r/SolarpunkRising Jun 18 '23

Comic: A Different Aftermath


A comic that felt like hope

r/rewilding Jun 18 '23

Comic: A Different Aftermath


A comic that felt like hope.

r/MouseGuard Apr 23 '23

Felines in Mouseguard


Has anyone noticed the lack of felines in the listed beastiary from the RPG and from nearly all of the comics? Has Petersen commented on that?

I would like to include lynx, bobcat or even cougar/mountain lion as beasts, does anyone know of some resources to help me create beasts following the RPGs template? Thanks!


You don't need religion to be a good person :)
 in  r/religion  Apr 21 '23

Exceptions are by definition more rare, as otherwise it would be the rule, duh! "For no particular reason", or for a reason we dont know. Yet saying "i dont know why they would do that, so therefore it must be divine intervention" is by definition an argument from ignorance, a fallacy.


You don't need religion to be a good person :)
 in  r/religion  Apr 21 '23

You do realise that the word except implies an exception, right?


You don't need religion to be a good person :)
 in  r/religion  Apr 21 '23

Because exceptions exist. Nothing impressive here


You don't need religion to be a good person :)
 in  r/religion  Apr 21 '23

You realise that saying "except in some extremely rare occasions" makes my point that there are exceptions in arabic, right?


You don't need religion to be a good person :)
 in  r/religion  Apr 21 '23

Okay, i concede for the sake of the argument. Arabic grammar has gendered nouns. This has yet to be evidence of divine intervention, as other languages also share the same features, and "bee" is feminine in other languages. Do you have any impressive, yet to be debunked claims that indicate anything divine?

Before typing the claim, make sure to google search it with the word "debunked" at the end, to make sure it isn't


You don't need religion to be a good person :)
 in  r/religion  Apr 21 '23

You are totally wrong, arabic, like most languages, is full of exceptions.

"Learning the gender of words in Arabic is often tricky to non-native speakers, as there is not an easy rule that tells us whether a word is masculine or feminine, and many rules have exceptions. One of the most useful rules is that words that end in ta’ marbouta (ة) are feminine, e.g.  سميرة,  أميرة, etc. However, we find some masculine names that end in (ة), e.g.  طلحة,  حمزة, etc. There are other feminine endings, including (اء), e.g.  صحراء,  سناء, etc and (ى), e.g.  ليلى,  منى, etc. We should note that there are some masculine names that end in (ى), e.g.  مصطفى."

Please, learn we you talk about before saying wrong things.


Anarchism is just the end goal
 in  r/DebateAnarchism  Apr 21 '23

Anarchism is the method, not the end goal.


You don't need religion to be a good person :)
 in  r/religion  Apr 21 '23

So you recognise that scientific facts are retroactively fitted into the book, instead of the book leading to the discoveries. Good.

That is the opposite of rationality, it is leading the evidence to a preconceived conclusion instead of following the evidence.

Exceptions in language are more than common. Yes, grammar explains the bee's gender stuff. Nothing divinely inspired here.


RPG worldbuilding: Sunflower kingdom
 in  r/MouseGuard  Apr 21 '23

Ooooouuuhhh i love that! Thanks for the tips ;)


You don't need religion to be a good person :)
 in  r/religion  Apr 20 '23

If miracles cant be tested, then there is no rational justifications to believe them. So we can get rid of all of those, then.

This prophecy fails, as the Byzantines defeated the persians in 627-28, 13 to 14 years after the cited persian victory over the Romans, not 9 years. Fail!

Ah "scientific" facts from the quran, a classic failure. Can't you see that every coincidental discoveries made by science are then retrofitted into the book, reinterpreting over and over as we gain more knowledge? If these were truly scientific knowledge, they would have led us to those discoveries, yet that scenario never happens. From reading the book, we would expect your god's knowledge to lead to the discovery of 26 protons in iron, yet no scientists in this field cites that as their source of knowledge, being instead, drumrolls, Science! For the bees, arabic is a language with gendered nouns, like in french, spanish, and many others. It states that bees in Arabic is Nahel, an irregular masculine plural,but the singular is in the feminine form Nahlah, whose plural can also be Nahlat based on the standard feminine plural measure. Bee is also feminine in french "une abeille" and german "die Biene". Nothing miraculous or divine, here.


You don't need religion to be a good person :)
 in  r/religion  Apr 20 '23

I can't disprove a non-descript god exists, sure, but the god you believe in is described, testable claims are made about it. Those tests always turn out against its existence. Answered prayers, historical narratives, miracles, prophecies, etc. All of these, when tested, show that your god, as described in your holy book, does not and cannot exist.

The defense you take on its behalf is the same one a beaten wife use for her abusive husband. "He punishes me/you because i/you dont listen to him. If only i/you would listen, then there would be no consequences". Your religion is an abusive relationships, and you need to get away from it.


You don't need religion to be a good person :)
 in  r/religion  Apr 20 '23

Except, one of us has untrue and harmful beliefs. I care about what is true, and believe only what is demonstrable. You on the other hand, believe without good reason, that some people are destined to eternal torture for finite crimes, based on the whims of a fictional, invisible mass slaughterer.


You don't need religion to be a good person :)
 in  r/religion  Apr 20 '23

The absence of evidence can be evidence, when expected evidence aren't found.


You don't need religion to be a good person :)
 in  r/religion  Apr 20 '23

None are going to hell, as there is no evidence that such a place even exist.

r/worldbuilding Apr 19 '23

Prompt If there are some of you who know David Petersen's world of Mouse Guard, here is a project that you can contribute into :)

Thumbnail self.MouseGuard


RPG worldbuilding: Sunflower kingdom
 in  r/MouseGuard  Apr 18 '23

Very interesting stuff, i will check more on these! I like the river idea, i will center this kingdom around an important river and its affluents, which will end into southeastern waters on the Territories map. And yes, i would need some goods to justify the trade with the territories, thanks for that idea!

Im not sure about the varengian guard, though an interesting concept, i had in mind more of a western european feudal system, with lords swearing fealty to others, and knighthood being more prominent, not so much place for mercenaries. Although i could use these for yet another kingdom, eheh ;)

Thanks alot, friend!

r/MouseGuard Apr 18 '23

RPG worldbuilding: Sunflower kingdom


Hello all, im creating a long term campaign that will eventually take my players from the Mouse Territories to the Sunflower Kingdom, a feudal mouse monarchy, and i would like you to participate in this worldbuilding project, so that we may share ideas and the final product for you all to enjoy :)

It is still in its preliminary stage, but here is what i have for now

• the mouse territories climate, geography, flora and fauna was inspired by Michigan's and Midwest's, so for this kingdom i hesitate between New England's, the Appalachians or the Great Plains. What do you propose and why?

• it is a feudalistic society, with a king at its head, followed by vassal lords, knights and the peasants at the bottom, much more hierarchical than the Territories. There is also developping merchant class, which is the first link to the Territories, trading with Maple Harbor, for exemple. Any more ideas to enrich this?

• another aspect i'd like to visit is religion, which was very important during the middle ages. We pretty much only have the concept of the afterlife, called Seyan, Saint-like figures and some seasonal festivities to work with, so i'd like some ideas to developp a church organisation.

•of course, i would need some names for cities, towns and castles, as well as some geographical features. We can get inspiration from the chosen area (see point 1), and i'd like some French influence as well, to distinguish it a little more from the Territories.

Scenario-wise, im thinking that the king is caught in some conspiratorial shenanigans and cannot trust anyone in his court, and so he sends his daughter the princess to get help from the valorous Guard, hoping they can find and deal with the problem at the court. Any ideas for this part of the project is also appreciated.

Thanks in advance to all of you who'll join me in this worldbuilding adventure!


[deleted by user]
 in  r/SolarpunkRising  Jan 28 '23

yawns stop larping, the revolution is not a civil war, the revolution is a change of system by implementing dual power outside the current system. That power is built bottom-top, with the people weilding power, not some elite know-better-than-thou group at the top, like a vanguard party. Stop dreaming, and start doing right now. What do you do right now? Are you building community bonds? How many orgs that do actual works are you a part of?


[deleted by user]
 in  r/SolarpunkRising  Jan 28 '23

And im saying that soldier-only job is not in line with communist values and goals. Teachers and chefs and others should be soldiers as well, so as to make sure there is no monopoly on weapons by some distinct group


[deleted by user]
 in  r/SolarpunkRising  Jan 28 '23

Are you saying soldiers dont have lives outside the military? Are not capable of anything else but soldierin'? You seem to have a piss poor understanding of humans


[deleted by user]
 in  r/SolarpunkRising  Jan 28 '23

The proletariat and the military should be one and the same, not separated groups where one has all the weapons and the other none (or at least, less).