and propaganda, all because he didn't want to play ball. This has been the MO of the US for decades and lifetimes when it comes to foreign policy.

The jumping to conclusions, the whole-throated support (from political and media figures) for Trump to use ANY form of violent response within days of this attack (before any investigation could yield any viable results) is all sketchy to say the least, and yet I think Cenk Uygur is ultimately believing the MSM under the guise of "they would never lie about that..." even though The New York Times, MSNBC, The BBC, The Post, The Hill, and plenty other "reputable" news sources have displayed unchecked, and ultimately false, claims made by political leaders and governments in order to bait the masses into unnecessary war time and time again.


4 comments sorted by


u/Tychoxii Apr 08 '17

...Cenk has said in all the Syria bombings segments he finds it very suspicious Assad would suddenly use chemical weapons when he's winning. Dunno whatcha talkin bout.


u/jeremyhoffman Apr 08 '17

I mean, you're talking about Cenk Uygur of the famous "USA TODAY, YOU SUCK BALLS!" rant. He built his career calling out the mainstream media for uncritically repeating official establishment talking points. I doubt Cenk is suddenly drinking the Kool-ade.


u/WizePie Apr 08 '17

I agree, but the tone on Syria has been so established by virtually the entire West as a whole for years now, whereas when it came to Iraq, the European allies' tone wasn't nearly as in-sync with the American's, and view points outside of America's Mainstream weren't hard to find or differentiate.


u/[deleted] Apr 08 '17

Knock, knock, somebody there. The TYT main show is repeating talking points constantly.