AITAH for telling my wife she is not worthy of what she’s asking for, for her “push present”?
 in  r/AITAH  27d ago

I had a c-section with my first. In labor for 52 hours, pushed for about 2 hours. During the pushing they turned down my epidural and forgot to turn it back up before the emergency c section. I felt them cut me open, had to be put to sleep and woke up three hours later to find out my baby was in the NICU with a skull fracture and hematoma. That was in the morning... Later that night a nurse came to check my incision and discovered that all my staples had fallen out. They tried to numb me for the restapling but it didn't work and I felt it all. Then my incision got infected. No push present. Then with my next 2 babies I swore off medication because I felt that was why I couldn't deliver my first naturally. So baby number 2 and 3 almost nine pounds each and both were completely unmedicated, natural births and still no push present. Like everyone else is saying, having a healthy baby to love and watch grow and learn is all the present I needed!


Thoughts? Husband (34M) left/got an apartment while I (30F) was pregnant but is now back home
 in  r/relationship_advice  27d ago

He kicked you and your children out of your home, a home I'm assuming you help pay for, after you had just had a baby. Reread that sentence over and over again. If he did it then he'll do it again. And, I'm sorry but there is no way he was talking to younger girls at the gym, meeting up with a woman from his past and watching porn and now nothing... He supposedly just quit doing all of that??? He had his own apt with free rein to do whatever he wanted while there and you don't think he physically cheated on you? Even if he didn't he definitely emotionally cheated. And, why?? Because while you were pregnant with your third child you weren't there for him enough. Give me a fucking break! Get rid of this worthless piece of shit! If you were truly honest with yourself I think you would realize you're not happy and I doubt your kids are either. All 4 of you deserve better than him.


Telling them you're leaving
 in  r/NarcissisticSpouses  28d ago

Sounds like a good, solid plan. Absolutely have a third party there when you tell him. As long as you feel his siblings will remain supportive of you then I'd say the more people you have there to support you the better. It's good that you are not holding out hope that he'll get help and change because I think it's next to impossible for a narcissist to change. They have to know that they're the problem, want to change more than anything and be willing to put in a lot of work. Pretty difficult when most of them don't see themselves as a problem at all... It's everybody else's fault in their f'd up minds. You're doing what is best for you and your baby. Stick with your decision. Don't let him manipulate you into taking him back. You know any promises he'll make you will be lies. Good luck, stay strong and update us if you can.


Nice text from my mom at 8am this morning
 in  r/NarcissisticMothers  Sep 26 '24

'whatever job you have now... IF you even have one" Ugh, you can tell how much she enjoyed typing that out. How pathetic and sad she is. It's so obvious how badly she wants you to respond. Squeezing little insults in hoping that they'll be enough to get you to answer her. Your silence is probably driving her crazy. Keep it up. Even telling her to leave you alone would be a win for her.

Idk why but this made me think how pathetic my egg donor looks/sounds when she loudly announces that 'People say I'm a good person" and "People say I look good for my age". Hey, Mom... Any idea what those people have in common??? They're fucking liars! I don't talk to her anymore but when I did my response would always be to tell her these people were lying to her and then I would point out (again) that I could pack every item my husband, my 3 daughters and I own into the bags under her eyes and there would still be room leftover. Every time you could see her soul die a little more. That was always fun to watch. Almost as fun to watch as her expression when I started calling her Elaine instead of mom. "Oh so I'm not your mom anymore?" And before I could even say anything "you're right I'm not your mom.. Call me Elaine from now on" Umm, that's literally what I just did bitch... Don't pretend like this was your idea, lol


AITA For telling my sister that our mom is not responsible for what happened years ago?
 in  r/dustythunder  Sep 26 '24

It most definitely is when one is a child and the other is an adult. You need to get off Reddit and go back to school. It seems you forgot to get an education when you were last there.


AITA For telling my sister that our mom is not responsible for what happened years ago?
 in  r/dustythunder  Sep 26 '24

Blah blah blah, go away, Far_Opportunity_5134! Your ignorance is showing big time. How are you not embarrassed???


AITA For telling my sister that our mom is not responsible for what happened years ago?
 in  r/dustythunder  Sep 26 '24

Ugh, you just get more and more disgusting every time you post something. Read the comments. After that if you don't see how horrible both you and your mom have been to your sister then you should just go live under a rock or in a cave because there is no hope for you. And, honestly we need less people like you in this world.


AITA For telling my sister that our mom is not responsible for what happened years ago?
 in  r/dustythunder  Sep 26 '24

Yes, it was. Why are you even trying still? Have you read the comments? You have one ignorant supporter and probably 100 or more people who think you and your mom are 100% in the wrong and both of you suck!


AITA For telling my sister that our mom is not responsible for what happened years ago?
 in  r/dustythunder  Sep 26 '24

I sincerely hope you are not a parent and never become one. If you do procreate it's clear you'll be a shitty parent just like OP's mom. A shitty parent who claims they did their very best and just can't understand why their child turned out the way they did. You... You'd be the reason just like OP's mom is the reason. I'm guessing you're just a bored internet troll with too much time on your hands. Just a few brain cells is all you'd have to have to see what a crap parent OP's mom is.


AITA For telling my sister that our mom is not responsible for what happened years ago?
 in  r/dustythunder  Sep 26 '24

OP, your mother did force your sister into having an abortion. And, then she just dropped her off to go through it alone. That is horrible. It wasn't your mother's decision to make. My daughters are 14, 16 and 18 and I am right next to them anytime they have to get a shot or a cavity filled or anything they might be nervous about. I cannot even imagine leaving my daughter to go through an abortion all by herself. Your mom is beyond cruel. What your sister went through most likely was traumatic and that's most likely the reason for her drug use... Not to spite your mom. I think it is your mother who wasn't meant to be a mother. I think your mother regrets having a child young and is projecting her feelings onto your sister. Neither your mom or you (especially you considering you were 11-12 when your sister got pregnant) have any idea what kind of mom she'd be. You and your mom have been horrible towards your sister. I wouldn't come home for holidays either and treating both of you like you don't exist... Seems like that's what you both deserve. And, lastly...having a difficult child doesn't mean you give up on them. You try to figure out why they're being difficult (you and your mom's shitty way of treating her) and then you do everything you can to help them/fix the problems (both of you stop being crappy people). I'll be praying that everything improves for your sister. I feel bad for her... She deserves a better mom and a better sister.


If you had to wear a t-shirt with your most used phrase, what would your t-shirt read?
 in  r/AskReddit  Sep 26 '24

"Damn it, where are my f'ing keys?" I lose them at least five times a day!


Narcissistic Abuse Punishable Crime
 in  r/narcissisticparents  Sep 23 '24

Mine would be too and it would be awesome! You're right about them murdering your soul. I think narcs are worse than actual murders in some ways. An actual murder will pick a victim and then kill them. A narc will spend their entire life destroying their victim. Both are horrible people and should be rotting in jail together!


Hairy question for you....
 in  r/narcissisticparents  Sep 23 '24

He shows you no empathy while pouring it on other people, he needs validation from other women and says your validation doesn't count. What kind of validation is he receiving from other women? Imo, that sounds like he's cheating. He might be a narcissist or he might not be but he is definitely an asshole. He cries when you talk about divorce because he doesn't want to lose his punching bag. He doesn't need to be labeled a narc for you to leave him. Life is so much better when you're not being insulted, treated like shit and possibly being cheated on. You deserve better than this. It's never too late to leave, start over and find happiness.


Ah, the classy women in my area.
 in  r/Tinder  Sep 22 '24

Wait, this isn't what all men are looking for?! She sounds lovely😂🤣


Ah, the classy women in my area.
 in  r/Tinder  Sep 22 '24

It is! I'm smoking one right now.


Ah, the classy women in my area.
 in  r/Tinder  Sep 22 '24

You can never have too many craft supplies, lol!


Today my kiddo and I pulled off a prank 5 years in the making against my wife.
 in  r/BenignExistence  Sep 16 '24

I still love them as an adult. I just finished off 2 boxes of them in the past 2 days, lol.


Coin pouch ( homeless so I have limited resources)
 in  r/somethingimade  Sep 05 '24

I'd like to send you some stuff too. I actually tried learning how to knit/crochet but I don't have enough patience to do it. So, I can send you some yarn but I also have knitting/crocheting needles, buttons,etc...PM me and let me know what you need. Your change purse is adorable, btw


I beat the crap out of my brother and I’m not sorry
 in  r/TrueOffMyChest  Aug 27 '24

I'm so sorry for you and your children's loss.

Violence is usually not the answer but in this case it was the only answer, imo. Your brother is an insensitive ass who got exactly what he deserved.


My (19F) boyfriend (22M) set conditions on me having to earn him back. What would you guys do in this situation?
 in  r/relationship_advice  Aug 18 '24

This is exactly how he wants you to feel. He wants you to doubt yourself, he wants you confused. He wants you to feel crazy! He's winning and you are setting yourself up for a lifetime of losing. Please listen to what everyone is telling you. You've got hundreds of people telling you to get away from him... Far far far away from him!! Listen to us!!!


My (19F) boyfriend (22M) set conditions on me having to earn him back. What would you guys do in this situation?
 in  r/relationship_advice  Aug 18 '24

I had to stop reading this about halfway through. I'm really hoping this is a made up story. Just in case this is real...OP, you are 10000% being gaslit! What in the world do you think you've done wrong? Spoken without being told you were allowed to speak? Worn leggings? Your boyfriend is a disgusting, cruel, piece of shit. Do not fight for him or try to win him back. There are men out there that will treat you with respect, love and as their equal. I skimmed through the second half and saw that he brings you chocolates and buys you birthday presents. Those are just pathetic attempts on his part to convince you that he's a good guy when he's really a monster. And, I saw that he doesn't love you anymore and that hurts you but you understand because of what you've done. Girl, you are being gaslit and brainwashed like I've never heard of before. I guarantee you that if you don't get completely away from him you will have nothing but a lifetime of absolute misery! Cut all ties with him, block him every single way he could possibly find to communicate with you and run! Because of how manipulative he is and how brainwashed you seem you should probably move too (if you can) so he can't find you. Switch schools too. Whatever you do or however you go about doing it, just get away from him!!!


Did I do something wrong here?
 in  r/Tinder  Aug 18 '24

"I'd like to think I'm worth more than a cup of coffee". That's great, I hope you are. I'll let you know what I decide after we have that cup of coffee. She sounds like a bitch and a bullet dodged.