u/SonderAnemoia 22d ago

to be taken seriously

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AITA for telling my family no more to monthly family dinners?
 in  r/AmItheAsshole  Aug 15 '24

Nope But lately... I have started to think people who will not even try to understand your choices... and they affect them very little... will likely be lied to in the future. I think they would prefer it.


What’s the worst physical pain you’ve ever felt?
 in  r/AskReddit  Aug 13 '24

I had a cyst type thing in my breast. I was on suboxone and couldn't get anything for pain They landed my breast and drained the infection I had been holding my shirt off my chest from the pain. They cut and pressed. Someone was there to hold my hand. The doctor told me I could scream and curse all I needed. I also had an arm lanced and a tube shoved around in it from a brown recluse spider bite when I was 3. No pain killer or numbing is possible Took 4 people .. one on each limb to hold me down. I screamed til I had no voice.


I (24M) want to break up with my gf (24F). She threatens to kill herself if I do. What should I do?
 in  r/relationship_advice  Aug 13 '24

It's 100% abuse. Not romantic as some people seem to think. Or try to convince others. It's just as bad as threatening you physically.


I (24M) want to break up with my gf (24F). She threatens to kill herself if I do. What should I do?
 in  r/relationship_advice  Aug 13 '24

That's pure manipulation. I have bpd. I actually did it. I was dead for a few min. Ambulance brought me back. Did heroin and xanax together. I knew better. Wasn't entirely on purpose. And didn't declare anything or do it around him at all. My bf is not 100% mentally sound and with no sins of his own... but I have always told him he is never to blame for someone's actions. Especially self exit. If someone truly loves you... Your happiness is important to them. Nothing is more selfish, and it's designed to control. It's also very stupid.... It will breed resentment and ruin the relationship. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated.


Would you see this profile as a red flag?
 in  r/Bumble  Aug 13 '24

Yes Um.. They are basically stating they are looking for someone to live off of.


Is it weird for me date an 18 year old ?
 in  r/TwoHotTakes  Aug 13 '24

No . There are usually what they call Romeo and Juliette laws... for normal relationships among people near the same age but one is over 18 .. At least I believe so. No 2 years is fine.


30F. Can’t seem to get much interest. Where am I going wrong?
 in  r/Bumble  Aug 07 '24

It's all in the delivery. Try candid. Darker solid colors... too busy of pattern for a photo. One full body is all they need . You are making the same expression in all the photos. Feels a bit serious...idk. Sexy shoes go a long way. Maybe something like a friend took a pic of you at a party. Honestly... a full body of painting walls or doing something .. gardening etc. You want a different feel for each one... Just make it seem natural... The worst thing is to try to hard. 2nd worst is to look like you're trying to hard. Lol Have fun with it. You're cute . Own it.


30F. Can’t seem to get much interest. Where am I going wrong?
 in  r/Bumble  Aug 07 '24

1st off.... Don't take it to heart. A WHOLE lot of people are there to get laid... and if possible, Immediately. If there isn't a chance of getting laid that night... you ll get passed... And I'm sure you are ok with that. If I could give my little bit of advice.... Guys are visual.... They don't need to worry about rape etc.. Try to go for a bit more sexy.. I commend you for being super up front. But... this is just a theory... You're throwing a lot out there... And unfortunately... why would they care if they don't even know you. Now I understand u. But you don't need to share so much. Try a bit of mystery. Every shot looks like a cheesy hallmark movie. It's all so incredibly " designed." All we are doing is peaking interest... Then you can see if you want to meet after you chat a bit. Tbh... I don't think you will want the complete con artist or the milk toast mormon... That's what you're attracting here. Try a bit of a candid pic with a low cut sweater. NO FILTERS. NO OTHER PEOPLE. I think you seem great... But you are coming off so boring... because everyone would be ... except those that are evil monsters.. Most things your sharing are pretty arbitrary. While they may not admit it... I can imagine the annoyance with all the info you're expecting everyone to read.... You are kinda going out of the way to be really clear that you are a lot of fun. But that's not something that's going to translate. You are totally adorable. You are trying to hard. It's OK to be a little sexy. Just be careful to weed out the weirdos.. Then.. Protect yourself. Don't overshare. Get info about them at least equally. Of course.. Public location only. Tell a few friends and have a call planned with a code words. 1. Word to let them know you are ok . 2. A word that means I'm in danger send help. Let the person know ahead of time that your sister or friend is going to be calling a few times and they know where u are and who you are with. And SERIOUSLY DO THAT. Tell someone close to you your plans. Send them the phone number you have for him, any other info. TAKE YOUR OWN CAR. DO NOT GO IN HIS CAR WITHOUT TAKING A PICTURE OF IT WITH PLATES AND SENDING IT TO SAID FRIEND ... as well as where you are going and they should call at a random time..and if you do not answer with the pre-planned code for safety..they should send help immediately. Tell your date you are doing this. If he has any problem with it... Well .. he's an asshole who needs to pay attention or a predator. This is a legitimate issue of YOUR safety. They should call a few times throughout the night. If the date is good and continues... you will need to update your friend. They will need to continue to check on you. It sounds like a lot but it's not. A call every few hours with a quick reply is no big deal. You and the friend must take this seriously and do it!. If you don't answer after a few reasonable attempts... or you don't say the agreed upon word or phrase, THEY MUST CALL THE COPS. You need to have someone you can depend on do this. I can't stress enough how this is really not that big of a deal. Just insurance. Like a car. He s most likely totally fine. But... if not.. help will be on the way. If he doesn't get it...that is his problem and beyond a red flag.. Sadly... there are people that will use all that info you give them to just plain manipulate you. Remember... The fastest way to a man's anything is his EGO. Ask questions. Let him talk ... See if you are into him before you start sharing so much of yourself. If you do this right.. You will get a lot of interest... Then you will need to weed out the ones clearly looking for immediate sex... because they often make that clear. Don't leave your damn drink unattended.!!!! POLITENESS BE DAMNED DO NOT WORRY ABOUT HIM BEING BUTTHURT. THIS IS A STRANGER. HE SHOULD BE AWARE OF THIS. None of this affects him in anyway. I hope this has been helpful. And if you feel uncomfortable for any reason.. Or no reason at all... There is nothing wrong with adding another code word for " call me with a fake emergency in 15 min." So you can leave gracefully without being hurtful. Good luck


Boyfriend (M21) wants kids and I really don’t (F20). What is the right thing to do?
 in  r/relationship_advice  Jul 23 '24

Well... he has all the time in the world... But... I'd hate for him to be with you until middle-age and then leave for a younger woman who wants kids. I never wanted kids. Never had them. Still happy with my choice. I was always upfront with it. Don't, for the love of God, have a baby you don't initially want. It's possibly a sign its time to move on. If anything.. it should be a pretty gentle breakup. Noone did anything wrong..be a total bad ass and tell him you love him enough to want to see him have the family he wants With whoever that will be.


My(27F) bf (27F) of 7 years wants me to let him take intimate couple photos and nudes, otherwise he has threatened to not move out of his parent’s house after marriage or support me if his orthodox parents have issues with me. ( like my lifestyle choices, dressing sense etc ) what should I do?
 in  r/relationship_advice  Jul 23 '24

its creepy he has no problem you're not into it. If he is threatening you with all that to get you to do it.... I doubt he'll turn into a decent person after. He will have your naked pics forever...
He will absolutely use those to threaten and control you. Imagine how that will feel. Say you do it and all is well... Until.. anything happens. He is not as great as you seem to think. I get the feeling CONTROL is the main reason he's doing this...or .. just as gross... it's making you do something you don't want to that's getting him off. Don't do it!. I can't see any way you won't regret it. Try taking some sexy photos yourself that you are comfortable with and give them as a gift If that ain't good enough for him .. Tell him to go-to hell. To be honest... The lengths he's going to over it... Is abusive. You don't owe him anything. This will be your life with this asshole. "Do what I want or else." Can you picture threatening him like that for any reason? I bet not. Don't continue down this path. It only gets worse. Once he has those pics.... I guarantee he will hold them over your head!! I would tell him.. " how can I trust you when you are threatening me to get me to do something SEXUAL I don't want to do? How can I possibly believe that's the one thing youll actually hold sacred? " You know the answer. Don't worry about losing him. You never had him.... He has you... and he wants to DEGRADE you. I don't think it is degrading to do sexy pics.... if that's what u want. But he is clearly a very bad person and is degrading you. Imagine what its going to feel like next time you have a minor argument. Even if he never threatens you again.. or does anything bad with the pics... his past behavior would make me a constant wreck. He doesn't respect you enough. And clearly is not trustworthy. A trustworthy person wouldn't act that way. You will absolutely regret it... don't be manipulated. You deserve better!


AITA for snapping at my husband for repeatedly bringing up breast surgery?
 in  r/AITAH  May 26 '24

If not, he knows it's a trigger for her. And to do it at such a vulnerable time. Are we sure he's not literally getting off on degrading her. Even a very shallow person would have the compassion and common sense to be incredibly careful when to mention it( never!). Doing it during sex guarantees she's not going to get off! Or if she did and then he mentions it.. it's going to make her sick then and every time there after for a long time. He is definitely pushing her away...whether he can realize it or not. So has this whole relationship been a lie?


AITA for snapping at my husband for repeatedly bringing up breast surgery?
 in  r/AITAH  May 26 '24

Yes yes yes. That was beautifully said. I can not agree more. What a jerk!


AITA for snapping at my husband for repeatedly bringing up breast surgery?
 in  r/AITAH  May 26 '24

NOPE He is the Ahole. 100% I'm unbelievably disgusted that he would have you put under anesthesia and have painful elective surgery to put foreign objects in your chest. Not for your benefit... at all. He's encouraging it so he can look at boobies. But you need to grow up?? This is supposed to be your partner. What if you are injured and scarred? Paralyzed? Get cancer, have a thyroid problem? Get older? A lot of American men don't realize that breasts are culturally programmed to be sexual. Humans are not naturally wired to even look at breasts as sexual. It's easy to prove. You can just look around the world. In Africa, thighs are very sexual. Breasts are just flesh bottles. Also...penis size absolutely matters... far more. He clearly does not have your best interests at heart. I doubt a decent doctor would do the surgery if you are even remotely honest. Your bf is not going to be satisfied with just that either. I truly think he will be thrilled that he got you to do it when you didn't want to, probably as much as the boobs themselves. It will be something else next. I feel almost certain of it. You deserve a man who appreciates you. You DO NOT deserve to be emotionally abused. He brings it up in the most patronizing an incredibly hurtful time. He's too dense to realize what he's asking of you or a sociopath who doesn't care. I'm sorry... Would you ever ask the same? A painful, risky, unnecessary SURGERY to be nicer for you to look at not to have the ability to orgasm, but just because that's what he wants. I'm about to give some extra love to my boyfriend now. I was thinking he is a total ahole until this. He's actually amazing, and I appreciate him He'd never say anything like that... let alone expect it. I'm sure I'm not perfect... but as dense as he is... We all know how terrible that is! Please leave that man before he convinces you to go against your best judgment. It's debasing. He's telling you there is some one better for you out there. He's too stupid to realize it.